solved DQ#1 Intelligence Alexus MDear Professor and Classmates, Back in the

DQ#1 Intelligence Alexus MDear Professor and Classmates,
Back in the day, IQ test were created to find indivdual’s intelligence level. However, these days it is argued that this test doen’t show and reflect one’s true intelligence level. While the test does predict certain life choices and paths of an individual, it doesn’t necessarily reflect one’s true intelligence and intellectual abilities. Those who score higher on these test tend to be more successful in life in certain aspects. For example, academic achievement ,economic success and have better physical/mental health (Balter, 2017). One thing the test is correlated to is the motivation level of the individual. If the individual is more motivated to take the test and do well, they will typically take and have this trait for the rest of their lives. Also, those who are promised some sort of reward for doing good on the test will have significantly higher scores as well. IQ is a way to measure one’s reasoning ability. In other words it’s suppose to be able to figure out and tell us how well someone can use both information and logic to answer questions and/or make predictions (Stevens, 2019). With all of this being said, the results in terms of how intelligent one is should not be taken seriously. However, if one were to use the results in other ways the information could be very useful to mental health professionals, doctors, parents, educators, etc. For instance, the results of an IQ test could reveal that the individual is having trouble in a certain areas of intelligence. With this information, the school can provide and help the student by giving them extra help or putting them in a special program. Culture also plays a role in IQ testing. What is considered to be intelligent here could mean something completely different in another culture and vice versa. With this being said, some IQ test are unknowingly biased which makes it very difficult for people of certain cultures to take due to their lack of understanding and relatibility to the content. However, realizing this is an issue, many people have worked on and updated this issue so that it should no longer be an issue in regards to culture. As a counselor, knowing this information would impact the writters treatment. If IQ was a topic that is brought to their attention from a patient or their legal guardians, the writer would have to analyze their results and help them accordingly. If a client were to come in with a low score then this could mean a variety of different things. For instance, it could mean the child has a learning disability, has a hard time adapting, etc. It is vital to get treatment when the child is young that way they can start fixing and monitoring the concerns/problems as soon as possible. This way they can begin to see results and work on things that the individual is struggling with. References:Balter, M. (2017, December 10). What Does IQ Really Measure? Science | AAAS., A. (2019, December 3). What is IQ — and how much does it matter? Science News for Students. WHello Professor and class IQ a true measure of intelligence IQ testing is used for a variety of purposes depending on thefunction of the task and assess the persons possibility of being able to complete the taskor if they need support in a certain area (Whitbourne, 2020). Clincians useintelligent testing to get standardized scores that allow them to evaluate the client’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses (Whitbourne, 2020). This writer feels that IQ test is a true measure of one’s intelligence in a certain area or skill. How serious should the test be taken Intelligence testing should be taken as serious as the extent in which the assessment is needed for the task. For example, intelligence testing is used by clinicians to assess the client’s ability to complete a range of tasks including perceptual and memory task(Whitbourne, 2020). This author feels that the information that is found through IQ testing should be looked at as a tool to define problems or successful strengths along with weaknesses which will help the provides give clients the best service. Culture and IQ Culture may affect one’s IQ as some cultures may interpret the information in the testing different due to their cultural influence. Their response may appear different and affect scoring and therefore affect the use of the score with resources needed or capability to complete certain task. According to the DSM- V culture bound syndromes are patterns of behavior that are only seen in certain cultures (Whitbourne, 2020). These patterns of behavior may influence the results of testing. How does knowing this information impact treatment It is beneficial for providers to be aware of clients IQ to assist with formulating a person-centered treatment plan. Being aware of the client ability to complete perceptual a memory task may influence interventions, choice of wording along with assessing strengths and weaknesses supports tailoring treatment(Whitbourne, 2020). Becoming familiar with different testing tools support providers continued education as noted in the ACA (ACA, 2014). This allows providers to obtain information about the client to support treatment and interventions. Reference Whitbourne, S. K. (2020). Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders (9thed). McGraw Hill. DQ#2 Neuropsychological Assessment Darren EHello class and ProfessorNeuropsychological assessment is a subject that is new to the writer, but after doing some research the writer begin torecognize the importance of this type of assessment. The writer believes that the assessment can be used on different populationsbecause the test is to find out information that will help the professional to understand the client thinking process (cognitive).When the client has changes in their ability to think or concentrate, the reason for the test is to find out what factors hascontributed to the decrease in their ability to think on a level they used to. A neuropsychological assessment should be done onchildren who have a learning disability, so the child can be helped and do not have to be limited to what life has to offer, becausethe child lacks in the ability to learn. According to Silver, & Elliott, (2006) states that a child’s primary “job” is to learn. When a child fails to develop academic skills as expected, this failure may mean the present of subtle brain dysfunction of a developmentalnature. Additionally, a child who has medical risk factors (such as a seizure disorder or traumatic brain injury) may experiencelearning disorders (Williams & Sharp, 2000; Yeates, 2000). This assessment is essential for children who show a learning disabilityso we can help them to overcome/deal with the disability to have a better quality of life.Another population that this assessment would be administered to are the adults who can not stay focused or have low tensionspand. This can be the result of many different issues they have gone through during their life spand. For example, they could haveendured a severe head injury, a seizure, mental illness, and addiction. These are some of the reasons that will stunt someone’s abilityto grow cognitively and progress in life. According to Bhargava, MD. (2020) states that part of the assessment will incluse a review of the client’s medical history. To see if the client has ever had a stroke or seizure before during their life, because this can hinder theclient’s ability to think and talk. This will help the technician to determine what type of neuropsychological assessment to give. Oncethe assessments are done the neuropsychologist will go over the results and write their report. It will include a diagnosis and suggestionsfor the