solved Part 1 Select a company that conducts international business. Identify

Part 1 Select a company that conducts international business. Identify the company, provide a brief history of the company with a focus on global business interests, explain the current global business activities of the organization, and provide commentary on the operation. Possibilities include Infosys, Nestlé, Wal-Mart, and IKEA. See the Name/Company index in the back of the textbook or search for “Global 500 Fortune Magazine” on the Internet for ideas. Corporate websites and annual reports often contain a plethora of relevant information. Proposal Format Student name: Proposed topic: Description of the topic (3-4 sentences): Description of the relationship between your topic and the core values of community and/or personal development Proposed subtopic 1 and brief description: Proposed subtopic 2 and brief description: Proposed subtopic 3 and brief description: Proposed subtopic 4 and brief description: Proposed subtopic 5 and brief description: (Note: The various subtopics are to be labeled in the paper; this will help keep the paper organized.) Source 1 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 1 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Source 2 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 2 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Source 3 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 3 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Source 4 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 4 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Source 5 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 4 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Respond to the following questions: ï‚· Have you used Turnitin for previous class assignments? ï‚· Are you familiar with Saint Leo’s Academic Honesty policy? (If not, see the syllabus.) Part 2 (a) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) Mark 15:38 says, “The veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom.” Similarly described, in Matthew 27:51, after Jesus’ death, ” And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom.” Both authors seem to see the importance of the veil splitting within the sanctuary; however, after the veil splitting, they have different interpretations of the events. Matthew describes how tombs opened, saints were raised from the dead, and they appeared to many within the city. Only after these dramatic events did the centurion and his men declare, “Truly, this was the Son of God! (Matthew 27:54).” Whereas Mark 15:39 says, “When the centurion who stood facing him saw how he breathed his last he said ‘Truly this man was the Son of God!'” While Both books have the centurion claiming the same statement, a significant difference in dramatics seems to draw it. I find the significant difference in events interesting and wonder how they can interpret the events so differently. Portraits of Jesus interpret the differences as “Fulfillment of Jewish hope (30).” Which is the central theme within Matthew using Ezekial 37:13 as a reference to the resurrection “I will open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Isreal.” Despite Matthew using the Old Testament as a reference to interpreting his portrayal of Jesus’ death, I find it bizarre that if those events did happen, they were not described throughout the Bible. Work Cited Imperato, Robert. Portraits of Jesus. 3rd Ed. Hamilton Books, 2020. Senior, Donald et al. The Catholic Study Bible. 3rd Ed. Oxford University Press. 2010. Part 2 (b) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) What is Jesus’ attitude towards the Mosaic Law as presented by Matthew (Mt. 5)? Why is this significant? According to Matthew 5, Jesus didn’t come to do away with law, but rather fulfill it. (Donald Senior) It is obvious that he is referring to the entire Old Testament. Yet Jesus explains in Matthew chapters 5-7 (Donald Senior), and explains parts of the law in His “Sermon on the Mount”, to abolish is not the same as to destroy. Matthew 5:17 uses the phrase “the Law of the Prophets”, this gives reason to why this passage cannot be teaching the continuing authority of the law of Moses, but rather refers to a term used by the Jews to the totality of what we know as the Old Testament. (Donald Senior) Jesus calls His people to live at a higher level than the rest of the world. His call brings many other tests along the way for tests always follow the call in order to prepare leaders for the role they are to play. Jesus demonstrated that leadership development begins with shaping the perspective of the normal humor perspective on the whole law, both moral and ceremonial.(Imperato) Works Cited Donald Senior, John J. Collins, and Mary Ann Getty. The Catholic Study Bible. Oxford University Press, n.d. Imperato, Robert. “Potraits of Jesus.” n.d. Part 3(a) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) As we talk about the SWOT analysis we can always at least explain what each letter means. S- strengths W- weakness O- opportunity T- Threats/Time Some of the benefits of the SWOT analysis can be very important for the marketing manager to analyze. It first plays as a comprehensive objective towards a goal for the company. Another benefit would be good for information and identifying factors that are present within the company. For example maybe something worked in the passed and the company could use the SWOT analysis to reference from. The ability to improve key goals and factors is another benefit that the SWOT analysis holds, improving annually is a must for companies that little things like these can help a company out tremendously. Some limitations that the SWOT analysis might hold is simple, not all solutions will be solved there might be other weakness that the SWOT analysis can catch. Sometimes all those ideas can be great but what route do you go without wasting time for profit. The SWOT analysis can hold companies back from moving forward when a lot of good ideas are presented. -might hold