solved View the videos of Ali and Cynthia. In 4-5 paragraphs,

View the videos of Ali and Cynthia. In 4-5 paragraphs, using professional terminology, reflect upon the symptoms that present in both cases. Do they meet the criteria of Alcohol Use Disorder and Multi Substance Use Disorder? If not, what differential diagnosis seems more appropriate? Please use diagnosis from readings. Transcripts for videos are below. Readings: DSM-5 Transcripts:Ali OFF CAMERA: [00:00:30] I want to come back to a couple of things you said earlier about just kind of stress a job at your work and then your life like I mean with hard work.ALI: [00:00:40] I mean there’s just you know a lot of times where the students would act unruly they won’t follow instructions or things will just get out of hand and it’s my job to you know simmer them down. But it’s hard. There are kids there have a lot of energy just want to run around and it’s normal but it’s just you just as a teacher wanted to try to find moments of just not thinking about that and just getting through the day.OFF CAMERA: [00:01:12] So so is going to reining them in. That’s the hardest part of the day is that piece.ALI: [00:01:21] That’s part of it that’s part of it and bringing certain issues up to. I guess my direct supervisor or the principal it’s kind of hard to have a clear I don’t know dialogue to make sure things are being addressed and the parents are aware about what’s going on in the classroom. It may not just be something that’s our fault as educators. It could be maybe your child might be acting out for some reason that we don’t we’re not aware about could be starting low. So all of those things out layers you know at stress levels could be could be high for a lot of us. But you what do you do. No job is without stress I guess.OFF CAMERA: [00:02:10] You know you feel like the stress is pretty constant like it’s always been. I feel like it’s gotten better in the beginning of the year or is it worse.OFF CAMERA: [00:02:18] Or is it just it’s just there all the time.ALI: [00:02:23] Well right now we’re in the period where students are getting ready for their standardized testing and all their admissions to like the magnet school so yeah stress levels can be pretty high for a lot of us and I guess more so for maybe perhaps a teacher is because more meetings are involved more PTA meetings and you just you know you just try to assure the parents that.ALI: [00:02:51] Their kids are doing well and we’re doing the best that we can. More time spent at school. If my students need tutoring sessions so it can be draining at the end of the day.[00:03:08] Now with I guess recent breakup I’m sure that doesn’t help.ALI: [00:03:15] Yeah. I mean certainly took a toll.ALI: [00:03:18] And I’m sure my colleagues will tell you to be on is that it was hard for me to really hide my how I felt.ALI: [00:03:27] You know it was a it was a tough period.ALI: [00:03:30] Recently a month ago or so but I just had to put a smile on my face and just managed to get through the day do my job and be committed to doing a good job. Despite all the stress and at work in my personal life.OFF CAMERA: [00:03:50] Feel like I did a lot just kind of put a smile on your face and just get stuff done.ALI: [00:03:57] Yeah it’s all I want to do especially like just hurtling through the next coming towards end of the school year. I just want to just I just look forward to the end of the day.OFF CAMERA: [00:04:15] How are you sleeping.ALI: [00:04:16] No sleep.ALI: [00:04:18] No not really. I’m a pretty pretty good sleeper. I don’t say I wouldn’t say I get the normal eight hours night but it’s been hard.ALI: [00:04:30] Falling asleep because again what’s been going on but it wouldn’t.ALI: [00:04:38] I don’t know. I don’t know.ALI: [00:04:39] I don’t know if I can say I’m well rested every day. I just like as I try to get through the day.ALI: [00:04:48] Coffee helps me talking to my colleagues just like you know venting out about the classes what’s happened during that day helps. But it’s it’s hard to fall asleep so easily at night.OFF CAMERA: [00:05:07] Has it always been like that or is that something that’s more recent.ALI: [00:05:11] And I would say it’s something more recent for me.OFF CAMERA: [00:05:13] OK. When do you think it started.ALI: [00:05:18] Definitely with like with what’s been going on with the school year again students are prepping for the standardized test and with my breakup it’s just another thing about it so much you know can’t really let it affect me.ALI: [00:05:42] I have to carry on with my life to do my job.OFF CAMERA: [00:05:50] The difficulty falling asleep but once you’re asleep you’re asleep you don’t wake up in the middle of the night.ALI: [00:05:55] Oh well I mean I have. I have.ALI: [00:05:58] So it’s not like a peaceful night’s rest or something like that. Many times when I will wake up in the middle of night just because I’m thinking about the next day the agenda is making sure that I’ve checked everything off my list graded the papers and answered you know answer all the e-mails that I get from the parents.ALI: [00:06:18] So it keeps me up at night sometimes a little wake me up go.OFF CAMERA: [00:06:25] You seem pretty relaxed, you seem like you’re pretty like OK right now do you feel like you’re that way most of the time.ALI: [00:06:36] I would like to think so. I mean it’s hard to I guess I have to put myself in that state of mind especially when I’m in a classroom full of like 30 kids.ALI: [00:06:47] Running interference beats.OFF CAMERA: [00:06:50] Is there any that helps to kind of put you in that calmer spot.ALI: [00:06:56] Well yeah I mean you know we have social hours at work. A lot of teachers like to get together and just have a little bench session after work and we’ll have like you know a glass of wine or two yeah.ALI: [00:07:09] So it’s I feel like it’s just a little time off to not think about work and then obviously vent about it but it’s nice to relax it’s me you