Entries by admin

solved I’m working on a art discussion question and need a

I’m working on a art discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Chose two of the following artworks: Diego Rivera, Detroit Industry (1932-33) Henri Matisse, Madame Matisse (The Green Line) (1905) Wassily Kandinsky, Improvisation with Green Center #176 (1912) Vladimir Tatlin, Monument to the Third International (1917) Compare and contrast the […]

solved Assignment Instructions: Use the resources and the supporting materials located

Assignment Instructions: Use the resources and the supporting materials located in this course. See all the resources provided and referenced each week. Develop a comprehensive essay comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the cost-based and price-based DoD contracting methods. You should have peer-reviewed references in addition to the course assigned reading to support this research […]

solved Hi,I’d like you to help me write my assignment if

Hi,I’d like you to help me write my assignment if you could!Question. Select a large organization you are familiar with and find its organizational chart. Discuss the relationship between the organization’s strategy and its’ structure.★word limit: 100words★please refer to the file (Power Point) I put★In-text citations and referencing must be needed where appropriate as below(Lau, […]

solved Assignment objective:Assess the credibility of resources.Connection to course student learnin

Assignment objective:Assess the credibility of resources.Connection to course student learning outcome:This assignment measures the course student learning outcome: Conduct research using primary and secondary sources, and understand how to assess the credibility of resources.Steps:Read the information below. Submit a response to one of the following prompts:Share a story about a scam you know about.ORResearch scams […]

solved It’s Your Ship discussion, please read from the book Chapter

It’s Your Ship discussion, please read from the book Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Summarize these two sections, making sure you include the lesson(s) the author is trying to teach the reader.In addition, answer the following questions:1. How can I use this information to make myself a better leader?2. How can this lesson(s) be used […]

solved A Extended definition essay. PLEASE SEE attached file for General

A Extended definition essay. PLEASE SEE attached file for General guidelines for writing a definition essay in Successful College Writing. Pick one from the lists. A key concept from introductory psychology, sociology, or economics course, such as ethnocentrism, diaspora, or monopoly, capitalismA type of music, such as indie rock, free jazz, hip hopInappropriate behavior such […]

solved TOPIC: Scholars sometimes use Frankenstein as an argument against scientific

TOPIC: Scholars sometimes use Frankenstein as an argument against scientific technology that creates life forms; others argue that it is not technology itself but the use to which it is put that presents an ethical problem. What do you think is Shelley’s position as the novel ends? What is your position? Please be specific in […]

solved I’m working on a education & teaching presentation and need

I’m working on a education & teaching presentation and need a sample draft to help me study. https://youtu.be/bylL-3W7pAI (Links to an external site.) Discussion on Intentional Teaching, Extending Children’s Ideas After watching the video, answer the following questions  What examples of open-ended questioning and scaffolding of learning did you see in the video? How do […]

solved DISCUSSION 5INSTRUCTIONS: Write two paragraphs discussing the Question(s)/Topic below:1. Disc

DISCUSSION 5INSTRUCTIONS: Write two paragraphs discussing the Question(s)/Topic below:1. Discuss 3 Taking Tests success strategies that you will incorporate after you have read this week’s chapter and watched this week’s videos. How do you plan on implementing this information in school and in life situations? 2. What are some many ways that your values, actions, […]

solved The goal of this assignment is to create a digital

The goal of this assignment is to create a digital scrapbook that analyzes 8-10 historical artifacts and/or personal creations from a selected topic in Chicanx history. For each artifact or personal creation, you will write a paragraph that explains the relevance of your item to your chosen topic and broader themes in Chicanx history. You […]