Entries by admin

solved I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need a

I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. In this discussion, you’ll present your research plan and relevant resources you found. In your initial post, do the following: Organize your revised research questions, current thesis statement, and an outline or checklist of your plan for conducting further […]

solved Ethical relativism (textbook p63 in the files) is the theory

Ethical relativism (textbook p63 in the files) is the theory that morality is relative to the norms of one’s culture or person. The same action may be morally right in one society or to one person, but be morally wrong in another society or to another person. There are no universal moral standards.Write about a […]

solved For this “Reading as a Writer” Response #6, answer the

For this “Reading as a Writer” Response #6, answer the following questions after reading Schlosser’s argument in “Why Fries Taste So Good”:In this response, I am inviting you to reflect on the question Schlosser poses in the title of this text: Why do fries taste so good? As you read this text, what is your […]

solved Alabama is one of the few states that has resisted

Alabama is one of the few states that has resisted requiring that landlords be held responsible for the condition of rental housing.  Even with the changes in Alabama’s landlord/tenant laws that became effective 1/1/07, Alabama still lags behind other states on the issue of renters’ rights.  Many would argue that tenants have the right to […]

solved Considering the legal and ethical implications related to career counseling

Considering the legal and ethical implications related to career counseling in a diverse, multicultural school environment, in 500-750 words address the following when working with students who have post-secondary aspirations:What are ethical or legal considerations specific to career counseling with PK-12 students ?How can you address ethical or legal considerations with compassion, justice, and concern […]

solved ONLY ANSWER ONE QUESTIONGo to your eBook (pp. 499-502) and

ONLY ANSWER ONE QUESTIONGo to your eBook (pp. 499-502) and select Case 9: Disney: Building Billion-Dollar Franchises. For this discussion you will read and then answer ONE the following four questions for the case. Your discussion post (ONE) should not exceed 200 words. Questions:What type of corporate strategy is Disney pursuing? Which core competencies are […]

solved Hello, I need you to write a research essay about

Hello, I need you to write a research essay about How black lives matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US You have to use 5 forms of evidence- stats, facts, expert opinion, studies and real life examples in every main body except in the counter arguments where you will write just […]

solved Topic:Is there a direct relationship between one’s mental health and

Topic:Is there a direct relationship between one’s mental health and prisons with an in-depth look at solitary confinement as maximize punishment used to control extreme behaviors? With this topic you can include stats and different research to support or disagree with your response. You are also able to use case studies, if you would like. […]

solved Watch the short YouTube video posted below about perceptual phenomena.

Watch the short YouTube video posted below about perceptual phenomena. Then in the submission box, write a paragraph (minimum 10 sentences) related to your thoughts on what you saw. Make sure to include the researcher’s name from Dartmouth College (10 points), the first male patient’s name (20 points), the patient’s specific medical diagnosis (20 points), […]

solved Option 2: Who is A Progressive? Review the following site:

Option 2: Who is A Progressive? Review the following site: Link (website): Presidential Election of 1912: A Resource Guide (Links to an external site.) Then, address the following: According to Roosevelt, what are the characteristics of a progressive? Explain and give examples of the characteristics of “anti-progressives.” Trace what types of activities “anti-progressives” engaged in? […]