know ease off and like look forward to going home and just shutting that off no stress management I guess.OFF CAMERA: [00:07:32] is there anything you’d feel like if you don’t do it or you don’t finish it. That it does stress you out.OFF CAMERA: [00:07:39] It’s concerning or.ALI: [00:07:42] If i don’t finish something.ALI: [00:07:45] I well when I first got hired as a teachers very obviously very excited you know my first teaching job at a public school. And I don’t know. I was very very committed. I mean not to say that I’m not now but it’s definitely changed over the years. The structure of the classroom the number of students the volume.ALI: [00:08:09] So I think a lot of us were log different hats making sure that things are running smoothly. And of course because of that stress levels are multiplied what happens. Cynthia OFF CAMERA: [00:00:30] How’s your mood been lately. CYNTHIA: [00:00:34] You know normal I guess I’m I guess have been down. OFF CAMERA: [00:00:43] And how are things at home. CYNTHIA: [00:00:50] Stressful I guess. CYNTHIA: [00:00:54] You know I’m trying and trying to get the place ready for camper. CYNTHIA: [00:01:00] And you know Zane says he’s all for that but I don’t know I guess things have been a little weird between us. The last month or so. CYNTHIA: [00:01:17] Yeah. OFF CAMERA: [00:01:22] Have you stopped doing things or activities that you used to enjoy doing or not getting the same amount of pleasure out of doing things that you used to. CYNTHIA: [00:01:32] Yeah that’s like a really good way to describe it. I’m kind of I’m not I’m you know I’m doing the same things that I’ve been doing but they don’t. Yeah I don’t feel the same pleasure about them. That’s that’s yeah that’s a really good way to. I’ve been trying to figure out how to say how that feels like out. Yes so I guess lately I’ve been feeling like what’s the point of doing it. You know especially since you know it’s just a lot easier if I just stay home with. Like that’s what he likes so if nothing else is fun. Like why would I you. CYNTHIA: [00:02:11] Why would I go out. OFF CAMERA: [00:02:14] How have you been sleeping. CYNTHIA: [00:02:16] Yeah. CYNTHIA: [00:02:17] Normal good. I got I’ve got stuff to help me with that so that’s still working. OFF CAMERA: [00:02:22] How about your appetite how’s your appetite. CYNTHIA: [00:02:26] Yeah normal. I guess I’ve never really had that big of an appetite. So I don’t think I’ve noticed any any difference with that. OFF CAMERA: [00:02:37] How’s your energy. You mentioned feeling a little down. CYNTHIA: [00:02:44] Yeah yeah I mean I have been yeah I’ve been I’ve been a little heavier on the Adderall lately and then I guess I normally am just because I feel like yeah I feel like I need something to like get me get me up. OFF CAMERA: [00:03:06] How is your concentration. CYNTHIA: [00:03:11] I mean great. And if I’m on adderall like you see me up I guess I do feel distracted a lot. CYNTHIA: [00:03:21] I got a lot of thoughts going through my head sometimes it’s kind of hard to get out of that. Like you know you kind of get into that thought loop thing I guess is the best way to describe it. CYNTHIA: [00:03:36] Yeah I find that that’s happening a lot more lately I’ve been feeling down on yourself. I mean yeah. CYNTHIA: [00:03:44] That’s like oh it’s not anything new. OFF CAMERA: [00:03:48] Do you ever feel like life is not worth living. CYNTHIA: [00:03:56] I mean is it. CYNTHIA: [00:04:02] I don’t know. I do sometimes. CYNTHIA: [00:04:08] You know sometimes you’ll be like scrolling through Facebook and you see that someone’s someone’s died. And I know I feel like my first feeling is like I’m a little jealous of them I guess. OFF CAMERA: [00:04:30] Why do you feel that life is not worth living. CYNTHIA: [00:04:35] I don’t know I guess just like I don’t really see any. CYNTHIA: [00:04:45] Like if this is what it is you know I don’t I you know I don’t I don’t know if I’m going to. CYNTHIA: [00:04:59] I don’t know if I’m going to get cancer back. I don’t know if I do. CYNTHIA: [00:05:02] If that’s even good for him I don’t see any change or sort of a way out from where I am. I mean I guess I should just I don’t know. CYNTHIA: [00:05:24] I don’t know why I can’t feel happy where I am. CYNTHIA: [00:05:26] You know like I should probably just like accept it for what it is you know and try and find joy wherever it is. CYNTHIA: [00:05:35] You know that’s what you’re supposed to do but I can’t find my path there I guess. OFF CAMERA: [00:05:42] Do you have any plans to hurt yourself. CYNTHIA: [00:05:46] No no. Nothing like that. CYNTHIA: [00:05:49] Made any plans. OFF CAMERA: [00:05:51] Have you ever thought of hurting yourself. CYNTHIA: [00:05:57] Not like on purpose. CYNTHIA: [00:06:02] But I definitely have had the thought that like if I did die I wouldn’t be so you sometimes engage in activities that may place yourself in harm or place you at risk of getting hurt. CYNTHIA: [00:06:23] I mean yeah I guess I do. I don’t know. CYNTHIA: [00:06:29] I mean I I you know I drive when I’ve been drinking I guess that’s not the smartest thing in the world. You know I probably should have known better than to drink wine. Take oxys. I have a play don’t hang out with the best people I don’t know. I guess they don’t make the best decisions all the time. OFF CAMERA: [00:07:02] How does your future look to you. CYNTHIA: [00:07:11] I don’t know I don’t really like thinking about that. CYNTHIA: [00:07:13] I just kind of makes me feel bad. I think I’d rather just nothing about anything. OFF CAMERA: [00:07:26] You did mention wanting a future where you could be happy. CYNTHIA: [00:07:32] Yeah. OFF CAMERA: [00:07:35] Are you able to envision a future where you’re happy. CYNTHIA: [00:07:44] I don’t know. CYNTHIA: [00:07:44] Maybe if I was a different person I don’t know. I just don’t think I’m think I made that I don’t think that’s possible for somebody like me.

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