solved For this assignment, answer the questions below regarding the assigned

For this assignment, answer the questions below regarding the assigned chapters in the reading & the journal. You should submit your assignment as one document making it clear where each section begins. You should have 4 sections listed: Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, and JournalThis assignment requires a minimum of 1500 words total (1200 words from the chapter reviews and 300 words from the journal assignment).To receive full credit, make sure to hit the minimum word count requested for each area.You should answer 2 questions from each chapter & one of the journal questions to meet the 1500 wordsWhen submitting, you should submit only the answers, not the questions.You can upload word docs or PDFs. Chapter 4: ResumesIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:How would you rate your previous knowledge or experience with resumes prior to reading this chapter? Do you feel more confident and comfortable now with the expectations, formatting, and content? What questions are you still left with regarding building a strong resume?In section 4.1, it states that a well-written resume should be able to do 7 specific things for you. How would you rate your current resume in terms of those 7 areas? Have you had a professional review your resume in the past? Were you previously aware of the resume review appointments available in our career center?In reviewing your resume, what relevant experience have you added that is helping you move toward your career goals? If you haven’t been able to add any yet, what are some ways you have learned about so far that can help you begin to build a resume tailored to a specific career area?What are the one or two jobs or accomplishments that you feel best highlight who you are and what you are capable of to prospective employers? Why those specifically?Take a look at the list of resume action verbs at this link. What are some of the verbs that should show up on your resume given some of your career goals? What is one of the bullet points off of your resume that you feel highlights your capabilities best?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 4. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to build and design resumes for the professional world?Chapter 5: Cover LettersIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:How would you rate your previous knowledge or experience with cover letters prior to reading this chapter? Do you feel more confident and comfortable now with the expectations, formatting, and content? What questions are you still left with regarding writing a strong cover letter?Review the area of weaknesses in section 5.1. What are some of your weaknesses and the ways that you are working on improving?Choose to write about one of the six exercises at the end of section 5.1 regarding cover letters and job descriptionsWhat has been your experience so far on LinkedIn? Is it something you are willing to consider as you begin to start building and networking? What are some of the aspects of your personality that are either encouraging you to consider it or not?What are your thoughts on section 5.3? How important do you think networking is and how willing are you to reach out? How has the process gone so far on your informational interview assignment?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 5. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to develop and write strong cover letters for jobs and careers that you care about?Chapter 6: ResearchIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:What are your thoughts on section 6.1? Where do you go to learn about the responsibilities of various jobs or careers? If you wanted to learn about the responsibilities or day-to-day tasks of a flight attendant, dental hygienist, or actuary, where would you go first?What are your thoughts on section 6.2? How would you describe your research strategy when it comes to careers, industries, or interview preparation?What are your thoughts on section 6.4 regarding informational interviews? Prior to this class, had you done any informational interviews in the past? After this class has ended, do you think that you will continue to talk to people in various fields about their careers and levels of career satisfaction?If you are interested in being a nurse, x-ray technician, or middle school teacher, how many people in those positions do you feel that you should interview to get a range of experiences? Why might it not be a good idea to interview only one?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 6. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to research various careers and industries?Journal Assignment: Answer one of the following in a minimum of 300 words:Option 1: Money ManagementHow much money do you need to be happy? In my life I have talked with hundreds of people about this question and the answers are incredibly varied. I have heard it as a top value, and I have also heard it toward the bottom. There are many individuals that have money as the main source of fuel to their fire. They are motivated to acquire a certain number or a certain sense of comfort or stability. Others are quite content to sacrifice money and comfort to pursue a passion, art, or different way of life. Regardless, this is an important life question that we all must contend with & it’s important to know how much we need to be happy and what we may be willing to sacrifice. For this assignment, answer any or all of the questions below & answer at least one of the questions asking you to find the dollar amount.How important is money in your life & where do you think that priority or value comes from?What are you not willing to sacrifice in your life & what are you willing to give up? How does that relate to the major or career you are considering?How much does tuition cost at SJSU & at UC Davis? What are your thoughts on the differences between those two universities and the cost of attendance?In your opinion, how much does a single person need to make in this area to be comfortable? How did you arrive at that number?How much does a 1-bedroom apartment cost near DVC? How much does a 1-bedroom apartment cost in Austin Texas, Raleigh North Carolina, or another random city that you choose.What would be the total cost on a 20-year student loan of $40,000 at 6% interest? How much would you pay per month and what would the total cost be by the end? What are your thoughts on student loans and the value of community college? Use this link. (Links to an external site.)What would be the total cost on a 30-year mortgage of $450,000 at 4% interest with 0% down? How much would you pay per month and what would the total cost of the home be by the end? What are your thoughts on that reality? Use this link (Links to an external site.):What would be the total cost on a 30-year mortgage of $450,000 at 4% interest with $50,000 down and an HOA of $400 per month? An HOA is a homeowner association that is usually part of a condominium. You pay this monthly for common areas, shared roof, pool, gym, etc. How much would you pay per month and what would the total cost of the home be by the end? What are your thoughts on that reality? Use this link (Links to an external site.):Option 2: ResilienceThis week we are discussing resilience, choice, and personal responsibility. Resilience is an important aspect of life as it pertains to being able to move forward in the face of adversity. As a college student, many different obstacles will be presented that may impact your ability to move forward toward your goals. How you choose to respond to those obstacles will be key. Complete the Resilience Self Evaluation (Links to an external site.) and answer the following questionsIn which areas of the assessment did you score the highest (21-30 points)?In which area(s) of the assessment did you score the lowest (0-10 points) or (11-20 points)?What might the higher scored areas reveal about yourself?What might the lower scored areas reveal about yourself?How do you think your family life or living situation has impacted your sense of resilience or ability to adapt to a changing world?Discuss a time or event in your life when you showed your resilience. What aspects of your personality allowed you to work through it and how will that serve you in the future?Think about the ways that we can increase resilience (Links to an external site.). Which one(s) are most relevant or applicable to your life & growth?Option 3: DiversityWe carry our diversity and uniqueness with us and it influences the way we see, experience, and share our lives together. In this country, there has been a history of discrimination against women, people of color, immigrants, refugees, non-English speakers, people with disabilities, the LGBT community, religious minorities, & Native Americans among many others. Reflect on some of the questions below regarding this chapter and topic. You will never be graded down for voicing your opinionWhy do issues of diversity matter in life, society, or the workplace (or do they)?How have issues of discrimination, prejudice, or stereotypes touched or impacted your life?How has your identity (gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) encouraged or discouraged you from pursuing particular majors, careers, or risks in life?What industries (engineering, tech, education, health care, etc.) might you not feel comfortable in due to an aspect of your identity and what has to happen in this world to change that?Who are some of the role-models in a community that you identity with that show you what is possible?

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