solved Healthcare Fraud is a dishonest act committed by a healthcare

Healthcare Fraud is a dishonest act committed by a healthcare professional in order to receive additional compensation for medical services. Healthcare fraud comes in many forms, such as unbundling, upcoding, billing for services that never happened, or falsifying documents. Once discovered, the fraudulent person is quickly arrested, but their actions negatively affects the reputation and brand of the healthcare organization.During this activity, you will be writing a 2-3 page paper. To start with, you must review the link below and find a “real life” healthcare fraud case. After locating a case, please research the organization that was affected by the situation. Next, please create a SWOT analysis, which you will describe in paragraph form in your paper, which identifies challenges and opportunities that the organization will face while rebuilding their image.

solved 1. In one page, describe your philosophy of nursing. The

1. In one page, describe your philosophy of nursing. The definition of a philosophy is having a personal and specific outlook and approach you can use to make decisions and take action. Your philosophy of nursing should include your beliefs and attitudes about nursing, being a nurse, your approach to caring for others. It can also include your attitudes about working in healthcare facilities, working as part of a team, or even how you feel about people in general..2 in three to four paragraphs, contrast two nursing models and theories found in your reading. Discuss how they are similar or different in the way the define/discuss health and wellness, illness, the client, the environment, and nursing. Summarize by selecting the one model or theory that aligns best with your beliefs and then describe how this would affect the way in which you would practice nursing.

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need an

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

You are the CFO of a large, private, multinational food company. This morning in the elevator, the CEO mentioned that she was interested in raising some money in order to finance the potential acquisition of a competitor. You suggested the possibility of issuing common stock. The CEO says she doesn’t remember much about stock valuation from the finance class she took at Pierce College way back in 2008, and asks you to write a brief (150-250 word) memo summarizing the various methods of equity valuation and your expectation of the IPO price of your company. Your company currently pays a $1.50 dividend per quarter, has an ROE of 10%, and has EPS of $10 per year. An appropriate discount rate is about 7%. Hint: You will use the DDM to calculate an expected IPO price.

solved I’m working on a english question and need guidance to

I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me learn.

Watch both videos for Part I and select 1 video from Part II and then complete Part III. 
Part I:
Gender: to an external site.
Sex and Sexuality: to an external site.
Part II:
What I realized about Men after I transitioned Genders: to an external site.
Educating Kids about Gender Norms to an external site.
Toilets, bowties, gender and me to an external site.
Part III:
Write a 1 single spaced paper reflecting on the two videos from Part I and the 1 video from Part II. What did you learn about gender, sex and sexuality? What did the Ted talk teach you? 

solved SPE/544: Characteristics Of Emotional & Behavioral DisordersWk 3 Discussion –

SPE/544: Characteristics Of Emotional & Behavioral DisordersWk 3 Discussion – Assessing Blame [due Thurs]Discussion TopicPost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.Due Thursday Last week, you had the opportunity to create an assessment and evaluation resource for learners suspected of having EBD. The emphasis for this week’s learning will be on the social-emotional, personality, and learning characteristics of learners with EBD, as well as the possible causes of EBD. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:What are the causal factors for EBD in children and youth, and how are they interrelated?What is the concern regarding assessing blame (to a cause) and personal responsibility? Explain and provide specific examples to support your response.

solved I’m working on a music discussion question and need an

I’m working on a music discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read the three Musical Behaviors in Children articles. Respond to them as a SINGLE article with answers to three questions from the list on the syllabus. 

What surprised you and why?
What was the most important concept and why?
What challenged your thinking? Has the reading changed your mind?
How will this information impact you in the future?
What did you find most valuable in the reading?
What is something from the reading that you disagree with?
What is something from the reading that you agree with?
What did you find interesting about this reading?
What are some questions you still have about the reading?
What is something you don’t understand and why?
What do you want to know more about?

solved Assignment ContentImagine your team has been given the task of

Assignment ContentImagine your team has been given the task of consulting with a local health care facility that has been experiencing some issues with its staff. Leadership of the facility has noted the main issues being communication, motivation, and teamwork, and has asked you to provide some strategies to improve these areas.Note: Second-level bullets (considerations) are meant to guide the students in creating their responses; the expectation is not that the response would specifically address each component. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word proposal in which you:Explain strategies that can be used to create efficient and effective teams.What are the essential elements of effective teams?How are teams used in other industries, such as aviation, auto racing, and the military?What best practices from other industries could be applied in the health care industry?

solved Topic 1.) Conduct internet resaerch. Examine and discuss all of

Topic 1.) Conduct internet resaerch. Examine and discuss all of the following sculptures:- Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty- Serpent Mound- Andy Goldsworthy, Reconstructed Icicles, DumfriesshirThese are all site specific sculptures, meaning they were designed specifically for the physical place we find them. Often they are referred to as earthworks or land art. Examine and discuss all three of these works. Your answer should include: Who is the artist (if known)?From what era and culture is the sculpture?How is the meaning of gallery sculpture different than other sculpture? What gives meaning to the sculpture, or why is it important?Think about how many galleries/museums have sculptures that were made in an artist’s studio and then sold to any place that could afford them. Have you been to a sculpture garden? How many of those objects were designed for the site?

solved Do not use any sources only answer as personal qustionPart

Do not use any sources only answer as personal qustionPart 1:What does the term Passive Aggressive mean according to the Say It Straight Workbook?What happens to you when you are passive aggressive?What are some advantages of being passive aggressive?What are some disadvantages of being passive aggressive?Part 2:What does the term Being Super-Reasonable mean according to the Say It Straight Workbook?How do you feel when you are being Super-Reasonable?What are some advantages of being Super-Reasonable?What are some disadvantages of being Super-Reasonable?Part 3:What does the term Being Irrelevant, Disrupting mean according to the Say It Straight Workbook?What are some of your feelings and reasons for behaving in a irrelevant or disruptive way?What are some advantages of being irrelevant or disruptive?What are some disadvantages of being irrelevant or disruptive?

solved Read chapter 16 and 17. Identify what you thought was

Read chapter 16 and 17. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:Think of a company you’d like to interview with, and list 1-2 specific factors for each of porter’s five forces. Pick your favorite brand and look at the 5Cs for that company. What is the brand’s “situation analysis”? Based on that assessment and what you know of the brand, what recommendations would you make to the company regarding that brand or its business? [Your initial post should be at least 600+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]