solved To: Chief Executive Officer (Tom Hiller) From: Johnny Subject: Update

To: Chief Executive Officer (Tom Hiller) From: Johnny Subject: Update Seminar on Legal Issues for ManagersDate: August 11Tom, we’re planning a two-day training seminar on “Legal Issues for Managers.” This memo updates you on the speakers. We’ve asked Ms. Jeannette Boot to give the keynote address, and she’s trying to fit us into her schedule. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear from her. We expect she will be able to give the address, but just in case she can’t, we have a list of alternates. Frankly, though, Ms. Boot would be hard to top. We have arranged for the following speakers for our other sessions: Judge Elizabeth Melton, State Supreme Court; Mr. Joseph Hiller, American Bar Association (Section of Environmental Management Issues); and Professor Gera Brown, Professor of Law at the University of Michigan. They will all give their views of important legal issues that managers must deal with today. Because we believe it is beneficial to have fresh viewpoints on these issues, we have asked all outside speakers, including the keynote speaker, to participate in a panel at the end of the confer-ence. They’ve all tentatively agreed. We haven’t had such a panel before, but it seems a naturalway to use our speakers’ expertise and to tie things together at the end.

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