Entries by admin

solved book: Ways of the World with Sources, Volume 2, 4th

book: Ways of the World with Sources, Volume 2, 4th Edition – 180 Day OptionISBN: 9781319109806By: Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson*History discussion requirements Each discussion is set so that you must post your original thoughts before reading the posts of your classmates. Your initial response to each Discussion Question should be a full paragraph […]

solved A research proposal helps you firm up your goals for

A research proposal helps you firm up your goals for the writing you intend to do, and gives your instructor a sense of your plans. If can be helpful in developing a research question, which itself will help direct the research you actually conduct, and the answer to which can serve as a preliminary thesis […]

solved I need you help me to finish Section 4 of

I need you help me to finish Section 4 of My paper. Just one section in my paper.My topic is about the flooding in Jakarta.4.0 Climate-change impacts (existing and projected under IPCC scenario modeling) – these include sectoral and regional impacts (see: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg2/). Relates to #7 below. How climate change will impact Jakarta, where it’s […]

solved For this week’s discussion, pull out 4 points (you can

For this week’s discussion, pull out 4 points (you can number them) you found interesting from your reading. Why did these points/concepts/ideas stand out to you? Do you have any examples to share related to each point? Also, I think the author of our written material ended the chapter with some great “think about it” […]

solved On the role of new technologies and how they impact

On the role of new technologies and how they impact business operations and decisions.This is a research paper, so you need to have references in APA style. Your paper should be at least 3500 words, and at a minimum discuss the following topics: Three different and new/emerging technologies Introduce the technologies How are they being […]

solved For our study of infections within the CNS, you will

For our study of infections within the CNS, you will find and review a manuscript in which an a CNS infection is studied.Specific Review RequirementsA peer-reviewed manuscript published within the last three years (2016) (using ebscohost, pubmed, or google scholar will be appropriateThe manuscript review should include the following points Model used, includingTechniqueParameters of disease […]

solved Textbook: Business Research Methods Schindler, 14thTextbook: After reading Chapters 6,

Textbook: Business Research Methods Schindler, 14thTextbook: After reading Chapters 6, 7 and 8 Answer the following questions: 1.Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the observation to the communication approach. Under which circumstances could you make a case for using observation? 2.Distinguish between the following:  a) Internal validity and external validity.  b) Preexperimental design and quasi-experimental […]

solved Main Entry: Post a brief analysis of what you have

Main Entry: Post a brief analysis of what you have learned from this week’s readings and activities. Clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion developmenRorschach and Freudians: Crash Course Psychology #21 – Bing videoa. Ethics: In your own words (no quotes), what are the responsibilities of researchers to investigate […]

solved The most obvious focus for your second essay should the

The most obvious focus for your second essay should the topic of biology; neuroscience/cognitive science) dealing with three different scales of physical reality: universe – life – human brain. We’re now looking at the theme of narrative and its role in human psychology, science, and religion, so that’s another possible focus.As I stated earlier, an […]

solved I’ve attached the case study as a PDF file, and

I’ve attached the case study as a PDF file, and the summary for the recruiting issue as a Word document.Imaging you were a human resource consultant hired to come in to diagnosis and help fix the problem. You were asked to interview some professionals in this field to learn more about the industry and help […]