too many ideas to choose from -might now solve all solutions “Keep in mind that a SWOT analysis only covers issues that can definitely be considered a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat. Because of this, it’s difficult to address uncertain or two-sided factors, such as factors that could either be a strength or a weakness or both, with a SWOT analysis ” Reference: Part 3 (B) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) The benefits and limitations of a SWOT analysis for Apple would be to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company. Strength and weaknesses are internal factors, whereas opportunities and threats are external factors. The analysis is a technique for assessing the four aspects of your business. It can also be used to make the most of what you’ve got, to your organization’s best advantage, and can help reduce the chances of failure by understanding what areas you are lacking, and help eliminate hazards that would otherwise catch you unaware. Better still, you can start to craft a strategy that distinguishes you from your competitors and become completely successful in your market. Some strengths for Apple are most valuable brand, globally iconic, top technology, sustainability made through possible through Liam, and expansion in services. Some weaknesses are high price products, limited advertisement & promotion, incompatibility with other software, and allegations of tracking. Some opportunities are lack of green technology, smart wearable technology, deliver self-driving software technology, and Kia motors to build Apple’s driverless car. Some threats are Coronavirus outbreak, bullied by counterfeits, China tariffs, lawsuits, and Mark Zuckerberg criticized monopoly of iPhone’s app store. iPhone app store “blocks innovation, blocks competition,” and “allows Apple to charge monopoly rents.” Apple charges a 30% cut for in-app purchases through its app store. The company is often criticized because a 30% cut is a significant commission for small businesses or app developers. The SWOT analysis of Apple: Edraw Max. Edrawsoft. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Part 4 (a) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) How might the Internet change, if at all, totalitarian governments such as North Korea? The internet is evolving each and every day. Technology, scary as it might seem, is growing at an exponential rate. Sadly, since government is one of the last major institution or sectors to adapt. As the internet (especially social media) continues to develop and become more popular and accessible in restrictive and totalitarian countries, the people in those countries become more connected with the world. In North Korea, the government has done their best to control social media, with only the elite having close to unrestricted access to the world.( But, as more and more technology begins to be available for the lower and middle classes, the common people have a chance at seeing the outside world. This could lead to widespread distrust and could initiate the start of societal and governmental change. Can you think of ways that technology might change the way democracies function? Explain Since the inception of social media, the way any democracy functions has completely changed. There has been no greater tool at the disposal of governments and campaigns than social media. One of the most notorious elections in history, the 2016 presidential election was undoubtedly influenced by social media. The influence of fake news being the highlight. According to data from, nearly 25% of online political interactions spread fake news or false facts. Besides elections, social media has brought real societal change, sometimes quicker than governments can control. At this point, most modern democracies could barely function without the internet and social media. It has been the main source of information and best way of direct communication from people to their governments and vice versa. BBC. (n.d.). BBC Monitoring – Essential Media Insight. BBC News. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Bovet, A., & Makse, H. A. (2019, January 2). Influence of fake news in Twitter during the 2016 US presidential election. Nature News. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Part 4 (b) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) How might the Internet change, if at all, totalitarian governments such as North Korea? The Internet is a way for the world to receive a wealth of knowledge and information all across the world. Since the average North Korean resident does not believe in the concept of internet more than 20 million individuals do not know what they are missing. In North Korea people rely on news only from the same Government propaganda of Kim Jong-Un who has been the supreme leader of North Korea since 2011 and the leader of workers’ party since 2012. Kim Jong-Un believes having internet exposes pertinent data, and it would pose a massive threats to the country. Having internet in democracies would change the way foreign residents and tourist are able to view all North Korea and the other Democracies have to offer. However, due to the strict nature of the protection of information guidelines and restrictions should be in place such as filtering and censorship to protect data. Can you think of ways that technology might change the way democracies function? Explain. Technology may change the way democracies function, because it would allow finances to flow globally, and positive exposure to the regime. For example, The Olympics was held in Beijing this year during a pandemic; therefore, the internet and being able to watch tv and broadband made it possible for millions of people to enjoy a very important moment in history. References: Williams, M. How the Internet works in North Korea retrieved (Nov 28, 2016) Wild, J. International Business (2020) Pearson NY Unknown – Concerns about democracy in the digital age retrieved (Feb 21, 2020)

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