Entries by admin

solved The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only)

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.Late submission […]

solved Respond to at least one of your colleagues in the

Respond to at least one of your colleagues in the discussion forum before creating your assignment submission.For this assignment, you will take on the role of a mental health professional providing a consultation to a colleague. Your colleague in this case happens to be a licensed clinical psychologist. Carefully review the PSY645 Fictional Mental Health […]

solved Reviews should tell us what you liked most about the

Reviews should tell us what you liked most about the student’s speech. You can comment on both content and delivery.  Reviews should include 1 or 2 things you think could have made the speech even more successful. This does not mean you are complaining about the job the student did. It could be anything from […]

solved Which sections of Fabe’s chapter on Birth of a Nation

Which sections of Fabe’s chapter on Birth of a Nation did you find most interesting, and why? How might the film, and her interpretation of the Gus/Flora sequence, relate to today’s social justice politics and culture wars?[let’s please avoid overheated comments here; let’s keep the tone and expression honest, but calm and tolerant; and let’s […]

solved research the following subject: Module 4 – The Lindbergh Kidnapping

research the following subject:  Module 4 – The Lindbergh Kidnapping Berg, A. S. (2013) Lindbergh. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster UK Ltd.  ISBN: 978-1-47113-007-6 https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/lindbergh-kidnapping  Schiro, G. (n.d.). Protecting the Crime Scene.  https://www.crime-scene-investigator.net/evidenc1.html Spitz, W.U. & Diaz, F.J. (Eds.). (2020). Spitz and fisher’s medicolegal investigation of death:  Guidelines for the application of pathology to […]

solved In this case, you need to set up a monthly

In this case, you need to set up a monthly budget for Sophia, accounting for her expected cash inflows and outflows. You need to calculate her after-tax monthly pay (cash inflow) using the after-tax pay calculator link given. This amount is the net pay she actually takes home, after all of the various taxes have […]

solved Question I – The year is 2012 and the light

Question I – The year is 2012 and the light bulb has not yet been invented.  Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla are in a bitter feud to see who can bring electricity to the masses first.  In this alternative history, it is indisputable that Tesla invented the lightbulb first.  However, Edison filed his lightbulb patent […]

solved Detailed discussion questions 1. Is the orgasm gap an outcome

Detailed discussion questions 1. Is the orgasm gap an outcome of natural biological differences between men and women? Why or why not?2.How does the continued feminization of housework and childcare impact gender equality? Explain this phenomenon in your own words.3. In the mid 2010’s, the birthrate was the lowest recorded in the last thirty years. […]

solved I’m working on a writing case study and need support

I’m working on a writing case study and need support to help me learn. Step One: Go to Google Images and search “Infographic Examples for Business.” Scan the images and identify an infographic that interests you. Step Two: Write an analysis (6 – 8 sentences) that responds to the prompts below reference specific information from […]

solved This assignment allows the student to take the information they

This assignment allows the student to take the information they know about a professional nursing organization, or information they have learned about a professional nursing organization, to create a flyer that could be shared with other professional nurses. The student should reflect on what professional nursing organizations they belong to, or a professional nursing organization […]