solved In the 1997 case of University and Community College System

In the 1997 case of University and Community College System of Nevada v Farmer, Farmer was initially awarded $40K in damages for violation of the Equal Pay Act. The university won an appeal in front of the State of Nevada’s Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case, leaving the lower court’s verdict in place. Defend or critique the finding of the Nevada Supreme Court using a deontological or teleological approach.
The WatchMark-Comnitel Corporation has undergone significant changes since their case of outsourcing. They were renamed Vallent Corporation, and later were acquired by IBM. This shows the competitive nature of the software industry. Based on this knowledge, examine the outsourcing actions taken by Watchmark-Comnitel from the deontological and teleological perspectives.
Present an argument that it is easier for employers to comply with diversity legislation in Canada than it is in the United States.
Select a source of media as outlined in Exercises in Media Diversity. Comment on the questions listed in the textbook for the media option you selected.

Harvey, Carol P., Allard, M. June. (2014). Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises, (6th Ed). Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0133548198

Section V Introduction
Essays 37 – 44

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