solved Answer the following 3 questions correctly. Each question should contain

Answer the following 3 questions correctly. Each question should contain 3 paragraphs with 6-7 sentences each.(1) Two political ideologies took center stage in the history of Latin America. First, classic liberalism emerged in the nineteenth century. Nationalism, a later invention, emerged in response to the first. In which ways have liberalism and nationalism alternated in ascendancy during the past 150 years in Latin America?(2) Briefly compare liberal ideas versus conservative ideas within the context of Latin America. Which ideas do you think predominated in postcolonial Latin America?(3) What is populism? Provide at least two examples that demonstrate how populism functioned in Latin America.Use the following PDF to answer the above question: 3 paragraphs with 5-7 sentences each.Requirements: 3 paragraphs with 5-7 sentences each.

solved Before answering the questions, make sure to watch the lecture

Before answering the questions, make sure to watch the lecture in its entirety. Click here to watch the lecture recording (Links to an external site.). 
For full points, you must respond to each question in at least 3-5 sentences.  Please use question and answer format, writing the question immediately before your response.

*Note: You will not be able to answer the Top Hat questions presented during the live class.  Instead, you are required to answer the questions listed below. 
Post-Lecture Responses Questions
What did we learn about media representation as it relates to mental health disability?
What specific disability diagnoses did our guest presenters have? How did they manage their conditions? And what support did they get from their communities? Be specific.
Given the prevalence of mental health disabilities, common stigmas associated with mental health, and stressors that exist in our lives and communities, in the lecture, how would you connect mental health to other topics that have been covered in this course? 

solved Process Mapping Assignment Develop a current state process map using

Process Mapping Assignment
Develop a current state process map using the correct symbols, a start and end-point, at least three decision points, and 10-20 steps. Clearly define the process and the problem you are trying to improve on. You may want to share with your team to provide feedback and clarifying questions.
Then develop an improved future state version. Consider using swim lanes if appropriate but not required.
There are a number of software programs that can be used listed in the slides, but may want to use the same tool as the rest of your group, to make it easier when you have the week 7 group assignment, which requires a process map.
To be clear, You  define the process (could be something at work or in your own life) and the problem you are trying to solve. You will submit a (1) description of the process, (2) the problem and what needs to be improved, (3) a process map of current state, (4) a description of potential changes that might lead to improvement, and (5) a future state process map based on your changes.

solved Assignment 3: Part 3 of project Learning outcomes:Â Describe the

Assignment 3: Part 3 of project
Learning outcomes: 

Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations  (CLO2)
Distinguish between different types and levels of strategy and strategy implementation (CLO4)
Communicate issues, results and recommendations coherently, and effectively regarding appropriate strategies for different situations (CLO6)

Assignment Questions  
Consider the same company ‘X’ that you have already used in assignments 1& 2 and answer the following questions.

Evaluate the performance of the main activities of your selected company. What type(s) of criteria do you use to evaluate this performance? (1.5 marks)
What type(s) of control of employees and production processes is/are used by your selected company? Justify(1 mark)
How does the corporation manage the environmental risks?(1 mark)
Evaluate the competitive advantage of the corporation. Suggest some recommendations in order to to improve it. (1.5 marks)


solved Use the Week 8 Status Report Template to complete this

Use the Week 8 Status Report Template to complete this assignment.In Week 10, you will provide a detailed project presentation for your new information system project. Because of its importance to the organization, your presentation must be thoughtful and visually appealing. To help you stay on track for this three-week effort, the executives have assigned you a project manager. For each week leading up to the presentation, you are expected to turn in a short (less than one page) status report.It must address just four things:What did you expect to accomplish on the project this week?What did you actually accomplish on the project this week?What issues have arisen, and what help do you need?What do you expect to accomplish on the project next week?Please write up your responses as a series of bullet points in memo form. There is no need for a cover page..NOTE: I have attached the Template and the last assignment completed as a reference just in case needed. Please review link.…