proper treatment, if any are needed. The treatment could be other tests, medication, or counseling, and in some cases more than one could be apart of someone’s treatment plan. When the doctor and other professional get more information about the client’s brain now, you will both be able to make healthier decisions about your mental and physical health later. As a human service professionalthe writer believes it is our duty to learn all we can about our clients to help give them the best treatment we have to offer, so the clientcan achieve their goals in their life. Reference:Bhargava, H. MD. (2020). Neuropsychological Testswww.webmd.comElliott, R. & Silver, C. (2006). The importance of neuropsychological assessment for the evaulation of childhood learning disorders: NAN policy and planning WHello professor and class Neuropsychological assessments focus on assessing cognitive functioning and examinesconsequences from a brain damage or sever mental illness (Whitbourne, 2020). The scores from these tests are compared to a client’s response on certain test with normative data or those that are known to have a specific disorder or illness (Whitbourne, 2020). Assessments may focus on short term memory lost and verbal reasoning and comprehension (Whitbourne, 2020). Executive functioning test assess the ability to make plans and goals along with following through with them. Neuropsychological assessments are used to find out the nature of the damage to the brain (Whitbourne, 2020). The Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST) assess the executive function, the ability to complete abstract or higher order task (Whitbourne, 2020). This testing is sensitive to frontal lobe damage and assess other area of the cortical (Whitbourne, 2020). Brain scans have been included to compare the performance of (WCST) promoting researchers to expand their ability to interpret the score (Whitbourne, 2020). The Glasgow coma scale (GCS) assess impairment at a conscious level and how one responds to a certain stimulus (Whitbourne, 2020). This assessment is generally right after brain trauma (Whitbourne, 2020). This writer likes the Glasgow test and feel that this assessment would be something this writer could do. However, this writer would like to complete this assessment something when a resident doctor comes to see you before the actual doctor comes in. The resident doctor usually gets information from the patient and then discuss it with the regular doctor. This author would complete the assessment and in turn talk with the supervisor regarding the information and treatment. This writer like to complete this task several times until this authordevelops more skills and more dynamics with this assessment. What this author like about this test is that it come in 32 languages which provides a wide range of ability to test those with cultural differences (Whitbourne, 2020). Reference Whitbourne, S. K. (2020). Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders (9thed). McGraw Hill. DQ#3 Cultural CompetencyDarren EHello class and ProfessorWhen discussing cultural competence and how culture plays a part in the different belief systems each culture believes init has to be considered that each culture has different values that other culture do not value, or even consider. For example, somereligions do not believe in taking medication, and muslims do not believe in sharing their lived experience with another person whois not muslim. The reason why the writer stated the muslim culture as an example, because the writer is muslim and was taught not to testify to a non believer, and that is what makes the Islamic community neglect professional help or be reluctant to get help until theircondition becomes severe. According to Mental Health first-Aid, (2019) states there are 4 ways culture can impact mental health:The first is cultural stigma. Every culture has a different way of looking at mental health. For many, there is a growing stigma around mental health, and mental health challenges are considered a weakness and something to hide. This can make it harder for those strugglingto talk openly and ask for help.The second being understanding symptoms. Culture can influence how people describe and feel about their symptoms. It can affectwhether someone chooses to recognize and talk about only physical symptoms, only emotional symptoms or both. The third being community support. Cultural factors can determine how much support someone gets from their family and community when it comes tomental health. Because of existing labeling, minorities are sometimes left to find mental health treatment and support alone. The finalbeing resources. When looking for mental health treatment, you want to talk to someone who understand your specific experiences andconcerns. It can sometime be difficult or take alot of time to find resources and treatment options that take into account specific culturesfactors and needs. Culture also can be based on a family financial status. For example, a family that is well off has more choices to decide for their treatment purposes. Those from poverty neighborhood will only have limited options and most do not have a choice which makesthem hesitant to seek help unless the situation is so severe they do not have a choice (Mental Health First-Aid, 2019).Cultural competent is the way to help your client to receive the best treatment possible they deserve. It’s important to gather as muchinformation about the client and their belief system, no matter if it come from biological, or cognitive beliefs. The writer believes that inorder to help a client accurately you must gather as much information you can to better understand the client and the way they were raised.What might be considered a problem to one culture may be normal in another culture, so in order to give accurate help from the correct diagnosis each culture and person should be treated as a unique individual. According to Alacon, (2009) states that the complex information regarding symptoms, behaviors, emotional correlates and eventual neuro-biological substrates by means of history takingand actual observation of psychopathological events, psychiatric diagnosis aim at reaching a perspective that is understood of the client’sexperience, so that the most appropriate treatment can be offered, and result in clinical improvement, more effecient personal functioningand a more comfortable quality of life for the client and their family(Alacon,2009). As a counselor it is important for this writer to gainall the information possible to help the client to get the treatment, and to see what type of treatment they may need, and understanding their cultural beliefs will help in the process to be more accurate in treating them. Reference:Alacon, R., (R., (2009). Culture, cultural factors and psychiatric diagnosis: review and projection. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govMental Health First Aid USA, (2019). Four ways culture impacts mental health. www.mentalhealthfirstaid.orgAlexus MDear Professor and Classmates,
When thinking of the concept of culture, as a whole we think of languages, different clothing and food, different religions, different tradtions, etc. Each and every single society has a different culture that has an impact of the individuals a part of the societies beliefs, norms and values. It also has an impact on how one would interpret or view certain ideas and/or behaviors. In terms of mental health, it could impact and determine whether or not one is willing to seek out and ask for help. As a mental health care professional it is vital to understand the role culture plays in mental health. There are many ways culture can impact mental health. One way is cultu

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