solved Respond to LoriPerez in 500 words:Sweden’s Criminal Justice SystemSweden is

Respond to LoriPerez in 500 words:Sweden’s Criminal Justice SystemSweden is doing something that has caught the attention of the world, it’s closing down their prison system. Sweden has taken a different approach to crime and punishment that has earned them the reputation of having the most progressive criminal justice system in the world. The progressive moves that the government has taken has resulted in having one of the lowest recidivism and incarceration rates in the world (Hedstrom, 2018). Lessons from Swedish criminal justice systems have been recognized from the 1960’s when they were hailed as penal reformers as a model of humaneness and modernity (Salomon, 1976). Country AnalysisSweden is a Scandinavian country approximately the size of California that is located in-between Finland and Norway. The Swedish population is just over 10 million, with 87% living in an urban area, which continues to grow (Sweden | History, Flag, Map, Population, & Facts, 2021). Sweden’s gross national product (GNP) is the highest in the world, as well as their taxes. Even though the taxes are extremely high, they do pay for educational, health care and child care cost for the Swedish people (Sweden | History, Flag, Map, Population, & Facts, 2021). United States Relationship with SwedenAccording to the United States Department of State, the relationship between the two countries are built upon a heritage that dates back to 1638 (“U.S. Relations With Sweden,” n.d.). Sweden was one of the first countries to recognize United States independence in 1783, and they continue to maintain a strong relationship by sharing leadership positions on the world stage in their commitment to peace process with violate countries and protecting human rights and equality of those throughout the world (“U.S. Relations With Sweden,” n.d.). Basic Government Structure and Criminal Justice SystemThe basis of the Swedish modern government can be traced back to the turn of the 18th century when the Parliament created a Constitution (Ortwein II, 2003). The Head of State, King Carl XVI Gustaf has a limited role within the government and serves over ceremonial functions. Parliament plays the most important role within the Swedish government as the legislative branch of the government with the Prime Minister as the leader of the government (Ortwein II, 2003). Sweden has a unique legal system with its roots in German/Romano civil law tradition and some common law tradition integrated throughout. In 1980, Parliament passed legislation limiting the amount of judiciary power to the courts, requiring them to redirect questions that might conflict with the constitution back to the Parliament (Ortwein II, 2003).The Judicial SystemThe system is comprised of Swedish Police, who have an investigative role, the Prosecution Authority and Swedish Economic Crime Authority, the Prison and Probation Service as well as the National Board of forensic Medicine and Swedish Customs (The Judicial System | The Swedish Police Authority, n.d.).One of the fundamental rights of the Swedish residents is to have their case considered by an impartial and independent court, similar to an American’s right of being assumed innocent until proven guilty. There are three types of courts within the Swedish court system. The general courts includes district court, court of appeals and supreme court, with the supreme court being the highest court of general jurisdiction (The Swedish Courts – Sveriges Domstolar, 2005). There is a division of power within the Swedish legal system, the courts and administrative powers share responsibility for enforcing legal rules laid out by the Parliament (Ortwein II, 2003). The Swedish court system is held up like a 3 legged stool with judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys, each holding an unique position within the criminal justice system. The prosecutors are responsible for investigating crimes, deciding to whether to prosecute crimes or not, and attending court (Hedstrom, 2018). Similar to the United States, the police and prosecutors must have a fluid relationship, grounded in trust and communication. Swedish Police AuthorityThe mission of the Swedish Police Authority is to reduce crime and increase public safety (The Swedish Police | The Swedish Police Authority, n.d.). The Swedish Police Authority is comprised of 95 local police districts, 25 Police Districts, 7 Police Regions, 1 Department of National Operations, 1 National Forensic Center, 5 National Departments, 1 Department of Special Investigation and the Office of National Police Commission. Each department or center is responsible certain police activity in a particular jurisdiction. Each year the police are supplemented with government appropriation directions, which outlines what the governments goals are for the year (The Swedish Police | The Swedish Police Authority, n.d.). As mentioned in the Swedish Police Authority mission, their primary goal is to reduce crime and increase public safety. This is accomplished through crime prevention, with the mission of reducing the amount of crimes committed as well as solving the crimes committed.Swedish Correctional SystemThe Swedish Correctional System is comprised of three divisions; the remand centers, prisons and noncustodial sanctions (Hedstrom, 2018). The remand centers are similar to jails in the United States, where they detain individuals who are awaiting trial or are suspected in a crime. The Act on Detention protects any individuals who are in the custody of the remand centers, that provides suspects certain rights regarding medical care and outside contact (Hedstrom, 2018). The remand centers have outreach staff for prisoners with drug problems, they keep the detainees busy with working and school, so there is not a feeling of isolation, which is one of the goals of the remand centers (Hedstrom, 2018). There are only 47 prisons in Sweden, with a population total of approximately 4,000 prisoners (Hedstrom, 2018). The prisons are broken up into three levels of security with the lowest level an open prison and the two other levels being closed (Hedstrom, 2018). The prisons pride themselves in reintegrating the prisoners back into the community, so rehabilitation is a big focus across all levels. Most all prison cells, including those in the high level prison, have their own bathroom, natural light from a window and a desk and chair. The Swedish and Probation Service stresses the importance of normalization of the offenders, by providing them a healthy environment to be in while incarcerated (Hedstrom, 2018). Effectiveness of Sweden’s Criminal Justice SystemIf you were to compare Sweden’s crime rate to that of the United States, it is evident that Sweden has a much lower rate crime rates compared to the United States, but one offense they struggle with is rape. Sweden has a much higher rate of rape offenses than any other European nation. In fact at one point they ranked number two in the world for the amount of rapes, twice that of United States (“Sweden’s Rape Rate under the Spotlight,” 2012). One justification for this large number might be explained by differing definitions of rape across the world, some are broader, and others more restrictive.Human Rights PerspectiveAccording to the United Nations, Sweden hails as a role model for human rights-based international aid and solidarity (OHCHR | UN Expert Hails Sweden as Role Model for Human Rights-Based International Aid and Solidarity, 2018). An Independent Expert believed that Sweden was advancing human rights-based international approach by addressing global issues such as climate change, the international refugee crises and setting exemplary role in gender equality and advancement of feminist foreign policy (OHCHR | UN Expert Hails Sweden as Role Model for Human Rights-Based International Aid and Solidarity, 2018).ReferencesHedstrom, J. (2018). The American and Swedish criminal justice system: A comparative study. East Tennessee State University.OHCHR | UN expert hails Sweden as role model for human rights-based international aid and solidarity. (2018).…Ortwein II, B. M. (2003). The Swedish Legal System: An Introduction. Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, 13(2), 405–446., R. A. (1976). Lessons from the Swedish Criminal Justice System: A Reappraisal. Federal Probation, 40, 40.Sweden | history, flag, map, population, & facts. (2021). Encyclopedia Britannica.’s rape rate under the spotlight. (2012, September 14). BBC News. Judicial System | The Swedish Police Authority. (n.d.). Polisen.Se. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from…The Swedish courts—Sveriges Domstolar. (2005, November 27). [Text]. Domstolsverket.…The Swedish Police | The Swedish Police Authority. (n.d.). Polisen.Se. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from…U.S. Relations With Sweden. (n.d.). United States Department of State. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from

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