solved Before you get started: *Chapter 5 of the course text,

Before you get started:
*Chapter 5 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills! (READ)
*Discussion Board Expectations/Instructions
Discussion Board:
1.  Think about a cause you feel passionate about.
2.  Briefly describe the cause and what it represents. (Not more than 3-4 sentences)
3.  Identify one organization that represents this cause.
4.  Discuss at least two examples of how this organization uses technology to deliver the message about the cause you identified.
5.  Use the course text to support your ideas and examples.
Chapter 5: Technological Communication in Interpersonal Relationships
The chapter examines the use of technological communication in interpersonal relationships. It includes a definition of technology, and a look at how technology is used in interpersonal relationships. In addition, it provides a brief history of the development of technology and its increased use in interpersonal relationships.

To discuss the use of technology in interpersonal relationships
To explore the context for the use of technology in interpersonal relationships
To examine the benefits and liabilities of technological communication

Rise in the Use of Technology in Interpersonal Relationships
Over the last 100 years, the use of technology has advanced at an increasingly rapid rate. Technology refers to the application of scientific principles to machinery. These ever-developing processes have made it possible for people to communicate with each other all over the world. The use of technology in communication affects families, friends, professional arenas, and romantic experiences.
There are many different types of technological communication instruments. Research indicates that various factors influence use of technology in communication. Variables such as economics, education, and location influence access to technology, which then can affect ability to communicate with others. 
In March 2020, when the world came to a screeching halt because of the mysterious coronavirus, the use of technology to communicate significantly increased. Synchronous communication
, means to communicate with others across distance in real time. Many places in the world, including schools, businesses, government agencies, financial institutions, and places of worship, were forced to conduct business via technology with reduced personal interaction. In synchronous communication, people communicate simultaneously, but they may not be in the same location. The use of technologies in video chats and audio calls became the norm rather than face to face interactions. In addition to the closing of businesses and fundamental operating agencies, like schools, there was a dramatic reduction in travel. This further intensified the need for technological means of communicating to keep the world functioning at a basic level.
Communication technologies includes sound and video based processes and tools like the Internet, multimedia, cell phones, and email. Communication systems are designed to fit the needs of a particular business or market. The increased demand to present information from a distance caused a change in the way business is conducted. For example, schools, which often relied on teachers interacting with students face to face in a classroom, were challenged to offer educational information via some type of computer system. While, this sounds like a solution to the problem at hand. It presents many issues. For example, students who do not have Internet service, cell phones, or computers are facing a major challenge receiving equitable education. In a country like America, where the democracy depends on an educated public, this presents unseen challenges for the future. The use of technology in education raises the issue of who has access and at what level?
The Development of Technology
A brief history of the development of technological communication is provided below:
Development of Communication Technology

Early Communications: Early forms of communication included homing pigeons and smoke signals.
Printed Communication: Written communication has thrived off advancing technology.
Television: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hopes that one day television will become an interactive form.
Internet: Email and social networking have changed how people stay in touch.

Development of Communication Technology
Technological Communication and Its Uses in Interpersonal Relationships

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Family Life
In families, distance is often a factor that influences keeping in touch. As the world became smaller, distance grew in families. Some families are in places different from where they were born. For example, because of war, famine, and other world crisis, families have often been forced to separate to stay alive. Sometimes, people move from their place of origin because of persecution, religious conflict, war, or seeking new opportunities. The world is no longer a place where a person is born, lives, and dies in the same place. The world is open for people to explore for various reasons. Just because people are in different places, does not mean they cannot communicate. It is true that some countries have limitations or strict guidelines on communication processes. Even so, more and more people are discovering new technologies to remain connected with family. In an article, “New umbilical cords tie young adults to parents,” published in USA Today, in 2003 the author wrote:
“My children and I all have moved together into cyberspace. It no longer matters anymore where we are physically. If home is where the heart is, then our hearts have moved into the invisible realm of mobile and wireless communications, and into the ethereal hometown called the Internet. There, we can be-and always will be-together.” Alcestis Oberg (p.11A)
Knowledge Checkpoint 5.1
Watch the following video clip:
Effective Communication in the Family
The featured speaker on this video clip is
Watch the following video clip:
Effective Communication in the Family
The featured speaker on this video clip is
Michael Taxer 
Andrew Johnson 
Andrew Blackwood 
Social Life
The way people interact with each other has changed significantly. Right now there is the concept of social distancing
, which means staying at least six feet away from people in public environments like grocery stores, banks, and other places of forming lines. This has occurred in the last few months because of the spread of the coronavirus. In an effort to stop the spread of the disease that continues to kill millions of people, mandates were passed for people to wear masks, gloves, and social distance in many parts of the world including the United States.
The order to shelter in place
, means to stay home unless leaving for essential items like food or medicine. The combination of these factors, the lay off from jobs, and the general economic slow down, has forced people to engage in social behavior in a way the world has not seen before.

