Entries by admin

solved As required for completion of this course, please attend 2

As required for completion of this course, please attend 2 Virtual Concerts of your choosing on YouTube, and turn-in a commentary (feedback) for each one.Your Commentary should be at least 1 page long, and please include the URL of your concerts in the feedback.Tell the Following:-1. What type of Concert it was (genre of music)2. […]

solved I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation. As a new nurse, you have had clients with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) and are concerned about their level of understanding of the disease process. You have taken on the task of developing a teaching pamphlet to provide clear discharge instructions including information on the disease, […]

solved I don’t understand this Business question and need help to

I don’t understand this Business question and need help to study. Question I – Bobby Bigmouth is sued for slander by his boss. Bobby argues that he cannot be sued for slander because he did not publish any statement. He argues that his alleged slanderous comment was not published because he just made the comment […]

solved Discussion 2 – Agile Principles and Mindset Assignment: For this

Discussion 2 – Agile Principles and Mindset Assignment: For this assignment, you will participate in a class discussion about the topic of Agile Principles and Mindset.  You are required to develop and post an initial response and then reply to two other classmates per the instructions below. You are welcome to use any additional source […]

solved ? ? ? Emotionally incompetent behaviors can destroy a team’s

? ? ? Emotionally incompetent behaviors can destroy a team’s ability to achieve a specific goal. Consider the following list of emotionally incompetent behaviors (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2018). Acting as a devil’s advocate Displaying a bad attitude Displaying a superior attitude Tolerating errors Failing to balance work and relaxation Select one behavior from the list […]

solved Online Marketing – Viral VideosCompanies are trying to figure out

Online Marketing – Viral VideosCompanies are trying to figure out a reliable way to produce and distribute viral videos featuring their products. Your task is to find a viral video on YouTube that features a legitimate and well known product/service and answer the questions below about the video. The video must have at least 5 […]

solved Answer the 5 questions in word doc: 1. Briefly describe

Answer the 5 questions in word doc: 1. Briefly describe the 6 steps in the survey process.2. Explain validity of a survey and provide 3 examples.3. Explain reliability of a survey and provide 3 examples.4. Write APPROPRIATE (consider the rules for designing research surveys) questionsandresponses for a questionnaire as follows: A. You want to know […]

solved Analyse chapter 6 and answer the below question.Instructions: • Write

Analyse chapter 6 and answer the below question.Instructions: • Write your own professional purpose or mission. • Practice the purpose principle by writing your responses to the following questions as they relate to your professional purpose: a. What am I trying to accomplish? b. What is the process(es) or activity(ies) involved in the response to […]

solved To prepare: In this Discussion, your Instructor may post a

To prepare: In this Discussion, your Instructor may post a contemporary news story or other current example where a crime has occurred, or you may find your own story. Read the Instructor’s posted contemporary crime story or refer to a story that you research.By Day 3 of Week 1 Post a response to the following: […]

solved I’m working on a communications project and need a sample

I’m working on a communications project and need a sample draft to help me learn. Review the SMART goals worksheet. Start thinking about the next 3 years and what you need to accomplish in order to achieve your career goals.Using the handout provided, write 3 SMART goals specific to your future career path. Please ensure […]