Entries by admin

solved Write a 350- to 700-word analysis assessing how 1 of

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis assessing how 1 of the following major economic events influenced supply, demand, and economic equilibrium in the US economic activity:Rapid price increases, such as caused by the 1973 oil embargo or the aftermath of a major hurricaneDramatic employment drops, such as the combined impact of the 2006 housing bubble […]

solved Case Study FIRST PART: Create a fictitious patient. Â Give

Case Study FIRST PART: Create a fictitious patient.  Give history of present illness, including subjective (what the patient tells the nurse) and objective (what the nurse finds on assessment) information. -Give pertinent lab findings. -State disorder/medical diagnosis. -Discuss in 1-2 paragraphs the pathophysiology of the disorder. -Follow the rubic in order to get full points […]

solved Please use the guide questions below to complete this essay.

Please use the guide questions below to complete this essay. The essay needs to include a cover page and an essay from 5 paragraphs to a maximum of 2 pages.Job position Chief maintenance engineer in a hotel .1. What is your professional or career goal and why is this course important?2. Describe your language proficiency […]

solved PromptReview the case study titled “Girls Flex: True Strength Comes

PromptReview the case study titled “Girls Flex: True Strength Comes From Within” posted in Module 14. Examine Girls Flex as a delinquency prevention program from a feminist perspective. Explain. Examine Girls Flex as a delinquency prevention program from a conflict perspective. Explain. Discuss one policy implication inferred by feminist theories and one policy implication inferred […]

solved You are employees of a cyber security company in a

You are employees of a cyber security company in a Florida city with a population of 350,000. Your team has been asked to participate in a taskforce developed by your mayor. The neighboring community of Fort Lauderdale has been a victim of cyberattacks as outlined in the Cyberattack Scenario, and your mayor wants a prevention […]

solved 1. Read Chapter 1 in the textbook, Read the Hobbes

1. Read Chapter 1 in the textbook, Read the Hobbes and Locke Reading on D2L.2. Go to two of these websites below, and take the practice quiz copy/save screenshot the results.3. Write at least a 1-2 page paper telling where you thought you would be before taking the Spectrum practice quiz from previous assignment. Compare […]

solved I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better. To prepare for your post in this forum, download and review this List of Links for Hoarders to various episodes of the TV show Hoarders. You can also find episodes at You Tube, or the TLC and […]

solved Student-Athletes as Employees Last week, we touched on the idea

Student-Athletes as Employees Last week, we touched on the idea of whether a student-athlete can be considered an employee in the Northwestern University case, and I linked to this article that indicates a potential change in how the NLRB views the college-athlete relationship.  Just this summer, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the case of NCAA […]

solved The primary focus of your reading response should be the

The primary focus of your reading response should be the article itself. What do you think about Flower’s comments about writing for a specific audience? How does the idea of getting to know a college instructor’s preferences, biases, perspectives etc. resonate with you? Do you tend do this naturally? Is it something that hadn’t occurred […]

solved Corporate financial scandals for large companies have received a lot

Corporate financial scandals for large companies have received a lot of press over the years, but financial scandals occur in companies of all sizes and in all industries. Read the case https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.learn…. 1. What were the fraudulent activities in this case? Describe the internal controls that were missing or circumvented. Review the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to […]