solved my name is Brenna Norman and I want to become

my name is Brenna Norman and I want to become a nurse by 2025. Your introduction is due on Day 1 (Tuesday). You have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your peers.Discussion ParticipationIf you do not see the “Reply” button, or any responses, you may need to scroll down the page.When you are the first to contribute, you will see only the “Reply” button.Once you have added your initial post or response, choose the “Post Reply” button.If any classmates have posted, you will see their comments, along with the “Reply” button.The “Reply” button – as well as any responses – will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Post Your Introduction/General Education Outcomes [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read The Value of General Education blog post, What Is the Purpose of Taking General Classes for a College Degree?, General Education Requirements: What’s the Point?, and Integrated General Education: A Brief Look Back articles, review the What Is CRAAP? handout, and view the Integrating Research tutorial and Picking Your Topic Is Research! video.Before writing your introduction, review the five learning outcomes for this course:Apply ethical theory and moral reasoning to academic knowledge and societal concerns.Utilize principles of critical thinking in problem-solving.Communicate through investigative research and writing.Utilize information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies.Articulate the responsibility of global citizenship and multicultural understanding with regard to academic and professional pursuits.After reviewing the five learning outcomes, post an introduction in which youIdentify three out of five skills or competencies you have acquired through participation in general education courses that will help you meet your academic and career goals.Describe your three chosen skills and explain which activities, assignments, or courses helped you acquire them.Your initial post is due on Day 1. Respond to at least three of your classmates before Day 7. Use the forum to get acquainted and for ongoing discussions that are not related to class content.Sonja Bethune (she/her/hers)Jul 29, 2021 at 1:55 PMThis is your chance to ask me anything. See the following video for more details.ReplyCindy WelchHello, my name is Megan. I am a wife and a mom of three beautiful children, two girls and one little man. I currently own my own business with one of my best friends; our business specializes in children’s art workshops, exploring different art mediums, and having fun. Plus, I work full-time at a childcare center as an assistant director. I have my AA in Early Childhood Education, and I am on track to graduating in March 2022 with my BA in Early Childhood Education Administration. After finally obtaining my BA in 2022, I would have been attending college (on and off) for 20 years. When answering these questions, I had to think back, seeing as I did my general education courses 18 years ago. Still, luckily, I had to take two general education courses this last year for my university criteria, so I have some recent memory.I look forward to getting to know all of you in the next five weeks.-Utilize principles of critical thinking in problem-solving.All classes helped me gain a sense of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. I recently took a conflict resolution course that helped me understand how to analyze an issue and work through it with problem-solving skills. However, other general education courses have prepared me for this, including English, History, and even the sign language courses I took for my general education courses. I will admit in life and the workplace, critical thinking and problem solving are implemented daily, especially when issues arise and need to be thought through and analyzed to make the right decision.-Communicate through investigative research and writing.English courses I’ve taken and communication courses with public speaking have prepared me for investigative research and writing. With my general education English courses, I learned the correct way to investigate and research writing papers, retain APA format, and write an essay correctly. With my public speaking communications course, I analyzed and explored different subjects and discussed them before the class, where I gained confidence in public speaking. After taking this course, I became much more confident in my public speaking and currently speak in front of schools, community events, and other public speaking formats.Utilize information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies.Everything these days is or has some form of technology. While I don’t feel I’m the best at it, by taking the ASH101 course at the start of the University of Arizona global campus, I fully grasped how technology formats work throughout this educational experience University of Arizona Global campus. The technology aspect has changed in the last 18 years, and I find it very helpful compared to taking courses 18 years ago. Having all the information at my fingertips has been lovely in getting research done and wrote papers easier. Plus, all the help from videos and the University home page have helped me gain more knowledge in accomplishing different documents and assignments. Cindy WelchAug 1, 2021 at 2:29 PMWeek 1IntroductionHello class and Dr. Bethune, My name is Cindy Welch, and I am a 57-year-old mother and grandmother. I have been married for 36 years, have a grown son and daughter, and a 6-year-old grandson and 3-year-old granddaughter. I love to travel and hope to do that full-time in ten years when I retire. I have a trip planned to Spain in the spring of 2021 and hope this pandemic settles down once again. I have always worked hard and to counterbalance, travel to rebalance myself. I have an associate degree in nursing that I obtained in 1985. My early nursing career involved working in the ICU, the open-heart recovery unit, the emergency room, and as a trauma flight nurse. In 1991, I met my best friend, a cardiologist, and we started a cardiology practice in 1992. Move forward twenty-seven years and our successful group was acquired by Dignity Health, and I am now director of operations for the cardiovascular service line. With the practice of corporate medicine came the requirement for a higher degree. Thus, I am older than many and have a lot of experience