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The increase in the use of social media is not just a social process. It is a way for people to develop electronic communities. Laura Rubinstein, a social media and marketing strategist, and founder of Social Buzz Club, offers the following definition and advice regarding social media:
“I like to define the phrase ‘social media’ by looking at its parts. Social is about building relationships. Media means public publishing platforms. If we put the two together, we get Social media networks which are the public publishing platforms we use for creating and maintaining online relationships. The key emphasis is on ‘public.’ Your content is not owned by you once you put in on social media. Thus, if you want to keep things private, keep them OFF social media. Good rule of thumb is to always post what you would be proud of seeing on a billboard in Times Square.” (Interview with the author 4-24-20).
Knowledge Checkpoint 5.2
Visit the following website: download a free Optimizing LinkedIn Kit, you can send them to my website at Transform Today – Savvy Social Media Insights for Business Building.
Who is the author of Transform Today?
Watch the short film listed below: 
A Social Life | Award Winning Short Film | Social Media Depression
Mark the correct answer below:
Does the film convey
Watch the short film listed below: 
A Social Life | Award Winning Short Film | Social Media Depression
Mark the correct answer below:
Does the film convey
Effective social connection 
Social media expertise 
Social media depression 
Professional Life
The FCC is the government agency responsible for regulation of guidelines of policies related to communication development. On the FCC webpage, the role of the agency is clarified
“The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. An independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the Commission is the federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing America’s communications law and regulations.” (About the FCC | Federal Communications Commission)

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Romantic Life
Technological advancements in communication has also affected the way individuals engage in romantic relationships. There are no longer long waits for romantic letters from a distant lover.
A CNN website made the following observation:
“These days we often text instead of speak, use FaceTime instead of having face-to-face discussions and zip through online dating profiles with the same speed it takes to order a pizza. Convenient, sure, but ‘The Notebook’ it’s not.” (How technology has changed romance)
While some researchers assert the impact of technology on romantic relationships, some researchers assert that the form has changed but the goal is the same. Anthropologist, and couples expert Helen Fisher states, “While love itself stays the same, technology has affected the way we form and end relationships.” (Helen Fisher: Technology hasn’t changed love. Here’s why | TED Talk)
The Very Well Family website points out 7 specific ways technology is changing the way teenagers engage in relationships. They state

The dating pool has widened
Flirting is mostly virtual
Online harassment is a problem
Social media is a major source of jealousy
Technology allows for constant contact
There are more ways to say it’s over
Most teens share nude photos or webcam images at one time

Negative Effects of Technology on Relationships
The web page Health Advisor points out some of the negative effects of overuse of technology on relationships. How is technology affecting US negatively? According to this web site, some of the problems that arise from overuse of technology include

Social Isolation: Reduction in face-to-face interaction
Distraction from the surrounding: Lack of awareness of immediate surroundings
Obesity: Weight gain due to lack of exercise
Depression: Mental problems due to lack of interaction
Sleep Disorders: Failure to have a proper sleeping environment

Knowledge Checkpoint 5.3
There is no correlation between the use of technology and one’s mental health.
Positive Effects of Technology on Relationships
Dr. Keith Hampton, an associate professor of communication and public policy at Rutgers University, indicates that technology has a positive effect on relationship development. “Our findings are very clear and consistent, that users of social networks tend to have more close relationships, not just online, but in real life,” Some of the positive ways technology is bolstering relationships according to this author include

Technology causes more offline interaction
Technology helps build relationship
Technology helps relationships last over time and distance
Technology increases awareness of group diversity
Technology creates communities

Technology and Relationships: The Pros and Cons

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Knowledge Checkpoint 5.4
Answer the following question true or false:
While technology can prevent natural disasters, it can also help to predict and mitigate their effects.
This chapter explores the relationship between technology and interpersonal relationships. It defines technology in the context of interpersonal relationships. In addition, it discusses the effect of technology in families, social environments, professional exchanges, and romantic experiences. It identifies some of the positive and negative effects of technology on interpersonal relationships.

