Entries by admin

solved I’m working on a english report and need guidance to

I’m working on a english report and need guidance to help me learn. While we may not have much control over what happens to us, we do have a high measure of control over our reactions to these events. The beliefs that we have play a meaningful role in the direction of our lives (Creator […]

solved Everyone interviews for a job or has been presented with

Everyone interviews for a job or has been presented with a situation where you can try to convince someone you are worthy of a job. This assignment will prepare you for those situations. For this assignment, you are going to write out and deliver a short speech that is 30 second or less along with […]

solved Topic: Case StudyA 30-year-old woman comes to your office because

Topic: Case StudyA 30-year-old woman comes to your office because of a persistent cough that has been bothering her for the past 3 months. Her cough is dry and is more frequent during the evenings. She also notes frequent nasal congestion, especially when she is exposed to dust and cold weather. She reports no hemoptysis, […]

solved Select any example of a visualization or infographic. The task

Select any example of a visualization or infographic. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed ‘forensic’ like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualization’s anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design layer at a time. For this task, take a […]

solved Esto es para mi clase de español intermedio. Gracias por

Esto es para mi clase de español intermedio. Gracias por tu ayuda.Escribe un ensayo pequeño contestando estas preguntas, pero de forma completa y creativa; no contesten simplemente la pregunta sin dar contexto y comentario. Un párrafo completo por pregunta.2. Termina la oración de forma divertida: Cuando llegué a mi oficina, vi algo terrible. Ojalá que […]

solved Assignment Guidelines: Using the options below based on your specialization;

Assignment Guidelines: Using the options below based on your specialization; create an ethical and legal decision-making dilemma involving an advanced practice nurse in the field of administration, education, or a nurse practitioner: Administration Dilemma – Healthcare Needs versus Resource Allocation Education Dilemma – Nursing Student’s Religious Beliefs versus Provision of Care Practice Dilemma – Honesty […]

solved 300 words.Identify a conflict or unsatisfactory situation with someone in

300 words.Identify a conflict or unsatisfactory situation with someone in your life that you’d like to apply the nonviolent communication (NVC) process to. This practice will probably work best if you choose a situation that provokes some moderate feelings for you (not mild, not too intense). Choose a situation where you observe yourself evaluating/judging the […]

solved Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how test scores are interpreted and used to report student progress and program effectiveness.Directions:This assignment includes two parts.Part 1:Develop a Venn Diagram explaining the differences and common characteristics between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests.Part 2:Visit (or interview) ( or use youtube) with an elementary school counselor/teacher to […]

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need support

I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me learn. Read the case study “Creating a Methodology” on page 108 and then answer one (1) of the questions on page 110. 1. What can you determine about the corporate culture from the fact that they waited this long to consider the […]

solved This question is based on chapter 11 and 12 of

This question is based on chapter 11 and 12 of your text and the following four audio clips regarding the discipline of female inmates in prison:Investigation: In U.S. Prisons, Women Punished More Often Than Men. (Links to an external site.)In Prison, Discipline Comes Down Hardest On Women (Links to an external site.)Iowa Is Trying To […]