Entries by admin

solved 1a. What does male disguise accomplish for Portia (Merchant of

1a. What does male disguise accomplish for Portia (Merchant of Venice), Rosalind (As You Like It), and Viola (Twelfth Night) ? What is the balance of intended and unintended consequences for each disguise? 1b.To what extent does each disguise allow the character to avoid (gender determined) choices? 2.”The Lunatic. the lover and the poet / […]

solved Identify the key logical and thematic connections among the three

Identify the key logical and thematic connections among the three texts analyzed in this course that are identified below. Then, using a strong thesis statement, compose a 300-word essay that demonstrates an understanding of the intellectual and historical changes that have taken place in the development of human civilization during the covered time period. Support […]

solved  Complete strength quest assessment. This is the result YOUR

  Complete strength quest assessment. This is the result YOUR TOP FIVE STRENGTHS: STRATEGIC | EMPATHY | INTELLECTION | DELIBERATIVE | CONNECTEDNESS Complete leadership style survey on this link: http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/survstyl.html Upon completion of these two assessments, answer the 4 objectives below. 1.      Discuss your leadership style, including strengths from StrengthsQuest. 2.      How will you assume […]

solved Industry IdentificationEach week, you will be asked to respond to

Industry IdentificationEach week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. Identify a growth industry, a mature industry, and a declining industry. […]

solved You are to consider the way you might approach the

You are to consider the way you might approach the ethical components of the negotiation process. Specifcally, you are to read chapter 12 in B4A and identify which of the ethical styles suggested by Shell you most identify with (Poker School, Idealist School, and Pragmatist School). You are to discuss which of these ethical frameworks […]

solved I’m working on a management question and need support to

I’m working on a management question and need support to help me learn. From real national (Saudi Arabia)/international market, select any type of strategic alliance between two firms and answer the following questions:1. Briefly introduce your chosen firms, partners of the strategic alliance (industry, nationality, size, market position…). Max 150 words2. What is the type […]

solved This week’s content presented information regarding benchmarks. Key terms and

This week’s content presented information regarding benchmarks. Key terms and the steps involved in the benchmarking process were presented. Based on the information you reviewed answer the following discussion prompts.1. Discuss the importance of selecting a benchmark in relation to evaluating and presenting project outcomes. Use your own project (BSN to DNP students use a […]

solved I’m trying to study for my Business course and I

I’m trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question. Discussion 1.) Prompt: Some researchers contend generalizability is a cornerstone for working with inferential statistics.  Explain your understanding of that statement and provide an example if possible.  Respond to the comments of at least one other student.  Incorporate […]

solved Based on the PowerPoint project from Week 4, write a

Based on the PowerPoint project from Week 4, write a social media policy manual that defines the creation, scope, and purpose of a social media presence for a small- to mid-size company. The manual will cover reasoning for presence, platforms or outlets selected, types of messaging and content to be distributed, and intended results for […]

solved Based on the PowerPoint project from Week 4, write a

Based on the PowerPoint project from Week 4, write a social media policy manual that defines the creation, scope, and purpose of a social media presence for a small- to mid-size company. The manual will cover reasoning for presence, platforms or outlets selected, types of messaging and content to be distributed, and intended results for […]