Entries by admin

solved I’m working on a philosophy question and need guidance to

I’m working on a philosophy question and need guidance to help me learn. Explain inclusion as a philosophy. Choose one physically disabling condition from the reading and explain its implications for PE. What adaptations would you make for the student, for the class, and for yourself as the teacher? In one paragraph, define culturally responsive […]

solved Write a paper which includes the following: Choose a mental

Write a paper which includes the following: Choose a mental or behavioral health problem and one co-occurring chronic physical illness for a potential older patient (65 and older). Identify an evidence-based treatment approach for the target population of older adults (65 and older) with these disorders. Describe how this treatment approach would be integrated in […]

solved Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–450 words that respond

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–450 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)The PPACA was signed on March 23, 2010 […]

solved I need them in separate word document 1- Fiction Analysis

I need them in separate word document 1- Fiction Analysis TemplateUse the Fiction Analysis Template found under FILES to thoroughly analyze one short story from the textbook. Make each entry a complete paragraph; be thorough. ( I attached the Fiction Analysis Template and the story you will do it about it )MLA style, double-spaced, Times […]

solved Directions:For this first journal, you will be reflecting on the

Directions:For this first journal, you will be reflecting on the short story “Like a Winding Sheet”. You need to read the stories first and then write a two page response. Your response must be in correct MLA formatting which means it must have a proper heading, running head, title, 12 size font, Times New Roman, […]

solved Resilience TheoryUnlike many theories, the resiliency theory changes or expands

Resilience TheoryUnlike many theories, the resiliency theory changes or expands as more and more research reveals the processes by which individuals, families, and groups experience resilience when faced with adversity. Please use the assigned readings, the Learning Activity, and use the Library to research peer-reviewed studies to support your post.Please respond to the following:Identify the […]

solved Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory by Dorothea Orem. Continue with the

Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory by Dorothea Orem.  Continue with the theory you chose last week. Describe two research studies that used your theory as a foundation. Describe how each study used the theory. How were the concepts operationalized? When concepts are operationalized, they are turned from an abstract form to something measurable. provide a substantive […]

solved Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in

Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in the “Creating an Informal Outline” section of Chapter 4, and then write a 1000-word response to the following question: What is a hero?In order to write a 1000-word response to a 5-word question, you’ll need to include a variety of sources and perspectives. Incorporate the […]

solved I’m working on a sports management writing question and need

I’m working on a sports management writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn. An array of problems, from gender equity to doping, plagues the businesses related to amateur sports. What do you think is the most significant concern facing amateur athletics? What ethical issues are involved? Provide examples and research to […]

solved This week we begin the major assignment for this course:

This week we begin the major assignment for this course: a formal report or a proposal.For this week’s assignment, you will write a memo addressed to your instructor in which you share your plans for your Course Project. In order to convince your instructor to approve your topic, you must explain what your topic is, […]