solved A Working Outline for a Proposal Argument on the U.S.

A Working Outline for a Proposal Argument on the U.S. Healthcare SystemI. Introduction to Topic (1 or 2 paragraphs)Attention Grabber/HOOK: Introduce first source: Chemweno, Johonniuss. “The U.S. Healthcare System is Broken: A National Perspective. “ In his article “The U.S. Healthcare System is Broken: A National Perspective”, Chemweno argues that “The United States does not have a uniform health system and has no universal healthcare coverage. The health disadvantage of the U.S. relative to other high-income countries is health disparities in health services.Chemweno, Johonniuss. “The U.S. Healthcare System is Broken: A National Perspective.” Managed Healthcare Executive, 27 July. 2021, Accessed on 28 Oct, 2021.II. Second Introductory ParagraphIntroduce second source: Huckman, Robert. “What Will U.S. Health Care Look Like After the Pandemic.?“Even the most vocal critic of the American health care system cannot watch coverage of the current Covid-19 crisis without appreciating the heroism of each caregiver and patient fighting its most-severe consequences. Hospitals are being built in parks and convention centers, new approaches to sterilizing personal protective equipment (PPE) for reuse are being implemented, and new protocols for placing multiple patients on a single ventilator have been developed. Most dramatically, caregivers have routinely become the only people who can hold the hand of a sick or dying patient since family members are forced to remain separate from their loved ones at their time of greatest need.”Huckman, Robert. “What Will U.S. Health Care Look Like After the Pandemic” Harvard Business Review, 07 April. 2020, Accessed on 28 Oct 2021.III. History of the Problem (1 or 2 paragraphs)(P)oint-(I)llustration- “The U.S. Health Care Non-System, 1908-2008.” AMA Journal of Ethics“One hundred years ago, in 1908, health care was virtually unregulated and health insurance, nonexistent. Physicians practiced and treated patients in their homes. The few hospitals that existed provided minimal therapeutic care. Both physicians and hospitals were unregulated. When patients saw a physician, they paid their modest fees out-of-pocket; they were more concerned about the wages they would lose if illness kept them out of work than about the cost of their medical care.”  Moseley, George. “The U.S. Health Care Non-System, 1908-2008” AMA Journal of Ethics, May 2008, Accessed on 28 Oct 2021.(E)xplanation-                 IV. History of the Problem (1 or 2 paragraphs)(P)oint-(I)llustration- “The American Health Care System Has Lots of Problems. Here’s When They Started.” Time“The basic problem is the role that insurance companies have grown into,” Chapin says. “It wasn’t meant to be that way.”Rothman, Lily. “The American Health Care System Has Lots of Problems. Here’s When They Started” Time, 17 July 2017.  Accessed on 28 Oct 2021.V. Solution to the Problem (P)oint-(I)llustration: – “What Broke American Health Care and How to Fix It” ForbesWith relationship-based clinics, the doctors get paid a lump sum from Medicare Advantage plans [private insurer plans for people on Medicare] or employers and then coordinate care. Sometimes they teach cooking classes for patients with diabetes. Relationship-based clinics are becoming the central station for referring patients to high-value specialists.Eisengerg, Richard. “What Broke American Health Care And How To Fix It” Forbes, 25 Oct 2019. Accesses on 28 Oct 2021VII. Solution to the Problem(P)oint-(I)llustration “Finally, a conservative plan to fix America’s broken health care system” The Hill“Under the AHCP, there would be no need for Medicaid or employer health insurance plans, because Americans would have enough money in their HOA accounts to buy their own health insurance plans, providing more options than ever for the vast majority of families.”Haskins, Justin. “Finally, a conservative plan to fix America’s broken health care system” The Hills 07 Oct 2021. Accesses on 28 Oct 2021
A Working Outline for a Proposal Argument on Child PornographyI. Introduction to Topic (1 or 2 paragraphs)Attention Grabber/HOOK:Did you know that 12% of all global websites contain child pornography?Introduce first source: “Child Pornography” The United States Department of Justice”Child pornography is a form of child sexual exploitation. Federal law defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (persons less than 18 years old). Images of child pornography are also referred to as child sexual abuse images.”  II. Second Introductory ParagraphIntroduce second source: “Child Pornography and Sexual Abuse Statistics” Thorn”Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor. These images and videos that involve the documentation of an actual crime scene are then circulated for personal consumption. More recently, live-streaming sexual abuse has begun to surface. In these instances individuals pay to watch the live abuse of a child via a video streaming service.”Thesis Statement at End of Introduction: use “problem and solution rhetoric” to set up argumentChild Pornography is a huge global issue that goes undetected, but there are ways to prevent more incidents to happen.III. History of the Problem (1 or 2 paragraphs)(P)oint- Child pornography was present before we knew what it actually was.(I)llustration- “US History of Sexual Exploitation of Children (News)” Women At Risk International”When it comes to sexual slavery and exploitation of children, Americans tend to view it as a problem somewhere else. Slavery doesn’t exist in the United States anymore, we tell ourselves. Certainly the selling of children here is unimaginable. And no, slavery as it existed in the early years of our country’s formation does not exist openly. But make no mistake: the buying and selling of people, especially children, for sexual acts occurs today.