Entries by admin

solved (1) A clear introductory statement that addresses directly the question

(1) A clear introductory statement that addresses directly the question posed by the instructor; (2) A body of factual examples that support your answer; these examples may be drawn from either the assigned and recommended readings or properly cited sources researched independently by the student. You may not cite Wikipedia as a source for your […]

solved Please answer ONE of the following questions:Â 1. Â Â

Please answer ONE of the following questions:  1.   Based on the evidence available to you, what led to the vigorous debate over civil liberties during and after WWI? How did the outcome of this debate affect the freedom of speech in America? 2.Henry Ford became a symbol not just for a car but for a […]

solved Whole Foods Case Study Questions Review the Whole Foods Case

Whole Foods Case Study Questions Review the Whole Foods Case Study (pp. 1-6) and answer the questions connected to Chapters 13 and 14 as listed below. Responses to each question should range from 100-200 words. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards (12 point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, 1″ margins, title […]

solved On May 1, Back-Talk Computer Store offered to sell five

On May 1, Back-Talk Computer Store offered to sell five (5) computer servers to Gatekeeper Company for $5,000.00 each, delivery to be on May 30. Later that day (May 1), Gatekeeper responded that it would buy the computers only if they were delivered within three business days. Back-Talk notified Gatekeeper the next day, May 2, […]

solved I’m working on a history discussion question and need an

I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. We urgently need an end to these false assurances, to the sugar coating of unpalatable facts. It is the public that is being asked to assume the risks that the insect controllers calculate. The public must decide whether […]

solved Paper 2 is a book review of Yoshimasa and the

Paper 2 is a book review of Yoshimasa and the Silver Pavilion: The Creation of the Soul of Japan. this paper deals with a relatively new secondary source. In a book review for a serious academic book you want to do these things: first, introduce the author (to the extent that you can) to let […]

solved Submit a brief typed report on a sport psychology journal

Submit a brief typed report on a sport psychology journal article published in the last five years. Students can select any article published in the leading sport & exercise psychology journals (see journals listed in Chapter 1 of the course text in the table titled “Leading Sport Psychology Organizations and Journals”). The report must be […]

solved you need to include the following:Date of birth and date

you need to include the following:Date of birth and date of death (if dead)Outline of where they were born and raisedUniversities attendedJobs heldField in anthropology to which they contributed (define the field and explain what it is in at least 2-3 sentences)If applicable, who they either mentored or were mentored by (i.e. Margaret Mead was […]

solved Media Research – “Tell me something I don’t know” article

Media Research – “Tell me something I don’t know” article that might affect the attractiveness of that marketSelect an article from any media source that might affect business – using Ch 12 Corporate Culture and Leadership concepts Use 2 L.Os from Ch 12 to analyze the company’s management (each L.O. should have 3 examples at […]

solved Instructions: Locate two peer-review articles on Supportive Employment Models and

Instructions: Locate two peer-review articles on Supportive Employment Models and compare and contrast the employment models. If the models are similar, compare and contrast the article regarding how the topics relate. What is compare and contrast? “A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that provides points of comparison between two subjects. The […]