solved SECTION 1: Development StrategiesPurposeYou, as the Systems Analyst, have been

SECTION 1: Development StrategiesPurposeYou, as the Systems Analyst, have been focusing thus far on the “inside” of a system, but realize the need to understand the interfaces used by a system as well. In this assessment, a new client is asking for assistance in building a website “from scratch” and needs for you to make design recommendations based on research.Assessment Part 1 Instructions and RequirementsScenario: Avery’s Gym has had some limited success providing athletic training and physical therapy…but she’s struggling a bit to expand her presence and her brand to expand her business. Avery is considering expanding her web presence and is interested in exploring what her competitors are doing. She thinks a great way to do that would be to build a website that could serve as a home for her marketing efforts. There are two parts to the assessment. First, research other similar sites to serve as a launching point for your creative efforts. Second, draft an original wireframe diagram using Visio that may serve as the starting point of a web system design project.You can expand your research options to explore themes related to three main areas. Creativity is encouraged!Gym or Physical Fitness centerPhysical TherapyMental Health and Wellness centersBecause Avery is focused on crafting personalized training and experiences, she is looking for local inspiration. Choose a gym, physical fitness center, physical therapy site, or mental health and wellness facility that is close to you (preferably independent). Do not choose a large national business or chain as the starting point for your research.Part A: Home Page ResearchFind an appropriate corresponding website home page with the purpose of researching similar sites for inspiration for your own design. Provide the following information focusing primarily on the home page, features, and branding of the site. Think of this as a “walk through evaluation.” In addition to providing a URL and screenshot – write a brief analysis addressing some of the common elements listed below.Provide the full URL of your inspiration.Include a screenshotProvide additional written documentation to accompany your research. Adding labels and annotation to the screenshot highlighting your analysis is preferred.Paragraph 1: Organization and Design (at least 75 words)Describe the design elements:Main features and purposeNavigation menu(s)LayoutAny whitespaceParagraph 2: Branding and Communication (at least 75 words)Describe the key features of marketing and communication elements:The use of color (combinations, locations)Text (families, variety of sizes, alignment)Multimedia (images, graphics, videos, etc.)Social media/communicationsPart B: Original DiagramConsider what you learned about the organization of your research and develop your own proposed design for your client. Create an original wireframe and storyboard for your client’s home page. Visio is required.Design your wireframe for a website homepage.Include the location of the logo, navigation, main area for home page content, and other elements you feel are necessary.Identify and label key elements.Do not simply copy the design of the page you reviewed; create your own design.Actual content is not necessary! This should be a line drawing showing where items should be placed on the screen. Placeholders could be included.Your wireframe should look something like the image below, although of course with your own page organization and detail and relating to the client’s needs:Original Image by Paul Shryock, (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Image modified by cropping to focus on website wireframe example. Retrieved from additional written documentation to accompany your Visio wireframe. Elaborate on your design decisions, identify the key features, address important aspects of navigation, marketing, and communications.Paragraph 1: Organization and DesignDescribe the design elements (at least 100 words):Main features and purposeNavigation menu(s)LayoutAny whitespaceParagraph 2: Branding and Communication (at least 100 words)Describe the key features of marketing and communication elements:The use of color (combinations, locations)Text (families, variety of sizes, alignment)Multimedia (images, graphics, videos, etc.)Social media/communicationsReview all instructions above and the rubric below before submitting to the Assessment Dropbox.RemindersProofread your work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and formality.Part 2: Program Design ConceptsDesigning programs that perform system logic is challenging and varied. Analysts must define instructions for programs that describe how to covert the ideas depicted in logical models into actual code and programming logic. Structure charts are one technique that describes a program at a high level. This assessment asks you to explain key concepts associated with program design. Write a short essay response to each of the following questions.Module Outcomes practiced in this assessment:Revise logical data flow diagrams into physical data flow diagrams.Describe features of structure charts.Develop Program Specifications.Assessment RequirementsInclude a title page and reference page.Written work is provided in Standard English.Provide a header for each question and answer.Each question should include at least one APA reference and inline citation.At least 3 pages in length, not counting the title page and reference page.Questions:What is the purpose of creating a logical process model and then