(E)xplanation- It has been stated in this article that any type of sexual exploitation involving children started when slavery was very prominent. It has also been mentioned that America is primarily the reason to blame for it.IV. History of the Problem (1 or 2 paragraphs)(P)oint- Because it took so long for child pornography to be noticed, laws were passed later on throughout the years to try to stop it.(I)llustration- “US History of Sexual Exploitation of Children (News)” Women At Risk International”The first law that touched on human trafficking was the Mann Act of 1910, or the White Slave Trafficking Act. Enacted to fight forced prostitution and transportation of women from state to state, it didn’t specifically protect minors. An amendment in 1917 broadened the scope of the law to include any noncommercial immoral acts. However, it wasn’t until 60 years later in 1978 that the Mann Act was amended to protect male or female minors from sexual exploitation. The introduction of child pornography came in the late 70’s, prompting the government to take action.”(E)xplanation- It has taken America a long time to realize that child pornography/exploitation is wrong. Laws were able passed in the 1900s; imagine how the topic of child pornography before the 1900s was since it was not taken seriously until the 1900s.V. Solution to the Problem (P)oint- Making preventions will be the first step in the right direction to stop child pornography/exploitation(I)llustration- “Teens and Child Pornography: Sensible Solutions Needed” Safe Online”Prevention – This pillar would include evidence-based education programs comprehensively delivered to children, youth, parents, educators, service providers and the public. Not just once in a while, but a concerted effort to change these behaviours”(E)xplanation- By preventing child pornography, we are able to protect teens and youngerchildren from the dangers of predators and more.VI. Solution to the Problem (This is not prevention like you mention in the thesis.)(P)oint- Treating the aftermath of child pornography can help heal someone(I)llustration- “Teens and Child Pornography: Sensible Solutions Needed” Safe Online”We need to acknowledge the harm caused to victims by reckless distribution of sexting images and offer support to them and their families. The challenges they face as they learn to cope with the existence of permanent digital sexual images and their possible future consequences need to be supported by trained professionals who understand. Additionally youth charged, convicted or otherwise stigmatized by being the perpetrator of these crimes, and their families, also need support and assistance in contextualizing the incidents.”(E)xplanation- Being able to be treated after being part of something such as child pornography will take a lot of healing. The process of being treated will help someone recover from the trauma.VII. Solution to the Problem(P)oint- Enforcing laws on child pornography will help eliminate the spread of sexual context photos, videos, etc.(I)llustration- “Teens and Child Pornography: Sensible Solutions Needed” Safe Online”Support for law enforcement organizations to manage the frontline reporting, investigation and prosecution needs support and resources. All levels of the judiciary process, especially those that include predominantly pre-internet generations (judges, senior management and policy developers) must be able to understand the complexity of these situations in order to adjudicate them fairly, as well as be provided with the resources to adequately investigate these increasingly common occurrences.”(E)xplanation- By enforcing more laws and supporting law enforcement organizations, child pornography crimes will decrease tremendously.VIII. Counter to Existence of Climate Change(P)oint- Many societies do not think child pornography is not a big deal(I)llustration- “Despite Increase in Global Child Protection Laws Many Countries Still Do Not Consider Child Pornography A Crime” International Centre For Missing and Exploited Children”The global problem of child pornography has exploded with the advent of the Internet. In 2006 ICMEC reviewed the laws in 184 countries and found that only 27 countries had laws sufficient to protect children from child pornography”(E)xplanation- With the growing amount of child pornography being spread still, not a lot of laws are being enforced to stop prevent it from continuously happening.X. Conclusion to Proposal Argument: Re-cap w/The Purpose of the Proposala. Restate Thesis StatementChild Pornography is a huge global issue that goes undetected, but there are ways to prevent more incidents to happen.b. 2-3 Sentences about Each Part of the ProposalBy being able to learn the history of child pornography, societies are able to understand the concept of it and become more attentive about it. Child pornography is a global social issue that needs to be addressed more so that solutions can be made to stop it. Some solutions include creating highly enforced laws and treatment centers so a victim of child pornography/exploitation can get the healing they deserve from traumatic events.c. Return to Attention Grabber/HOOK:Remember, 12% of all global websites contain child pornography; lets try to make that percentage turn to 0% so we can finally put an end to child pornography for good.Works Cited“Child Pornography and Sexual Abuse Statistics.” Thorn, 15 Sept. 2020, Date Accessed 31 October, 2021“Child Pornography.” The United States Department of Justice, 28 May 2020, Date Accessed 31 October, 2021“Despite Increase in Global Child Protection Laws Many Countries Still Do Not Consider Child Pornography a Crime.” International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children, 24 Feb. 2017, (Links to an external site.). Date Accessed 31 October, 2021“Teens and Child Pornography: Sensible Solutions Needed.” SafeOnline, 24 Oct. 2016, Date Accessed 21 October, 2021“US History of Sexual Exploitation of Children (News).” Women At Risk, International, 11 July 2012, Date Accessed 21 October, 2021 

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