solved I’m working on a philosophy case study and need a
I’m working on a philosophy case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.
This assignment has a twofold purpose. The assignment is intended to increase the
student’s personal awareness of their leisure attitude and choices. Additionally, this
written assignment is intended to help the student to apply the concepts of leisure,
recreation and play in society through a thoughtful reflection and development of their
personal leisure philosophy. This written assignment should synthesize a student’s own
personal beliefs and values with knowledge gained through learning modules and article
readings, in order to develop their own personal leisure philosophy. The writing should
include introspective comments, leisure concepts from the course, leisure pursuits and
current trends based on course content. The learning module – Philosophy of Leisure will
provide additional guidance for the development of students’ personal leisure philosophy.
The Leisure Philosophy will be submitted in the Assignment section in Canvas. The
Leisure Philosophy should be about ½ to 1 page in length. Values should be clearly
identified using value statements, not just listing values. The narrative should be
reflective of one’s leisure philosophy not just a philosophy that has no relationship to