solved Submit your P2 Packet including your outline, an annotated bibliography,

Submit your P2 Packet including your outline, an annotated bibliography, and the grid.

Can be a formal outline (think Roman numerals and various indentations)
Can be an informal outline (starts with ideas for  intro/thesis, and features the three major section headings with some  ideas for each, and ideas for conclusion)
Whether you use formal/informal outline structure, title the  outline with the type of lit review structure you plan to use (and stage  your bolded section headings as such throughout the outline)

Annotated Bib (six sources total):

three academic, two public, one primary 

These should be the same sources you’ve already annotated. Now, you’re just collecting them into one document
The academic sources should be two paragraphs each (four sentences or more per par.)
The popular/primary source annotations can be one paragraph each (four sentences or more per par.)

Each source should be consistently formatted using APA/MLA
Each source should start with the reference/works cited for the source at the top
Each source should feature at least one in-text citation (correctly formatted)


Include a picture of the entire grid (should be clear)


a sharable link that opens to the completed grid (should feature six or more sources)


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