solved Architectural Studies  – Modern Architecture History Assignment 1: Â

Architectural Studies  – Modern Architecture History 
Assignment 1:  Early Developments to Avant Gardes     ?
1. Early Developments of Modernity: Formant Forces, Factors, and Structures 
2. The Avant Garde Period: Revolutions in Society and Form: Futurism and Soviet Avant Garde 
3. The Avant Garde Period: Craft, Industry and Abstraction for the reconstruction of Europe: Neoplasticism and The Bauhaus 
1. Awnser 4 out of 5 Questions: Research the web, as well printed material, including the Provided Textbook. 
2. TEXTBOOK: Modern Architecture since 1900
3. Single-paragraph response for every question, augmented by Image Reference illustrations. 
4. All citations and bibliographical references in all assignments should be included, per standard format, which is APA APA system of referencing is available from various sources, example:
1.  Describe three forces in the development of modernity. These could be scientific, ideological, or technological. 
-Reference: Themes:
Possible answers:
-Humanism – Challenging of religious dogma, and placement of the human at the center of knowledge, and social aspirations.
-Emergence of the Bourgeoisie; a secular, independent class of intellectuals, tradesmen and craftsmen (in the Bourg, or city)
-Industrial Revolution – increased production and normalization of goods
-The move from feudalism to capitalism (abstraction of wealth)
-Enlightenment – Development of science as main source of knowledge; prevalence of reason over belief.  ?
2.  Describe three forces in the development of modern architecture. Briefly explain those relationships. (Use WJR Curtis.)    ?
-Reference: Themes:
Possible answers: 
-Change of Program: From royalty and religion to secular programs, first ‘public buildings’
-Abandonment of the classical styles; search for expressions that emerge from new materials/methods.
-New materials: Iron (first, then steel) concrete, sheet glass, etc. —> factory-produced and normalized
-Elimination of ornament, which responded to new manufacturing processes.  ?
3.  The Futurist Movement, politics and morals aside, produced extraordinary and transformative insight on the nature of form and space. ??
– Describe two main themes, constant in their work. Relate them to their cultural context.   ??
Cite specific examples of works.   ???
-Reference: Themes:
-In painting: The study of LIGHT as a phenomenon and effects ,The representation of SPEED (of movement) as the new force, and source of beauty,. Cars, locomotives, airplanes…  Dynamism OK too.
-SOCIAL UPHEAVAL and revolts
-In architecture: Verticality.  Expression of new materials Glass and Steel. Expression of systems of mechanical conveyance: Railways, elevators, escalators, etc.
-Context: A discontent with the old regime, manifested in the stasis of the architectures of the past (The weight of Rome.) A desire to tear down the existing and begin anew.
4.  Examine how the language of De Stijl developed. Use Curtis to provide at least: ??
– one technique or principle that was abandoned or rejected ??
– one agent of change (or one influence) ??
– one seminal project that illustrates that transition   
-Reference: Themes:
Perspective was abandoned for the use of the axonometric. Symmetry was also abandoned.
Cubism, FLW’s Robie House,
Rietveld-Schroeder House, Red-Blue chair  ?
5.  What does it mean that constructivists rejected “art for art’s sake”? What is the implication in their work, whether it was art, design, or architecture? Mention / use two drivers of form.   
-Art had to be useful; at the service of the new society and the “new man” (modern, productive, dynamic…)
-Rejection of historicism or representational characteristics -architecture should be functional, its agenda is change; therefore it is abstract in its emphasis, or its metaphors are abstract.
-Abstraction also as product of the application and expression of industrial languages and processes. 
-Absence of ornament, or reduction of ornament to the strictly constructive -joinery, fasteners, material combinations, etc
-Angular or curved geometries that aim at defying gravity, and produce a sense of dynamic equilibrium. An emphasis on irregular, diagonal, oblong formsRejection of the stasis and weight of stability and symmetry (they were sick of it!), for the pursuit of dynamic, energetic form; one that projects into the future.
-Tectonic expression and clarity in the application of materials; intersection and assembly.
-Perspectival spatial design; transparency and exaggerated perspectives.Repetition, iteration, rhythm, arrays…Emphasis on three-dimensional design -as opposed to extruded 2D
Architectural Studies  – Modern Architecture History 
Assignment 2:  Le Corbusier 
1. Le Corbusier: The Consolidation of the Language of Modern Architecture
1. Awnser 4 out of 5 Questions: Research the web, as well printed material, including the Provided Textbook. 
2. TEXTBOOK: Modern Architecture since 1900
3. Single-paragraph response for every question, augmented by Image Reference illustrations. 
4. All citations and bibliographical references in all assignments should be included, per standard format, which is APA APA system of referencing is available from various sources, example:
1.  Why do we say that the Dom-i-No system and the 5 Points for a New Architecture are game changers? How are both related, and what is new in the resulting architecture?    -?
-Reference: Themes:
-Domi-i-No because it separated the structure from the enclosures of a building… -?
