Entries by admin

solved I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need

I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study. Hello, I need data collection from a medical platform into an excel sheet I need you to work filling the excel sheet table using this link: http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?EVE… so it is basically just copying and pasting the info in the correct […]

solved How important is it to include social media, the ability

How important is it to include social media, the ability to blog in creating a web site for a non profit organization? It seems that most sites these day include links to their facebook, twitter, blogs and other social media sites. You rarely see a site anymore that does not ask their visitors to “Like” […]

solved When considering the content in the article, Two Arbitration Rulings,

When considering the content in the article, Two Arbitration Rulings, Reflecting How Baseball Has Changed, it is obvious that collective bargaining agreements influence MLB professional athletes and franchise owners.Based on the readings in the article, what is the major disagreements or issues related to the two arbitration rulings? Also, what is the role of Major […]

solved Journal #2 Explore the “5 Rings” as they relate to

Journal #2 Explore the “5 Rings” as they relate to you as a person and to your Semester Topic.  Ring #1: What do you think about your Semester Topic?  Ring #2: How does your Semester Topic affect you in ways you can’t control?  Ring #3: Who agrees with you? Who is on your side?  Ring […]

solved https://www.ted.com/talks/alex_edmans_what_to_trus… Edmans argues that confirmation bias ca

https://www.ted.com/talks/alex_edmans_what_to_trus… Edmans argues that confirmation bias causes us to believe information that confirms our point of view, which sometimes leads to accepting and sharing information that is fake, misleading, or misrepresentative. Think of an example of this from your own life. 1. How did confirmation bias shape your understanding of an issue? 2. How do […]

solved Hello! Hope you’re doing well. I am in need of

Hello! Hope you’re doing well. I am in need of assistance with this question. Attached is the Outlined directions for the Outline. My topic is “Is The Covid 19 Vaccine Right For You?” I appreciate your assistance with this task. I also work in the Healthcare field and have experienced seeing the effects of Covid […]

solved I don’t understand this English question and need help to

I don’t understand this English question and need help to study. a)Watch Del Harvey’s talk on protecting Twitter users. https://www.ted.com/talks/del_harvey_the_strangeness_of_scale_at_twitter As you watch, make notes in the note-taking section of the Cornell Notes template below. Filling this table. b)b) Watch another talk of your choice from www.ted.com. Take notes using Cornell method, filling in all […]


QkFoYkIxc0hhUVNla3FBUE1Hd3JCeWRubkdFPS0tZmMzZDA3ZTFkOWJhMWQ2MzNkNmNhOTFjZmZjMGZkYzg5YTcyZTFjMA.mp4 Discussion Board Questions You are required to respond to the following questions. Your initial response must be thorough, and a minimum of 3-5 sentences for each question. Prior to watching the film, what were your assumptions about disability and sexuality? After watching the film, explain how your perspectives changed or stayed the same? What […]

solved This business plan is for a bakery, it’s my own

This business plan is for a bakery, it’s my own company idea although this plan is for school. I will attach a written proposal I submitted for the business plan. My proposal is attached just for reference & the business plan needs these sections:Executive Summary Industry Analysis Market Analysis Marketing Plan Management Team and Company […]