solved 3-5 sentences on why you agree or disagree with there

3-5 sentences on why you agree or disagree with there statement 
discretion with juveniles
As a Police Officer dealing with a juvenile smoking marijuana, I would sit that kid down and try to get to know him see why he is doing the things he’s doing. I would see what is going on in his life to see if i could fix anything from my position. After talking to him/her i would drive him home and see how his home life is, does his parents or whoever he lives with care that he is even gone all hours of the night? Some kids go through bad things in home that can affect their behavior and make them act out. This is how i would do if it was a first offense, however if i was to catch the same kid that i just got done catching the very next day, I would take him to his house talk to his parents. I would tell them im taking your son/daughter to jail, just to see how they would act. If the parents show no sign of caring, I would simply make an anoumous call to DPS and have them do a wellness check. I think that kids need a lot of patience and sometimes they do bad things just to get attention.

The curfew law for a juvenile in certain states restricts the movement of children younger than 16, 17, or 18. They are not supposed to loiter in that area between the restricted times, It depends on the vulnerability of the area it can be between 11.00 at night to 5.00 in the morning from Monday to Thursday, or as decided by the law authority.
Carrying Marijuana is illegal If the Juvenile is caught smoking Marijuana. The law permits the officer to 1. Impose a fine, 2. Give a verbal warning, 3. The imposition of community service, or enroll in an after school, program, 4. If it is found that parents are not taking proper care during curfew hours one of the parents can be punished, 5. For repeated offense, the juvenile can be sent for a rehabilitation center.
The curfew in certain areas is imposed to save the children from criminal and illegal activities.
If the juvenile is caught the night before the curfew he will be verbally restricted from using Marijuana. If the child does not follow then he can be fine and simple possession charges are formed, the juvenile would be tried in juvenile court, The punishment is usually counseling and probation if the child is found guilty in the rare occasion they are kept under custody otherwise they are given the chance of rehabilitation.
The court does not punish juveniles instead they force on rehabilitation because it gives an option to juveniles to realize that they are given the opportunity to make good on their mistake. Charging a juvenile with a criminal history would spoil his future career.

juveniles vs adult systems
adult justice systems and juvenile justice systems have both similarities and differences, I will talk about the differences first. Juveniles do not have a jury, it only consists of a single judge. Juveniles do not get convicted criminal they are called delinquent acts. Adults go to jail or prison for punishment, however Juvenile’s main focus is rehabilitation. The simalarities are right to an attourney. right to know what charge is against you. right to not incriminate yourself. The prosocution must prove the charges against you without a shadow of a doubt.
the main difference in my opinion is how juveniles main focus is rehabilitation and adults are for punishment. i think if it is a first time offense it should be about rehibiltaiton as an adult also. No one is perfect we all make mistakes, so why cant adults first time offense be about rehabilitation and not straight up punishment right off the back?
When comparing the juvenile and adult justice systems, there are several similarities and numerous differences in how the criminal justice and legal systems deal with them. While the adult justice system aims to punish wrongdoers, the juvenile justice system is more inclined towards rehabilitating and doing what is best for minors to ensure a fresh start and a good and clean transition into adulthood (Davi Law Group, 2015). Many alternative sentences meant to keep juveniles out of jail include parole, probation, and diversionary programs, which is not the case in the adult justice system (Davi Law Group, 2015). Furthermore, adults are charged with crimes, while the legal system regards juvenile crimes as delinquent acts, with the exception of murder.
In juvenile justice systems, adjudication hearings rather than a public trial with a jury does not happen in adult justice systems (Davi Law Group, 2015). Also, the judge evaluates all the evidence and determines whether the minor is delinquent or not. Courts in the adult justice systems are formal, while courts in the juvenile justice system are often informal. Additionally, the admission of evidence rules is strict in adult justice systems, while they are more lenient with youth offenders.
Some similarities in the adult and juvenile justice systems include the right to an attorney, not to incriminate oneself, the right to know the charges brought forth against them, and the right to cross-examine and confront witnesses (Davi Law Group, 2015). Also, in both justice systems, the prosecution must indubitably prove the charges against an offender.

Since there are many offenders incarcerated for minor crimes in the adult justice system, such as possession of drugs, their successful rehabilitation can offer parole, a fresh start in crime-free life, in addition to combating overcrowding in prisons. Since the adult system emphasizes punishing offenders more than rehabilitating them, implementing and focusing more on rehabilitation in the adult justice system would positively impact that system.

ISO 270001
The ISO 27001 or ISO27K is composed of information security standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission. ISO27K is designed to function as a framework for an organization’s information security management system (ISMS)(PETTERS, 2020). This includes all policies and processes relevant to how data is controlled and used. ISO27K does not mandate specific tools, solutions, or methods, but instead functions as a compliance checklist. In order to earn an ISO 27001 certification, an organization is required to maintain an ISMS that covers all aspects of the standard. After that, they can request a full audit from a certification body (, 2021).

I currently work with and maintain the ISO27K and NIST policies suite for my employer at a global level. This global standard affects over 200,000 people by minimizing all of our risks as they relate to information security and results in global confidence and trust for the employer’s clients. The standards also align the business with specific guidance and controls for protection of confidential information, information systems, and frameworks. In my opinion cyber-attacks are increasing on a daily basis at a high rate, the damages caused by them both financially and reputationally due to substandard security posture is disastrous. The ISO27K series along with certification help to protect and ensure proper steps are taken to protect the business.

The ISO 27001 standard was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (Petters, 2020). ISO is a global non-governmental organization founded to collect and manage “various standards for different disciplines” (Peters, 2020; Kosutic, 2020). The ISO 27001 standard was created to serve as a management framework (Kosutic, 2020). This framework is a combination of policies and processes that organizations can use to protect their business-critical information in a “systematic and cost-effective way, through the adoption of an Information Security Management System (ISMS)” (Kosutic, 2021; Dejan Kosutic, 2014).
The purpose of ISO 27001 is to preserve an organization’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability (Dejan Kosutic 2014). Confidentiality means that only authorized individuals within an organization can access specific information (Dejan Kosutic, 2014). Integrity refers to ensuring that only authorized personnel within an organization can manipulate important information (Dejan Kosutic, 2014). Availability refers to the idea that information will be available to an organization’s personnel during a specific interval of time (Dejan Kosutic, 2014). To fulfill these purposes, an organization must use ISO 27001 to protect their information Dejan Kosutic, 2014). Methods an organization to protect themselves include creating procedures, changing passwords, encrypting disks, asking employees to sign a legal contract, and training employees to become aware of the various security threats that exist today (Dejan Kosutic, 2014). Before an organization adopts this ISO 27001 standard, they should ask themselves, why is it important?
The ISO 27001 standard is important because it will educate organizations on appropriately protecting their important information. Furthermore, by becoming certified in ISO 27001, an organization can assure its customers and stakeholders that it can fully protect its data (Petters, 2021). To become ISO 27001 certified, organizations must refer to their ISMS to determine their compliance level (Petters, 2021). Achieving full compliance requires organizations to get their respective ISMS to a level in which their best practices have reached the “realm of cybersecurity to protect your organization from threats such as ransomware” (Petters, 2021). I agree with complying with this standard because it will enable organizations to improve their security while increasing their reputation among customers, stakeholders, governments, etc. (Petters, 2021). However, I will admit it is ridiculous that there are consequences for not complying with ISO 270071 (Petters, 2021). For instance, if an organization loses its compliance designation, it could be prevented from operating its business in “certain geographical areas” (Petters, 2021).


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