solved Discuss how case management approach can be differently utilized based

Discuss how case management approach can be differently utilized based on counseling specialties (e.g., mental health, addiction and clinical rehabilitation) peer1 ElaineAs it is mentioned in our lecture, the whole concept of case management as a process is to assist multiple-need clients. (Kim, n.d.). Depending on what the client’s needs are will be how a case manager will approach the situation. In my undergrad program, I was always told that a case manager wore many hats. By being a case manager, we need to be culturally sensitive, anticipatory, flexible, pragmatic, client-driven and driven by the client’s needs, community-based, and lastly, involve advocacy. Case management should offer the client a single point contact with the social services and health systems. For example, applying case management to substance abuse treatment involves preparing a client for community-based treatment and living within their community. As a case manager, we can ensure a smooth transition and help by removing any obstacles being in the way of timely admission within the community-based programs (Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2012). Another example is mental health case managers. Case managers for mental health clients, develop treatment plans that are properly targeted at the patient’s needs. This involves a thorough assessment of the client’s personal needs, psychological triggers, and strengths. Last example is case management in clinical rehabilitation. A case manager in clinical rehabilitation can conduct outreach and case finding, provide assessment and ongoing reassessments, assist in goal planning (client life area goals), make referral to needed resources, monitor referrals, provision of therapeutic activities central to model, and helps develop informal support systems (Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2012). Kim, J.H. (n.d.) Introduction to Case Management, Definition & Philosophy, Role and Functions of Case Manager. [Transcript]. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 27. HHS Publication NO. (SMA) 12-4215 Rockville, MD: Author, 2012 Peer 2 KristenDifferent needs require different levels of case management intervention in a client’s life. Mental health comes in several various forms and severities. Some counseling is more intensive and all-encompassing regarding someone’s life. Other forms of counseling regarding mental health may involve minimal contact; it just depends on the client and how much intervention they require for their health. Individuals struggling with addiction may and usually do require a much more hands-on and intensive approach or ‘intensive case management’ where the ‘clients are at high risk for rehospitalization or for behavior that poses a danger to themselves or other people’ (Summers,2009). Clinical rehabilitation follows the similar ebb and flow of whatever suits accordingly to the client at hand. The case management approach follows guidelines, however, that are similar in different counseling specialties. There are goals to be met for meetings surrounding the approach taken regarding the client’s specific needs and even plans for themselves. This can be a range of many vast things since there are so many different specialized areas in counseling. Usually, a primary goal involved in the case management approach is what services the client will be provided and choose to receive according to their own life, determined by both the client and the counselor. Plans made can and usually do change. However, a dream, to begin with, is always necessary as a baseline. There will often be collaborating with others involved in the client’s life; this can also look very different carrying across the different types of specialized counseling fields.Summers, N. (2009). Fundamentals of Case Mangaement Practice Skills for the Human Services (5th ed.). Harrisburg: Cengage Learning. Peer 3 ShannonSorry, I am late posting forum #3, my kiddos have a stomach bug, so to say life has been pretty eventful the last 48-72 hours, would be an understatement. Hoping they are on the mend, as they are sleeping. As for the question, how can a case management approach be differently utilized based on counseling specialties (e.g., mental health, addiction and clinical rehabilitation)?In our text, the heart of “case management is a process for assessing the individual’s total situation and addressing the needs and problems found in that assessment. ” (Summers, 2016. p. 1.). When keeping this in mind, case management by nature differs from person to person and need by need. When looking at the levels of case management, a case manager can take an administrative role, coordinate resources, intensive case management, or targeted. Where these levels might change agency to agency, the premise behind them will stay the same, it is the level of care provided by the case manager (Summers, 2016. p. 381.). When looking at how a case manager’s approach may differ based on counseling specialties, I think you have to go back to the individual that is in need of care. If a case manager is faced with an individual that is addicted to drugs, who is self-medicating for anxiety, the case manager will need to treat the substance abuse first, but figure out how to work to solve the anxiety, in hopes of this individual making the desired recovery. If the case manager has a client who is blind, isolated, and depressed, the case manager will need to evaluate the individual’s life and see what services are needed, and it will likely be a combination of rehabilitation counseling as well as mental health counseling. If an individual has just had a baby and is finding herself sad and losing hope, but has all her basic needs met, the case manager will likely work with a mental health counselor to help treat the sadness and potential postpartum depression. A case manager’s role will differ by need and scope. What works with one individual, will not work with another and it is the case manager’s role in the patient’s care to look at a patient’s situation holistically and determine the best avenue to meet the patient’s needs. There may be times the case manager will have to change paths to achieve the desired outcome for a patient working with the providers. ReferenceSummers, N. (2016). Fundamentals of case management practice: Skills for the human services. In Fundamentals of case management practice: skills for the human services (pp. 1). Cengage Learning. Peer 4 DawnDiscuss how case management approach can be differently utilized based on counseling specialties (e.g., mental health, addiction and clinical rehabilitation)While case managers should be skilled listeners who are attentive to the needs of clients, there are additional skills that may be effective depending on the counseling specialty. The specific needs of the client can dictate the case manager’s approach and change with the target population. One example is the Assertive Community Treatment model, which may look different depending on the client and issue being addressed. The highlights of this model are establishing relationships with clients, providing services in the home or community, helping clients find success in daily life, advocacy, a team approach, long-term commitment, and frequent contact. Often used in the treatment of people with severe mental illness, ACT substantially reduces psychiatric hospital use, increases housing stability, and moderately improves symptoms and subjective quality of life (Bond et al., 2001). In addition, ACT is highly successful in engaging patients in treatment. Case managers may have the additional burden of advocating for clients with insurance companies.This same model could also be utilized by a vocational rehabilitation counselor in the treatment of people with disabilities, but would likely not be as successful without a focused vocational component. Although having a team of professional help would be beneficial, vocational rehabilitation clients generally need more help with goal setting, job skills, advocacy with employers, skill-building, and access to resources. The ACT model would not address all these aspects of treatment but could provide some limited assistance. Counselors should make informed decisions about the selection of treatment models to maximize the use of time, funds, and resources for clients. Another example is clients recovering from addiction who may also benefit from an ACT approach. Clients would not be expected to solely seek services at a treatment facility but might receive in-home intervention by members of the treatment team. Getting a recovering client back to a treatment facility after relapse can be a huge hurdle. The ACT approach might be a game-changer if it means clients in need of help are identified earlier and suffering could be alleviated. As a mental health counselor and educator, I personally find great value and reward in utilizing a strengths-based approach to treatment planning. This approach places value on the skills, knowledge, and potential of clients and takes the focus off the challenges. The emphasis on the positives may help promote optimism and hope and enhance well-being. Teaching clients to use strengths to supplements challenges, and how to use resources to ensure success are the hallmarks of this model which can be applied to a variety of approaches for substance abuse, use with high-risk youth, treatment of behavioral issues, and social work. Personally, I think clients should grow confident and independent in treatment. Counselors need to have a variety of tools and approaches available for different clients and situations.

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