solved “There’s nothing new about anti-work philosophy. History is dotted with

“There’s nothing new about anti-work philosophy. History is dotted with individuals and groups who decided that laziness was next to godliness and work was a waste of time.” — Tom Hodgkinson, “Idle Thoughts”.
Discuss the statement above with reference to a type of work that you consider to be significant. In your discussion, you should also make reference to two relevant theories (Aristotle, John Locke, or Émile Durkheim). 
In your single, 800-word essay (including in-text citations, but excluding references), you should:  
Identify a specific type of work and outline the nature of this work.
Describe the current social and economic context of the type of work you have chosen and show its impact of our society – whether socially, culturally, technologically or economically.
Explain how the statement above applies to this type of work. You must use two relevant theories from this course (i.e. Aristotle, John Locke, or Émile Durkheim) to help you discuss about the meaning and value of labour in this type of work.

solved Answer any 2 questions from the list below. 1 Describe

Answer any 2 questions from the list below. 
1 Describe some of things that impress you most about merchant Chinese as pioneer immigrants during the Gold Rush.
2 Discuss why it is important to know that the pioneers in Chinese migration were merchant immigrants.
3. Discuss what was Canton like during that historical period and list some of the most impressive things about the city based on the article.
4. Discuss what part of Guangdong Province, South China that early Chinese immigrants came from and what were some of the major reasons of their migration to America based on the article.
5. Discuss what role Hong Kong played in early Chinese migration. Give a few examples that impress you most based on the article.
6. Discuss why San Francisco was important to early Chinese immigrants and give a few examples about life of Chinese immigrants in San Francisco based on the article.
7. Discuss why early Chinese immigrants were regarded as founders by some historians. Give a few examples of the Chinese contributions to San Francisco.

solved To complete this assignment, you will write a brief case

To complete this assignment, you will write a brief case study of a hypothetical client who meets the criteria for one of the disorders listed in the DSM-5. You will choose a fictional character from popular culture (i.e., television, movies, literature, etc.). The character should be someone you are able to obtain substantial information on (e.g., a well-developed character like Dexter (HBO series), Monk (long-running TV series), Melvin (movie character: As Good as it Gets), etc.  As you complete this assignment, please keep in mind these guidelines:  

Your case should be based on a hypothetical client; no real people, please.  
Your case should be something you write yourself, not something you borrow from a case study book or other sources (such as a web site).  
Clients often meet the criteria for more than one DSM-5 diagnosis. However for this assignment you are only required to develop a case where a single diagnosis is appropriate (unless you simply choose to write a case where 2 or more diagnoses are at play). 


solved The journal entries each week will be directly related to

The journal entries each week will be directly related to the topics we cover in that Module. Unlike discussion postings, these are visible only to the student writing the entry and the instructor. Other students will not be able to view journal entries. I expect that your journal entries will be original, thoughtful, and meaningful and they should be well written with correct grammar and structure. Please support your journal entries with ideas from our discussions, news articles, and other academic sources of your choosing. Your entries should be in the range of 400-500 words (longer is fine if you want to elaborate on a point but short and concise can also be good). They will be due before the start of our next class.Here is this week’s Journal topic:In class, we’ve discussed in depth the Affordable Care Act and what has happened to health care in this country since passage. Do you think our health care system was prepared for the pandemic? Is it unreasonable to expect that anyone could have foreseen the challenges we faced?

solved InstructionsDuring the module learning activities, you identified mental, physical, or

InstructionsDuring the module learning activities, you identified mental, physical, or emotional health issues that could be an obstacle for college students. You selected one issue and gathered specific information about the issue.Now it is time to create your PSA using the information you gathered! (If necessary, review the learning activities page to make sure your PSA includes all of the required information.) You could . . .create a short YouTube video (like Thomas Frank) create a public blog and write a 500 word blog postcreate an informative flier or pamphletcreate an infographiccreate a social media campaigncreate a podcast Other – Creative Option of Your ChoiceRequirements – Include all of the information gathered during the Module Learning Activities.Evaluation: Your public service announcement will be evaluated using the PSA Rubric. Download PSA Rubric.Use this assignment drop box. Provide a web link to your PSA (blog, public social media page, YouTube video,) or upload the file (poster, flier, infographic, pamphlet)