Entries by admin

solved Here is what you should post: I listened to the

Here is what you should post: I listened to the archived recording of Dr. Doug’s live session for this week. I learned the following by watching the session: _____.(include 2 items) Please use this posting notice as one of my required response postings for discussions. Questions for Week 1: Describe the type of data your […]


I DONT HAVE THE TEXTBOOK SO PLEASE hDO THE BEST U CAN.. is assignment will be very similar to the Research Paper Assignments completed in this course. However, it is our desire that not only do you become a great researcher, but you also become an “expert of the presentation.” When you earn your PhD, […]

solved Overview: Reaching a diagnosis is more than just saying “This

Overview: Reaching a diagnosis is more than just saying “This is the diagnosis.” It is also important to justify why you believe it is the appropriate diagnosis. Consider the following questions to support your justification and help you complete this week’s assignment: What are the symptoms that you are either seeing yourself or hearing about […]

solved Week 4 – Discussion 2According to Furman and Gruenewald (2004)

Week 4 – Discussion 2According to Furman and Gruenewald (2004) social justice is a critical-humanistic role for school leaders. The critical-humanistic role is one that (a) assumes that schools are inherently value laden, (b) engages in an analysis of school structure for inequalities that result from unequal power relationships, and (c) works to overcome these […]

solved 2 discussions.Topic 1 DQ 1Find a research article on designing

2 discussions.Topic 1 DQ 1Find a research article on designing learning activities that promotes critical thinking. Summarize the article for your classmates in 1-2 paragraphs. Explain why you chose this study and how this information could be used in your selected area of education (academic, staff, or patient). Be sure to include the entire citation […]

solved Inner-city politics in the time of COVID19. Typed, Times New

Inner-city politics in the time of COVID19. Typed, Times New Roman, 5-7 pages, double-spaced. Here, you may choose to focus on inner city Toronto, investigating the impacts on social and economic policy coming as a result of COVID19. How have public responses to issues of homelessness, access to public space, safety, or addictions been shaped […]

solved Students are requested to read the opening case of chapter

Students are requested to read the opening case of chapter 9 “Protecting Innovation” from their book Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (Page Number-197-200) of e-textbook. Based on your understanding of the case and concepts studied until now answer the following question in 300-500 words each.1. What industry conditions led to the revolution in audio distribution […]

solved Students are requested to read the opening case of chapter

Students are requested to read the opening case of chapter 9 “Protecting Innovation” from their book Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (Page Number-197-200) of e-textbook. Based on your understanding of the case and concepts studied until now answer the following question in 300-500 words each.1. What industry conditions led to the revolution in audio distribution […]

solved MGMT455 Business Policies and Strategies – UNIT5 IPAssignment DescriptionDeliverable Length:

MGMT455 Business Policies and Strategies – UNIT5 IPAssignment DescriptionDeliverable Length: 1,400–1,500 wordsKey Assignment For this assignment, select a real company in the fast-food industry (chick-fil-A)You require to prepare the following sections of a strategic plan for the corporation’s next 3-5 years:Mission and Vision Statements (Simply copying from an existing real company is unacceptable.) Specific, Measurable, […]

solved Assignment ObjectivesDescribe the primary strategies used for implementing total quality.Prim

Assignment ObjectivesDescribe the primary strategies used for implementing total quality.Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250-300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Discuss the […]