-5-Points because it enabled unprecedented flexibility in design, and allowed more light and air into space   
-The Dom-i-No is the framework around which the 5 points are built. The resulting architecture is economical, flexible and open, transparent and spatial.  
2.   Explain what the Architectural Promenade is, in one paragraph. Illustrate with one example.   ?
-Reference: Themes:
-The walk through an architecture; a designed path and set of sequential experiences, woven with the placement, and form of architectural elements in space. Some form of this explanation.   ?
3.  Provide three defining (new) characteristics of the design of the Unité d’Habitation de Marseille   
-Reference: Themes:
-Units: All face two views (mountains and sea), have double heights, light and spatiality in a narrow space
-All-in-one program, contains basic services: Living, groceries, laundry, day-care, gymnasium
-Roof terrace as main open space with relation to the sky and the viewsIdeas of the Ville Radieuse applied to one building
-First brutalist building ever (we didn’t talk about this yet)  ?
4.  Three Differences between the first period of Le Corbusier (Purism, “the machine to live in”) and his later work (Post-WWII) Give one reason for this transformation. (use and reference W.J.R. Curtis)    
-Reference: Themes:
-Move towards raw expression of form and material – BrutalismEmphasis on mass and walls, departing from Dom-i-No, pilotis, etc
-The “building within a building”
-The development of the Brise-Soleil
-Reasons:  India (poverty and exuberance) and the horrors of WWII. “Loss of faith in the machine”  ?
5.  Some people speak of a 6th point of architecture, what would that be? Explain why it is so important, and what other principle it supports.   
-Reference: Themes:
-The use of ramps. Ramps free the sight of the viewer from looking down, and allow the enjoyment of the spatial experience.
Architectural Studies  – Modern Architecture History 
Assignment 3:  
1. Post WWII Internationalization of Modernism, the Atomic Era 
1. Awnser 4 out of 5 Questions: Research the web, as well printed material, including the Provided Textbook. 
2. TEXTBOOK: Modern Architecture since 1900
3. Single-paragraph response for every question, augmented by Image Reference illustrations. 
4. All citations and bibliographical references in all assignments should be included, per standard format, which is APA APA system of referencing is available from various sources, example:
1.  Name three characteristics of Scandinavian architecture/ design which differ from their contemporary European counterparts (Constructivism, Bauhaus, Le Corbusier…). Name two important designers and ?their works. (Use W.J.R. Curtis)   
-Reference: Themes:
Characteristics:   ?  
a. Softer, curved forms influenced by nature, or responding to site’s natural configuration , etc       
b. Use of handmade or traditional materials (wood, brick…) in modern adaptation       
c. Connection of architecture to the ground, and the landscape  (as opposed to “levitating” on columns)  
a. Alvar Aalto – Paimio Sanatorium, Villa Mairea, bentwood furniture 
b. Eric Gunnar Asplund – Woodland Cemetery Crematorium, Stockholm Exhibition Bldg       
c. Arne Jacobsen – Bellavista housing   
2.  Briefly describe two characteristics or constructive elements of Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe’s architecture.    
-Provide one building example.
-What was a “side-effect” of this, in relation to technology and architectural spatiality?  
-Reference: Themes:
–  Limitless, unobstructed horizontal transparent space -The “air sandwich”  
– Constructive minimalism; precision and proportion. -LESS IS MORE
– Expression of materials; constructive detail  
– The cross-shaped chromed pillars at Barcelona and Tugendhat   
3.  How was the response of modernism to health crises reflected in the architecture of the time?  Provide one building example.  What was a “side-effect” of this, in relation to technology and architectural spatiality?   
-Reference: Themes:
-Emphasis on daylight penetration, and ventilation, access to exterior. (Essentially, an application of LC’s Sun, fresh air and Greenery)
-Building examples:   Paimio Sanatorium -Alvar Aalto, Lovell Health House -Richard Neutra 
-Side effect: Transparent and translucent architecture. (GLASS) See thru, like radiographs.
4. Name three architects of the Case Study program, and one important built work by each one of them.   
-Reference: Themes:
-Eames                     Eames House     ?-CSH #8                         ????  
-Entenza House      -CSH #9 
-Pierre Koenig          W. Bailey House    -CSH #21B                   ??????
-Stahl House      ? -CSH #22 
-Craig Elwood          Fields House    ?  -CSH #18
-BRichard Neutra       S. Bailey House     -CSH #20A  
5.  Contrast LC’s Villa Savoye and AA’s Villa Mairea, in terms of : 
-their approach to siting
-their approach to material expression
-Reference: Themes:
-Siting: Savoye “floats,” it separates itself, differentiates itself from nature. It asserts its artificial nature, its abstraction.   Mairea embraces the site’s topography, it is firmly grounded. Mairea blends with the natural landscape.
-Material Expression: Savoye is white and abstract, in smooth concrete and glass; artificial.  Mairea incorporates stone, wood siding, and other materials that relate to the site.

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