solved Appendix D – Ethical Dilemma Paper Each student will use

Appendix D – Ethical Dilemma Paper Each student will use the provisions in the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses and write a paper about an ethical dilemma. The paper will begin with an ethical dilemma the nurse has been part of, witnessed in their practice as a nurse, or learned about through professional literature. After explaining the ethical dilemma, the student will use ethical provisions and ethical principles to help guide the decision making surrounding their ethical dilemma. The paper will reflect information literacy by the student accessing, utilizing, formatting, citing, and documenting relevant resources accurately and correctly. Pages 156-158 in the Black (2020) text will give the student a suggested format to use in their paper development, following the Ethical Decision-Making Model. APA Format and editorial style must be used. Avoid plagiarism by adhering to the rules for paraphrasing, summarizing, and the use of quotations, as well as the conventions for incorporating information from Internet-based resources.Objective: Student will examine the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses as a guide for nursing practice. Student will demonstrate critical thinking as a professional nurse through application of the professional values of human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice in the care of clients. undefined Topic Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Ethical Dilemma is described in 3 parts a. Complete identification of an ethical dilemma where an individual must make a decision about a course action that will be taken (4 pts) b. Described different courses of action to choose from for ethical dilemma (more than one) (4 pts) c. Described an understanding that there is not a perfect solution to ethical dilemma (4 pts) a. Partial identification of an ethical dilemma where an individual must make a decision about a course action that will be taken (2 pts) b. Described one course of action for ethical dilemma (2 pts) c. Unclear that only one specific solution will solve ethical dilemma (2 pts) a. No identification of an ethical dilemma where an individual must make a decision about a course action that will be taken (0 pts) b. No description of different courses of action for ethical dilemma (0 points) c. Unable to describe that there is no perfect solution to ethical dilemma (0 pts) Additional data and legal precedents Additional data is gathered and thoroughly described, including legal precedents related to the situation. If no legal precedents pertain to ethical dilemma, this is noted in description (4 pts) Additional data is not thoroughly described and/or legal precedents related to the situation are not described (2 pts) No description of additional data and no description of legal precedents related to the situation (0 pts) Options for solutions are identified Multiple options for solutions are identified to effectively address the ethical dilemma, challenging student’s own point of view while recognizing opposing viewpoints about the dilemma. Demonstrates a willingness to work through complexities and frustration inherent in thinking through different views on ethical dilemma (4 pts) A single option for solutions is identified to effectively address the ethical dilemma without challenging student’s own point of view and recognizing opposing viewpoints about the dilemma (2 pts) No options for solutions are identified (0 pts) Moral reasoning Identification of moral reasoning that impacts decision making surrounding the ethical dilemma, specifically identifying the person(s) experiencing this moral reasoning (4 pts) Identification of moral reasoning that impacts decision making surrounding the ethical dilemma does not specifically identifying the person(s) experiencing this moral reasoning (2 pts) No identification of moral reasoning (0 pts) Ethical theories Able to justify options for solutions by identifying ethical theories significant to the ethical dilemma (4 pts) Identified ethical theories not significant to the ethical dilemma (2 pts) No ethical theories identified (0 pts) Ethical principles Able to justify options for solutions by identifying ethical principles significant to the ethical (4 pts) Identified ethical principles not significant to the ethical dilemma (2 pts) No ethical principles identified (0 pts) Course of action Describes how a course of action is/would be carried out to address the ethical dilemma, including expected outcomes for the course of action (4 pts) Partially describes how a course of action is/would be carried out to address the ethical dilemma and/or does not include expected outcomes for the course of action (2 pts) No course of action described (0 pts) Professional values of human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice Describes how each of the professional values of human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice are applied by the civically responsible professional nurse involved in this ethical dilemma (5 pts) Describes does not include each of the professional values of human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice are applied by the civically responsible professional nurse involved in this ethical dilemma (1 pt. deduction for each value not described) No professional values described (0 pts) Provisions in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses Describes provisions in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses that could be violated in this Ethical Dilemma (4 pts) Describes provisions in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses without addressing which provisions could be violated in this Ethical Dilemma (2 pts) No description of the Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses provisions (0 pts) Opinions/ assumptions Describes previous opinions about ethical dilemma and hidden assumptions that are now recognized (3 pts) Describes previous opinions about ethical dilemma but does not identify hidden assumptions (1.5 pts) Does not describe opinions or hidden assumptions (0 pts) Title page Title page includes page number, title, student name, institution, course number and name, instructor name, and assignment due date (2 pts) Title page includes some, but not all, of the following: page number, title, student name, institution, course number and name, instructor name, and assignment due date (1 pt) Does not include a title page (0 pts) Organization Organization is clear and coherent; order and structure are present; clear sequencing and paragraphing; develops introduction and conclusion (5 pts) Organization is partially clear without order and structure; no introduction and conclusion (2.5 pts) Lack of organization throughout paper (0 pts) APA formatting Formats, cites, and documents a reference list for resources used with minimal APA formatting errors (5 pts) Lacking citations, incomplete or no reference list for resources used, and/or several APA formatting errors (2.5 pts) No use of APA formatting (0 pts) Supporting details Supporting details are suitable to the practice of nursing; references drawn from external sources are synthesized and integrated into the text. Reasoning is sound and does not contain logical fallacies (3 pts) Supporting details are not suitable to the practice of nursing; references drawn from external sources are not synthesized and integrated into the text. Reasoning contains logical fallacies (1.5 pts) No supporting details throughout paper (0 pts) Writing mechanics Contains rare punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors (3 pts) Contains several punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors (1.5 pts) Contains many punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors (0 pts) Writing clarity Writing is clear and focused. Reader can easily understand the main idea. The main idea is incorporated into the text in a manner appropriate for the practice of nursing (4 pts) Writing is lacking clarity and focus. Reader cannot easily understand the main idea. The main idea is not incorporated into the text in a manner appropriate for the practice of nursing (2 pts) No clarity or focus (0 pts) Professional journals Accesses and uses two professional journal articles to demonstrate information literacy (5 pts) Accesses and uses one professional journal article to demonstrate information literacy (2.5 pts) Uses no professional journal articles (0 pts) American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses Accesses and uses American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses as reference. Material drawn from this reference is synthesized and integrated into the paper (4 pts) Uses American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses as reference but does not synthesize aptly in paper (2 pts) Does not use Accesses and uses American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses as reference (0 pts) Black (2020) Accesses and uses Black (2020) text as reference. Material drawn from this reference is synthesized and integrated into the paper (4 pts) Uses Black (2020) text as reference. Material as reference but does not synthesize aptly in paper (2 pts) Does not use Black (2020) text as reference (0 pts) Paper length Paper is a minimum of 5 pages in length, not including the title page and reference list. No abstract is necessary (2 pts) Paper is 2-4 pages in length, not including the title page and reference list. No abstract is necessary (1 pt) Paper is 1 pages in length, not including the title page and reference list (0 pts) Total points 85 points total References American Nurses Association (2015). Code of ethics for nurses: With interpretivestatements. ANA.undefinedProfessional nursing: Concepts and challengesundefinedthundefinedElsevier

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