Entries by admin

solved Imagine you have been asked to speak to a group

Imagine you have been asked to speak to a group of parents about promoting self-esteem in school-age children. You need to research the topic and prepare a visually appealing PowerPoint slideshow to accompany your presentation. Your PowerPoint slideshow will need to: Have a title slide. Contain 5-10 content slides that include Speaker Notes which provide […]

solved HRM Competencies Select 3 of the 9 HRM competencies, and

HRM Competencies Select 3 of the 9 HRM competencies, and apply them to a business or organization you know. Describe the business or organization that outlines the market it’s in, as well as its size and mission.   Explain how this business or organization executes the 3 competencies you chose. Provide enough details for someone […]

solved In healthcare, there must be effective and efficient productivity in

In healthcare, there must be effective and efficient productivity in processes to ensure safe outcomes; thus, measuring organizational performance is important. Read this article: Honda, A. C., Bernardo, V. Z., Gerolamo, M. C., & Davis, M. M. (2018). How lean six sigma principles improve hospital performance. (Links to an external site.) The Quality Management Journal, […]

solved Assignment ContentDownload the Project Charter template and follow the instructions

Assignment ContentDownload the Project Charter template and follow the instructions that accompany it.Complete each section thoroughly. Missing information will result in a reduction of points.Note: Keep in mind that information you put on the Project Charter is not set in stone. The Project Charter and the Project Scope Statement will be used as your guide […]

solved Step 1: Watch and ReviewFor this assignment, carefully review the

Step 1: Watch and ReviewFor this assignment, carefully review the information on capitalization below. Step 2: Complete the worksheetOnce you have carefully read through the handouts and watched through the videos, complete the exercise below by fixing any capitalization errors you see in the sentences. If the sentence is correct, write “correct.”Tara’s Mom and Dad […]

solved Martha Rosler, (Links to an external site.)Semiotics of the Kitchen

Martha Rosler, (Links to an external site.)Semiotics of the Kitchen (Links to an external site.), 1975 (Links to an external site.)Christian Marclay, (Links to an external site.)Telephones, (Links to an external site.)1995 (Links to an external site.)Cory Arcangel, Pizza Party (Links to an external site.) (2004) and Super Mario Movie (Links to an external site.) […]

solved Can you help me understand this Accounting question? For nonprofit

Can you help me understand this Accounting question? For nonprofit organizations, the process of budgeting is critical to the organization’s sustainability and success. Even though nonprofits do not have a profit motive, it is very important for them to manage resources in order to meet their outlined mission. The budget provides a guide and enables […]

solved Develop an intervention (your capstone project), as a solution to

Develop an intervention (your capstone project), as a solution to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. Submit the proposed intervention to the faculty for review and approval. In a separate written deliverable, write a 5-7 page analysis of your intervention.In your first three assessments, you applied new knowledge and insight gleaned from the […]

solved For this assignment, you will apply either Kohlberg’s or Gilligan’s

For this assignment, you will apply either Kohlberg’s or Gilligan’s theory to a real person or fictional character of your choosing. See the example further below. Your goal is to try to determine the person’s/character’s overall motivation for their actions. Then tell us what step(s)/stage(s) you believe that person/character is in and why. Do not […]

solved 1) Don’t use any quoted material in your assignments. Describe

1) Don’t use any quoted material in your assignments. Describe the articles contents in your own words2) Please follow the formatting instructions EXACTLY AS WRITTEN. Single space, Times New Roman, 12pt, follow the 3 paragraph format, include the hyperlink to the article and list the news source3) Only use a mainstream media outlet as the […]