solved Question 1 Some students think that they do not have

Question 1
Some students think that they do not have much of a culture at their organization. The truth is that every organization has a culture! Your organizational culture can be related to the way that employees dress, the way that they communicate, or even how they decorate their work environment.
An organizational culture is often formed through the many different people that make up the company. These diverse traits may be your race, ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, ability, etc. Take some time to think about your own cultural background and how this can add to your work culture. Share these cultural pieces with us in this Discussion. Try to not focus on just one aspect of yourself, but try to utilize as many cultural elements as possible. Also, address why culture is important in communication. How does your culture affect your communication with others in the workplace?
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
Student Reply 1:Nicoiya 
Hello Professor and class,
I have been blessed to experience an upbringing that fostered a model of “do unto others as you want done to you”. This thought process granted me the understanding of compassion. The ability to put myself in someone else’s shoes. By doing this, I am providing them the same courtesies I desire, such as being heard and understood. A few traits of my cultural background include possessing a melanin rich exterior. Growing up in Los Angeles, I was told that due to my melanin rich exterior, my interior became somehow inferior by purely being born this way. I was told that no one would want to marry me due to my complexion. I was told that I was not pretty due to my complexion and other undesirable unsolicited faulderal. This, was at times, disheartening to hear as a young child. However, it strengthened my sensitivity to the biases targeted at others for reasons they could not control. By being two cents richer every time I heard bias projections from others, I became closer to God. I began to realize I am whole and made wonderful just being who I am. This enhanced my confidence and overall unshakeable joy. This joy contributed to fearless approach to trying new things, believing in myself and encouraging others to follow their visions. This fearless broach to inclusivity regardless of the situation catapulted my career with my organization. The culture of my  organization is one of vast diversity and inclusion. My experiences enhanced my ability to embrace and identify with my organization’s culture. 
My father, in whom I inherited my rich melanin complexion, is a director for a prominent hospital. He holds no degree. What he does have is this incredible ability to keep moving forward. He sees every opportunity, seizes it and executes with jubilence and humor! I follow him. He taught me how to see the bright side and remain positive. My mother taught me how to fight and maintain composure in the midst of adversity. God teaches me how to be still, love, and feel for the sensitivity of those around me. I give the credit of my professional success to all of these teachings, cultural experiences and my obedience to follow them. 
I have been promoted three times in my organization in under four years with no degree. I have utilized the virtues of my cultural experience to open doors for me that my academic background could never do. I’m blessed to work for a company that appreciates my energy, voice and abilities.  Kreps (2019) states, “Strong culture organizations exert a great deal of influence over their members’ personal identities and behavior”, (p. 6.1). The organization I work for has not only embraced me, but I have wholeheartedly embraced the culture. They put their members and people first in all their decisions. The CEO visits all of the campuses to not just listen to everyone (all way to the janitorial service that is hired by contract), but they also incorporate new ideas that don’t just come from the higher ups. I’m thankful to be apart of such an organizational culture!
Kreps, G. L. (2019). Communication in organizations (2nd ed.). Bridgepoint Education.
Question 2:
For this multi-media assignment, watch the Tim Scudder Interview (Links to an external site.). Write a discussion response about a specific conflict you have experienced with someone else. Although preferred, the conflict does not have to be work-related. Discuss why the conflict was not handled effectively and what could have been done differently.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
Student Reply 2 Nicoiya 
Hello Professor and Class, 
Tim Scudder (2011) stated, “Conflict is about a threat to self worth”, (4:09). I experienced a conflict with a co-workers who originally presented herself as a friend. We worked in different departments. She was a supervisor and I was in a position one step lower than her when we first met. I always seek to find the good in a person. I didn’t see bad in her, but I felt something was off. Whenever we would speak after, she would look me over from my feet up. As if she was mentally dragging me down through judgement before she ever looked me in the eyes. I noticed it, but never addressed it. After a few meetings like this, I told my husband. My husband is a marine who can see through any and everyone. He told me she was jealous of me. I didn’t want to believe him. However, I could not shake the feeling that there was something about her I didn’t trust. A few months after, I was promoted to her department. Less than three months after that, I was offered a rotational supervisor position. I accepted. Which meant her and I were now working on the same team as equal peers. She began privately advising me not to talk to the other supervisors at other campuses. She would say they are messy and to always let her know what assignments I am working on. I did not follow her advice. I ended up befriended everyone at the other campuses as well as a few international peers. The teams I supervised loved me and began coming to me for he. 
After a while, I noticed she changed towards me. Then our manager (who is located in another state) began telling me that she was hearing things about me. In that virtual meeting with my manager, I was able to show her all of my work, provide data of my results and encouraged her to ask every manager on the floor who’s team I worked with about my presence. Come to find out, the young woman was spreading rumors about me to my manager and to the professionals I was coaching/supervising. This did upset me, but I did not get mad at her. Instead I invited her for coffee during lunch. During this coffee luncheon, I began asking her questions about herself. I approached her with a “let’s get to know each other better” vibe. I honestly do not remember much else about this conversation except for her statement that floored me. I was sharing some hypothetical story. In the story I was saying something about ” a new girl”. Even though the story was not about the “new girl”, while staring in the distance she abruptly shouted, “BUT YOU HAVE TO GET THE NEW GIRL! YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE NEW GIRL!”…. I maintained a calm contenance, but on the inside I said, “Oh. My. Gosh…I’m the new girl”. After that statement, I began to dig deeper. I found out that her childhood was not pleasant. She now carries this chip on her shoulder to where she always has to be the smartest one, the prettiest one, the best one. If she isn’t, she does what is required to get rid of the competition. After understanding that her ill intentions that I was picking up on were true, the fact is that were unconscious. She wired herself this way. I was the “threat to her self worth”. She went to what she knows. After that, I kept her close at arms length. However, I kept my distance when it came to the desires of my career goals. 
Next time I pick up on ill intentions, I will address them right then and there. By addressing them upfront, I can save a relationship and a reputation. 
PersonalStrengthsPub (2011, Mar 21). Have a Nice Conflict coauthor Tim Scudder Interview: “San Diego Living” 03/14/2011. . YouTube.  video
Question 3
Read the article entitled, How to deal with annoying co-workers (Links to an external site.) . Write a paper about your thoughts on this article. Additionally, in your paper, be sure to address the following:

Discuss an encounter you have had with one of the six types of annoying co-workers described in the article.
Analyze how you handled this particular annoying co-worker by indicating which communication methods were used.
Assess how you will handle a similar situation in the future using the advice given by the author of the article.

Please make sure to reference the article and at least one other article in your paper. This can be your textbook, one of the recommended articles, or another article that you have located.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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