Post 1

A cause I definitely feel passionate about is animal welfare and animal rights. This cause is definitely a popular one amongst people, mostly younger people, but it is something I am always looking closely at and sometimes I even donate to some organizations that help fight for animal welfare and animal rights. Animal welfare is the act of making sure any animal, or anything nonhuman, is safe and protected. Animal rights go along the same guidelines but they protect animals from being tested on, from dog fighting, and much more. One organization that I follow that represents this cause is an organization named The Animal Pad. While they are not a huge worldwide corporation, they are San Diego based that uses their social media platforms to spread their cause. They rescue dogs from all over San Diego, and different parts of Mexico as well. They use social media platforms such as Instagram, facebook, etc. to spread awareness about what they are doing within their cause, such as, what dogs they rescued, where they came from, how their wellbeing is, and what they plan on doing, whether it is giving them into foster home until they are ready to be adopted or if they already have homes to go to. They also have a website that allows you to apply to be a foster parent for dogs, as well as applications to adopt and what animals they have ready for adoption. They also use some apps such as venmo, zelle, etc. to accept donations from those who wish to help out with vet bills whenever they rescue dogs who are sick and require medical attention. As said in chapter five of Saba’s text, one of the positive effects of technology on relationships is, “technology creates communities.” This is true regarding this organization because they used technology to spread awareness about their cause and it created a group of people, those who joined the organization to help rescue dogs, those who became foster parents to dogs, and much more.

Hello Alyssa, I love the cause you chose. Mine is very similar in relating to keeping animals safe from these terrors and much more. Technology has formed a major platform in this industry making more and more people aware of the things going on all over the world. The use of instagram, facebook, ect all help widen the audience connected to these organizations. “There are many different types of technological communication instruments”(Ch 5). All of these websites come with positive and negative effects yet, I believe with spreading information across these websites world wide is only making the world a better place. We all form a community online facing the problems of the world. The cause you chose seems to be using technology the right way showing people these animals are helpless and without more people on their side things will remain the way they are. Thanks for sharing, I’ll be sure to go and donate to this cause as well.


A cause I’m passionate about is rescuing people of all ages who have become victims of human trafficking. In 2008, evangelist and motivational speaker “Christine Caine and her husband founded The A21 Campaign, a non-profit that focuses on sex trafficking in southeastern Europe” (Reyes). Christine’s desire to start the campaign began while walking through a Grecian airport in 2007, and noticing several missing girl posters. After some investigating, she found out these innocent children were put on platforms and auctioned off to the highest bidder in a sex trafficking ring; even worse, she learned of newborns being sold to pedophile rings (Reyes). Since 2008, The A21 Campaign has expanded their focus to include not only sex trafficking but child labor, post-trauma restoration, and housing. There are offices in California, South Carolina, Norway, Great Britain, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, South Africa, Thailand, and Australia. They also have shelters and transition houses in Greece and Ukraine.
I was introduced to The A21 Campaign by my friend Leslie who invited me to a women’s conference with Cristine Caine as the main speaker of the night. Cristine shared her experiences, vision, and success stories through multimedia videos and pictures captured during a rescue mission; and via Zoom, she conversed real-time with an A21 volunteer in Greece. By sharing bits and pieces of this rescue with video and having a real-time Zoom conversation, it enabled the audience to feel the anxiety, terror, and realness of the situation. She even brought a young girl who was rescued and rehabilitated by The A21 Campaign to give her testimony. What this girl went through was heart wrenching and after hearing it, I wanted to help other girls like her. For me, it was impossible to return to my cushy life without helping in some way.
In conclusion, with the use of multimedia and synchronous communication, which is described by Furahaa Saba as “the means to communicate with others across distance in real time,” Cristine Caine made human trafficking feel very real to all of us in attendance and brought to light a darkness in our world that needs to be combatted. She used technology to plant a seed in the hearts and minds of hundreds of women that hopefully will produce a harvest of new volunteers, or should I say warriors, to bring safety and justice to many
Works Cited
Reyes, Cazzie. “Christine Caine – The A21 Campaign.” 7 January 2014. End Slavery Now. 10 March 2021. .
Saba, Furahaa. Improving Your Interpersonal Communication Skills. Prod. GRLContent. 2002-2021.…

Thank you for sharing on this challenging subject. I agree that hearing these stories and truths about victims of human trafficking are gut wrenching. I have only heard of Truckers against Trafficking. It was so nice to hear about not only this active organization but that they are actually saving people. Getting them out of the situation is only the first step as I’ve read your organization is well aware of. Getting them psychological help with PTSD is an impressive source of help and to top it off with housing, wow. That is just fantastic. I will have to look into this organization and see if I can donate. As our text reads, “when the world came to a screeching halt because of the mysterious coronavirus, the use of technology to communicate significantly increased.” (Saba, Chapter 5) We need organizations like yours more than ever now to keep the help up and running regardless of the curves that COVID throws our way. Take care Kimberly.

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