Entries by admin

solved Analyze the corporate strategy at Samsung Home-appliance department and how

Analyze the corporate strategy at Samsung Home-appliance department and how it has been changing: Describe it in depth using the  4 poles. Explain the theory of value creation. Critique (good theory, aka creates a long-term sustainable competitive advantage? coherence? the potential for improvements?). On page 2: Analyze the business unit strategy of one of the […]

solved Antibiotic Stewardship Topic: Under-appreciated public health success stories – Advances

Antibiotic Stewardship Topic: Under-appreciated public health success stories – Advances in Antibiotic Stewardship The presentation should discuss successful strategies used by the innovators/advocates/community health leaders to gain community-wide acceptance of the public health idea. Examples: specific advocacy efforts; specific technological innovations; specific community outreach strategies; specific research and effective presentation of the research. Please be […]

solved Can you help me understand this Communications question? Scenario: You

Can you help me understand this Communications question? Scenario: You are asked to speak at PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) meeting at your child’s school. You will have 6-8 minutes to offer your thoughts on sex education. The post should respond to the following: Who is your audience? How do you know? What method may you need […]

solved Capstone research project: submitting your final research paper. Please ensure

Capstone research project: submitting your final research paper. Please ensure your paper meets the following criteria: Research topic is clearly identified as the paper’s title Program Objectives are all addressed, alignment with topic is evident. 15 pages of content Minimum of 10 references APA requirements: title and reference pages, in-text citations, 12 point font, double […]

solved Write a 250 word or more response to one of

Write a 250 word or more response to one of the following questions(i.e., there are six questions in total below, you only need to answer one of them):Fowler, “Church and State in the Courts”(pp. 237-244)How would you explain the politics behind religious establishment?Should “God” be removed from the public square?How would you rank the particular […]

solved Art Appreciation Project by selecting your topic and creating an

Art Appreciation Project by selecting your topic and creating an outline.  Tattoos as art (focus on a particular tattoo style or tattoo artist) Comic books and graphic novels as art (focus on a particular artist or character) Something more traditional: Greek sculpture, the Egyptian Pyramids, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Picasso Abstract or nonrepresentational art forms; […]

solved REVISING: Make significant revisions to your essay based on my

REVISING: Make significant revisions to your essay based on my feedback and the principles of revisionReflection portionWrite a 350+ word reflection that will frame my reading of your revisions. It could be what you learned about yourself as a writer and what you focused on, what you learned about the analysis essay, what you learned […]

solved To help prepare you for the scholarly world beyond your

To help prepare you for the scholarly world beyond your doctoral degree, we will take on a unique way of introducing ourselves in this course. Rather than a simple “here is who I am,” we are going to post a Curriculum Vitae and an acknowledgments section. Directions: View the rubric and examples to make sure […]

solved Essay 2: Criminological Theory Referencing the material provided in the

Essay 2: Criminological Theory Referencing the material provided in the materials provided for the two week topic, write a 300-word response. You will submit a Word file. (No cloud based links, and do not use the textbox. Your material MUST go through the plagiarism check associated with the upload link.  Discuss why think there have […]

solved The topic is High/Scope. The paper request: 1.Reference Page to

The topic is High/Scope. The paper request: 1.Reference Page to be turned in to Professor including Three online sources & Three off-the-shelf sources. 2.Brief Origin/History/Evolution of the curriculum 3.Philosophy – based on theories/beliefs of how children learn 4Unique techniques, materials, supplies, routines, schedules 5.Relationships – Adult/child; Child/child 6.Examples of Curriculum Areas/Activities7. Language and Literacy; Math; […]