Entries by admin

solved COLLAPSE The Four P’s and Your Learning from the Tio

COLLAPSE The Four P’s and Your Learning from the Tio case  This week Austin talked about what he learned from the stories of previous product launches that came from other cultures, such as hummus and Greek yogurt. In preparation for this week’s Discussion, think about the Tio Gazpacho story that you have been following throughout […]

solved Instructions:Conflict is inevitable within any organization. But how you deal

Instructions:Conflict is inevitable within any organization. But how you deal with it can contribute to whether your organization survives, or thrives. Lydia Richards, CEO of Teamworks discusses five techniques for resolving workplace conflict in a video titled “Conflict Resolution Techniques”.After you watch the video, answer the following questions:Think about a conflict situation you have personally […]

solved This week’s source is a news article from New York

This week’s source is a news article from New York Times. Read the instructions to get access to the New York Times. https://guides.lib.uci.edu/nytimesLinks to an external site. Title: Vaccine Passports Could Unlock World Travel and Cries of Discrimination Source: New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/09/world/europe/vaccine-passports-virus-issues-legal-ethical.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage (Links to an external site.) 1. Read the news article and submit […]

solved Describe a decision that you or your company made that

Describe a decision that you or your company made that involved opportunity costs that should have been considered. Why did your company make the decision? What should it have done? Compute the profit consequences of the change.The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form. […]

solved Question: In Why Both Social Structure and Culture Matter in

Question: In Why Both Social Structure and Culture Matter in a Holistic Analysis of Inner-City Poverty by William Julius Wilson (2010) he states, “Social structure refers to the way social positions, social roles, and networks of social relationships are arranged in our institutions, such as the economy, polity, education, and the organization of the family” […]

solved Submit a 7- to 10-page comprehensive scholarly analysis of the

Submit a 7- to 10-page comprehensive scholarly analysis of the role leadership plays in establishing an organizational culture that includes a focus on positive social change. In your analysis, do the following: Analyze Dr. Marsh’s challenges and their influence on an organization’s culture. Summarize the leadership style you would adopt to influence the organization’s culture […]

solved I’m working on a data analytics writing question and need

I’m working on a data analytics writing question and need support to help me learn. Your firm is attempting to learn the effectiveness of a newly developed television ad on its sales. To do this, it has randomly run the ad between 0 and 5 times during one week across a large number of television […]

solved I’m working on a business plans discussion question and need

I’m working on a business plans discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better. Select a global company or business. (See Forbes Global 2000 resource or other resources: http://www.economywatch.com/companies/forbes-list/ (Links to an external site.))Please select and discuss 1 of the following scenarios:a)If you were the CEO of this global company would you expand […]

solved I’m working on a english discussion question and need an

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.Find your own current (within the last 6 months) news article or paper dealing with public health.THE ASSIGNMENT IS TO: Attach the link to the article and write a 3-5 sentence summary about the article. Use your OWN words. Please do […]

solved TOPIC: 1. Is working from home the next organizational development

TOPIC: 1. Is working from home the next organizational development generation?  2. Why or why not?  3. What do you predict will be the next major shift in organizational development?  PROFESSOR’S GUIDANCE FOR THIS WEEK’S : Working from Home – the new organizational development?   As the pandemic accelerates the adoption of remote work, organizations […]