in healthcare management. Honestly, I do not truly understand why I must even participate in the general education capstone when I already had an ADN degree. Still, my advisor simply keeps stating it is required, so here I am. Gaining key professional skills can be influenced by your education and by professional experiences. Returning to college thirty-three years from my first go-around has taught me that the foundation of knowledge gained in education is the basis of decisions made both professionally and personally. The level of expertise acquired correlates with the effort you place in your education. General education cannot provide you with a work ethic, common sense, and a drive to excel. These qualities are inherent within you, taught by your upbringing, a mentor, or desire to do your ultimate best in everything you set out to do. I see a huge shift between the generations where work-life balance is the priority, and a job is no longer a career for many but a steppingstone to the next chapter. I am not necessarily saying this is wrong, but I believe you can have a great work ethic and work-life balance. This is something I strive for every single day. The three skill sets I feel are essential in gaining as part of your general education are utilizing principles of critical thinking in problem-solving, communication through investigative research and writing, and utilizing technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies. Critical thinking is a crucial skill. It has been required in every class I have taken and, more importantly, in my professional role as a director of clinic operations. To problem-solve requires you to assess the situation, identify resources available, strategize a solution, and implement a plan. Communication through research and writing was also needed in every class I have taken over the past 16 months. To compile a research question, understand the data and information pertaining to the question, and then intelligently writing the research in an academic paper is a skill that carries over to the workplace. I have always been a data junkie, but returning to college this time around provided a refresher on presenting a viable argument that is persuasive, which has come in handy on several proposals I have written lately. This skill can get a little rusty if not used frequently and is an enormously powerful tool to have in your skillset. Finally, using technology is necessary for the twenty-first century. It can take a lot of guesswork out of a problem, support your position, guide workflow processes, and saves you valuable time. For example, Grammarly is a lifesaver in writing and improving your writing skillset. Those who choose not to use this free software during their education at UAGC are missing out on valuable tools. Grammarly has demonstrated over and over how to restructure grammar errors to make my writing more concise. Electronic libraries bring the information needed to a student’s fingertips. This is so much easier than thirty years ago when a student had to find sources by hand and photocopy them at ten cents a sheet in the library. I use Microsoft Excel every day to monitor my division’s operations. I use Google docs and Google Chat to communicate with my staff and providers. Use technology to work smarter, not harder. In the words of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, “so often in life things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be great good fortune.” Education often is full of impediments, the deadlines, the requirements, the workload, and the time commitment. Over the past 16 months, I have continued to work 50-60 hours a week professionally and an additional 20 hours a week academically. It is exhausting and, right now today, depressing as I would rather rest my mind and body to prepare for my busy upcoming work week. However, the good fortune of education is that I am stronger, wiser, and have a sense of accomplishment. I will graduate with honors, with a 4.0 GPA, and demonstrated to my peers, the staff I lead, and to myself that hard work and perseverance will afford me with a skill set that benefits the patients I care for, the staff I mentor, and the family I love.Hi Class, I am Theresa Osendorf. I am in my mid 50’s and live in the Los Angeles area. I have a husband and two grown daughters that are now out on their own, so basically, I am an empty nester. Besides my family and career, I have three dogs attached to my side all day, every day, as I work full-time remote as a corporate recruiter. To be successful I typically put in about a 60 hour work week so I feel like I have my hand’s full balancing work and school but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. While my role doesn’t require a degree with was a personal choice to show my kids I didn’t quit, I simply had to put them first for a few years. My husband is a police officer and works nights, so being home alone is the perfect time for me to take advantage of the quiet and focus on school. The three skill sets that I feel have been an essential part of my general education are utilizing principles of critical thinking in problem-solving, communicating through investigative research and writing, and utilizing information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies.Although I thought I used critical thinking and problem-solving in my career daily, I realize now, I wasn’t. The experience of going back to school and learning how to write a research paper correctly, creating an outline, and writing an essay with an unbiased approach really opened my eyes to what critical thinking is. Using the internet for investigative research has been another skill I have strengthed these past several months. I have a new appreciation for scholarly articles and research that uses credible references. I was challenged in this area initially but now feel more confident with finding my own research and not needing the assistance of the library tutors.Lastly, utilizing information technology skills. The use of the library has been very helpful as well as learning about Grammarly. Grammarly has truly been a lifesaver! One of my biggest fears of returning to school was that I hadn’t written more than a basic email in over 30 years. However, using Grammarly has given me the confidence I needed I now use it at work for anything I turn into a client.

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