Entries by admin

solved Clients are often recommended to take medication to support recovery

Clients are often recommended to take medication to support recovery for severe opioid use disorders. Clients may also be prescribed medication for mood or anxiety disorder as treatment for a co-occurring disorder. Clients and some professionals often state taking medication for treatment is replacing one medication for another. Why may medication assisted treatment be important? […]

solved 1. Some might argue that emotional regulation is an unethical

1. Some might argue that emotional regulation is an unethical behavior. Why might someone take this position?2. Some countries, such as Japan and Russia, embrace negative emotions. What has been found to be a result of this focus on negative emotions?The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to […]

solved Read pg. 213-251 in Rising, then compose an argumentative outline

Read pg. 213-251 in Rising, then compose an argumentative outline for Literary Analysis Two. For e-books, this is “Looking Backward and Forward in Time” and “Afterword.” An argumentative outline lists the key arguments and subarguments you need to support in a literary analysis. An argumentative outline is different from a topical outline, which only lists […]

solved I’m working on a political science question and need a

I’m working on a political science question and need a sample draft to help me understand better. Discuss one example of how Indians imagine themselves as “Indian.”How does this example compare to other nations’ developments?  Do Indians imagine themselves as “Indian” because of or in spite of the many differences with their national political community?  […]

solved Chapter 3What are the specific aims and purposes of the

Chapter 3What are the specific aims and purposes of the criminal law? To what extent does the criminal law control behavior?What kinds of activities should be labeled criminal in contemporary society? Why?What is a criminal act? What is a criminal state of mind? When are individuals liable for their actions?Discuss the various kinds of crime […]

solved For this journal entry, you will read and reflect upon

For this journal entry, you will read and reflect upon “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander in They Say, I Say (Ch. 20). In order to successfully complete this journal entry, you will need to identify the conversation Alexander is participating in about race, criminal justice, and mass incarceration. You should use the templates […]

solved Assignment 2 (Submission April 2021 TBC)undefinedManagement have also heard about

Assignment 2 (Submission April 2021 TBC)undefinedManagement have also heard about the successes of B2B e-business used by some of their competitors, and are very interested in it. You are asked to evaluate the feasibility of B2B and even B2C e-business models. Also provide a discussion of the differences in work processes involved in selling products […]

solved Instructions As a reminder, the topic for your paper must

Instructions As a reminder, the topic for your paper must be selected from the topics covered in class. Please use feedback from your Topic Brainstorm to assist you in refining your proposal. For this assignment, you will need to turn in a two-page (approximately 500-700 word) description of a topic that you would like to […]

solved In a 2-page paper (saved as a Word document or

In a 2-page paper (saved as a Word document or PDF file), please address the following 6 bullet points about this week’s module. Your responses to these bullet points will eventually ground your writing in Paper 3.SummarizeSummarize the entirety of the module’s lecture in 5-10 sentences.ReflectWhat did you know about the module’s lecture topic before […]

solved PurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to introduce yourself to

PurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to introduce yourself to the class and respond to your classmates.DirectionsPlease introduce yourself to the class. Click on the Reply button at the bottom of this page and post a minimum of 250-300 words for your introduction. Your introduction should cover the following topics:Your reason(s) for taking this course.Your […]