a physical process model? How are they different? What information is found on the physical DFD that is not included on the logical DFD?List the steps necessary transform logical models to physical models.Define a structure chart and explain the importance of sequence, selection, and iteration.Provide an example of a structure chart you have found online (citation necessary). Explain the purpose of this chart.What does a data couple depict on a structure chart? What symbols are used to depict it? What does a control couple depict on a structure chart? What symbols are used to depict it?List the seven types of coupling. Give an example of good coupling and an example of bad coupling.What is meant by the characteristics of fan-in and fan-out?Discuss three ways to improve the quality of a structure chart.Part 3: Entity Relationship DiagramModule Outcomes practiced in this assessment:Validate data models.Describe the process of normalization.Create an entity relationship diagram.PurposeEntity Relationship Diagrams are used to help show how information in a system is organized. This assessment will have you analyze data from a business situation, construct an ERD, and explain process of normalization and reasons when denormalization may be important.Assessment Instructions and RequirementsAvery’s gym has partnered with a partner physical therapy business to provide treatment for some of its gym members. Gym members have the option to participate in special physical therapy sessions.The main feature of this partnership provides gym members with the options to participate in physical therapy sessions. Each Physical Therapy Session must include a gym member, a trainer, and a therapist. Each session generates a unique Claim. Sessions also need to record the date, time and purpose of the sessions. Physical therapy sessions are billed back to insurance and claims must be filed with each physical therapy session.You have been tasked with developing an Entity Relationship Diagram to help show this part of the larger gym system. You have also been asked to explain the importance of both normalization and denormalization of data structures.You have been given a report as an example of some of the information generated by the system, and the file contains the following fields. Hint: unique IDs may need to be created to correctly generate the data model.Physical Therapy SessionSession DateSession TimeSession Details/PurposeMember NameMember AddressMember PhoneMember AgeMember EmailInsurance NumberInsurance NameInsurance AddressInsurance Plan detailsTrainer NameTrainer PhoneTrainer EmailTrainer SpecialtyTherapist NameTherapist PhoneTherapist EmailTherapist SpecialtyInsurance Claim NumberClaim CostComplete the following tasks:Normalize the data. Organize the information into data fields appropriate for a relational database. Analyze the information provided and normalize the data to create a database model.Based on that information construct an ERD. Use Visio. Identify primary and foreign keys. For each entity, develop appropriate and thorough attributes. Use crow’s feet to show relations between entities.Explain the importance of normalization: provide a summary of the steps necessary for each 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and importance. A minimum of 120 words is expected.Explain denormalization and explain the main reasons for it. A minimum of 60 words is expected.SECTION 2: Painting and ArchitectureSelect two works of architecture from within your city, county, or state. The works of architecture may be a building, bridge, or a monument. All communities will have architectural structures — from rural areas to large cities. You do not need to have seen the work of architecture firsthand, but it should be one that is local. This will help you to focus on the ways that these structures are a part of your personal experiences.You will use these as creative expressions to analyze in light of what you have learned from the content and information in this unit. One at a time, you will describe each selected work and explain how it demonstrates at least one concept from the unit reading or other research upon architecture.Part I: 1. Describe the first selected work of architecture from your area. You are welcome to include photos, but you should still describe the structure in detail. Explain what you see as though readers of your paper have not seen this structure. 2. Explain at least one architectural concept from the reading. Use and cite the source to help define what the concept is, then explain what you think might be the purpose or importance of this concept. Why is concept important when it comes to architecture? Add an explanation of the concept, as well as your interpretation of what the concept means. 3. Connect the selected work of architecture to the concept. How do you see the structure demonstrating the concept? Explain where you see the ideas in application. How does the structure show the concept? How does understanding of the concept deepen your analysis of the work of architecture? Give examples of what may have changed in your understanding.Part II:You’ll follow the same steps 1, 2, and 3 with a second work of architecture. Be sure to highlight a different structure and a different concept from in Part I.Part I and Part II should be submitted in the same document. The work should be at least 500 words in length and must use at least one outside source that is cited in APA style. Check the Writing Center for information about use and citation of sources.

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