solved Please Find the attachments and Need to write responses to

Please Find the attachments and Need to write responses to each attachment.Below are suggestions on how to respond to attachments1) Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.2) Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.3) Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research.4) Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.5) Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.Please use in-text citation and 1 reference for each post150 words for each attachment.So Total 450 words.Let me know for any questionsThank you

solved Please discuss the argument of section 16 (pp. 152-5), focusing

Please discuss the argument of section 16 (pp. 152-5), focusing on the claim at B133 (p. 154) that “the analytic unity of apperception is possible only under the presupposition of a certain synthetic unity.”To complete this assignment, you will need to:1) explain Kant’s premise in this argument,2) explain what is meant by the terms “analytic unity” and “synthetic unity,” and what is meant by these terms as applied to apperception,3) try to show what Kant’s grounds are for taking the analytic unity of apperception to presuppose the synthetic unity of apperception. (Here it may be useful to describe the alternative views of self- awareness that Kant is rejecting.)The Final Paper should be 5-7 pages long,…

solved Could you please add Unit 4 to the attached Document?

Could you please add Unit 4 to the attached Document?  I have edited it some. Thanks

Unit 4-

Strategic Business Plan (Week 4 IP)

See the section for New Content below.

All sources should be cited using in-text references and in the References section using APA format.
New Content
Your company has decided to move forward with the acquisition of the smaller company as described in the Phase 1 Individual Project. Your company was impressed with the information that you provided about Porter’s five factors and your qualitative evaluation of the industry’s strategic position. Your management has now asked you to create a Strategic Business Plan for the newly acquired company. You must provide this new plan and incorporate the information about Porter’s five factors.

solved Write a report of 2,000 words, in which you apply

Write a report of 2,000 words, in which you apply recognised problem-solving tools and techniques to identify and propose solutions to a work-based problem, to include an evaluation of possible solutions. 
Consider the following aspects: 
? define a complex problem in the workplace including its scope and impact; 
? analyse information on the identified problem, to help inform the decision-making process; 
? propose a range of alternative solutions to the problem; 
? use a decision-making technique to evaluate a range of solutions to identify the most appropriate option; 
? develop a plan for implementing the solution; 
? communicate the plan to stakeholders; 
? assess appropriate monitoring and review techniques to ensure successful implementation of the solution. 

solved Instructions For this essay, you will explore both internal and

For this essay, you will explore both internal and external customer service and consider ways to provide excellent service to customers within an organization and outside the organization. Your essay should address the following questions:

Explain your definition of internal customer service. How do you personally provide excellent internal customer service to your colleagues?
Explain your definition of external customer service. What is an example of an organization that you feel provides excellent external customer service? Describe this organization and how it provides excellent customer service.
How has social media and the Internet changed customer service? What suggestions can you give to an organization that is struggling with online customer service?

solved Performance EvaluationYou were recently promoted to manager of a department

Performance EvaluationYou were recently promoted to manager of a department with five profession- als and two clerical staff. One of the professionals, Joe, is a nice guy; but he simply hasn’t been able to match the performance of the others in the depart- ment. When he tells you he has been interviewing for another job in a differ- ent part of your company, you pull his personnel file and see that your predecessor had rated Joe’s performance as ‘‘good to excellent.’’ You frankly disagree. Joe has asked you for a recommendation. Based on the written appraisals, you could give him a good one—but your personal observation is at odds with the written evaluations. Joe’s prospective manager—your peer in another department—asks for your opinion.What do you say?

solved For this Writer’s Notebook assignment, you will be practicing paraphrasing,

For this Writer’s Notebook assignment, you will be practicing paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting. First, you should choose an article( please use the one that shared as a file) that you will be using as a source for your Argument essay. Then, you should find three different pieces of evidence that you might use in your essay as support material. Complete the Writer’s Notebook in 4 steps as explained below:1. Create a “quotation sandwich” out of one of the pieces of evidence. 2. Paraphrase a different piece of evidence. Include both the original and your paraphrase for comparison.3. Summarize another piece of evidence. Again, include the original and your summary.4. Include an in-text citation for each! At the end, be sure to include a Works Cited entry for each source.

solved Reflection, Assignment #1 (10 pts.) Read film assigned, The Social

Reflection, Assignment #1 (10 pts.)
Read film assigned, The Social Network or alternate option.
To relate the material in Chapter One, “Thinking,” to the assigned film(s). Your paper (3-4 pages) will consist of three sections as follows.
Introduction Paragraph (2 pts.)
Briefly summarize the film in five sentences or less.
Thinking (6 pts.)

What was Mark’s short term and long term goal in creating Facesmash?
In establishing Facesmash, was Mark thinking critically? Why or why not?
How might Mark have analyzed his decision?
Was Mark being creative according to our text?
How would you have gone about making a plan for Facesmash?
What is thinking?

Conclusion Paragraph (2 pts.)
Briefly explain how the film relates to the text in Chapter One, Thinking.

solved Choose one Current Events in Hospitality in this week.Will be

Choose one Current Events in Hospitality in this week.Will be ONE page, SINGLE spaced and in MEMO format. Word count at least 600.Included in the Reaction Paper will be your ORIGINAL THOUGHT and OPINION on current events, a guest speaker’s message, the discussion topic of the week or on materials which you may have encountered relative to the course content.Please focus on personal reaaction and personal thoughts part, analysis own personal opinion. This class is hospitality, hotel management class. Choose one current event that related to hotel industry!!Write in two parts, first part is to find a current events in this week that related to hotel industry. Then, write in personal reaction, personal thoughts and opinion on current events !!! ( this part is very important)

solved I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.

Read Chapter 4, write a 2 pages (typewritten) reflection
The model is a three-paragraph format:
a.What were the main points of the readings?

2.Reflection & Reaction
a.What were one or two ideas that you took away from the readings?
b.Share your thoughts or ideas.

a.What connections did you make?
b.Do you see a connection to your future educational role and professional setting?
Please use these subheadings in your paper.
Reflection Response to the Readings Components
Possible Points
Summary of the main points of the reading in (3 paragraphs).
2 points
Reflection and Reaction to one or two points about the reading (3 paragraphs).
3 point
Connection to your professional setting (2 paragraphs).