Entries by admin

solved In class, we watched a video called FAT City (Frustration,

In class, we watched a video called FAT City (Frustration, Anxiety, & Tension). As you put yourself in the place of the “student” role, what were some thoughts or feelings or even bodily sensations that came up for you? Imagine experiencing this repeatedly throughout your educational journey. What could the impact potentially be on your […]

solved Topic 1:  Compose an essay of 500 – 700

Topic 1:  Compose an essay of 500 – 700 words in a Word Document, which you will upload as an attachment. Explain the primary differences in the types of theories that fall into each of these four groupings. As part of your response utilize examples of theories that fall within each grouping, being sure to […]

solved I’m working on a health & medical writing question and

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation to help me learn. Teaching a Child Using Vygotsky’s Theory of the Zone of Proximal Development Hi there please review this video  then answer the questions in 2-4 paragraphs. After watching the video  Charlie Demonstrates Vygothsky 0001  discuss how Charlie’s Mom makes […]

solved The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only)

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.Late submission […]

solved https://www.cnbc.com/video/3000585238Watch the video in the link above. Futurist, Author, and

https://www.cnbc.com/video/3000585238Watch the video in the link above. Futurist, Author, and New York Times writer Thomas Friedman explains the future of globalization and how it stresses workers (and probably HR mangers too).How does technology create stress for businesses and employees in a global economy? What are some of the concerns that employees may have with the […]

solved Short Written Responses are an opportunity to respond more in-depth

Short Written Responses are an opportunity to respond more in-depth to the class reading or viewing and discussion material. These are informal writing assignments in the sense that they can use “I” statements and opinion-based arguments, but they must also be grounded in the course material. For this Short Written Response, please chose one of […]

solved The Origins of Lynching Culture in the United States 1)

The Origins of Lynching Culture in the United States 1) Define the term lynching, according to the  evidence presented by the video clip.  2) What were some of the myths about African Americans that were sued to justify lynching and violence against them?   3) How did African Americans resist and fight back against lynching? […]

solved Use the Evidence Table to organize your literature review of

Use the Evidence Table to organize your literature review of the five research studies you gathered (see step 7 above). All 5 studies selected will be used to develop the Evidence Table portion of this project. The template your group will use for the Evidence Table is an XL spreadsheet. (STEP 7) for both the […]

solved 1. Read the synopsis here (Links to an external site.).

1. Read the synopsis here (Links to an external site.). 2. Read about the musical score here (Links to an external site.).  3. Read about the composer here (Links to an external site.).  4. Watch the Breakfast Scene cliphere (Links to an external site.) Minimize Video 5. Answer the following prompts in an essay. Who […]

solved Watch both videos for Part I and select 1 video

Watch both videos for Part I and select 1 video from Part II and then complete Part III. Part I:Gender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CquRz_cceH8Links to an external site.Sex and Sexuality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqt-_ILgv5cLinks to an external site.Part II:What I realized about Men after I transitioned Genders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edLQdf4o0cgLinks to an external site.Educating Kids about Gender Norms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHN1gqrXMUMLinks to an external site.Toilets, […]