solved I’m working on a accounting question and need support to

I’m working on a accounting question and need support to help me learn.

From the internet, find a current situation where a state or local governmental agency, or an agency of the federal government, has had its budget reduced or is currently in a deficit situation requiring adjustments. Summarize the situation, including the amounts of actual or needed reductions, including an analysis of what activities or services will be reduced due to the cutback or needed adjustments. Finally, set forth your analysis of whether the cutbacks /adjustments could be dealt with in a way in which the actual activities or services would not be substantially impacted by the cutbacks. Discuss your findings, analyses and recommendations with your peers.

solved I’m working on a business law question and need an

I’m working on a business law question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Killem Chemicals is a U.S.-based manufacturer of agricultural chemicals. Killem recently sold two thousand gallons of Insta-Death, its most toxic weedicide, to South Asian Exports (SAE), a trading company acting as a middleman headquartered in Singapore. SAE refused to disclose the use that it intended to make of the product and paid cash upon its delivery. SAE ultimately shipped the Insta-Death to the Syrian government for use in its chemical weapons program. Is Killem liable for the ultimate transshipment of Insta-Death to Syria? What principle of law is applicable to this case? Please explain the application of this principle to this case.

solved Assigned Readings: Chapter 6: Culture and Project Management Initial Postings:

Assigned Readings:
Chapter 6: Culture and Project Management
Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

How would you describe the culture within your last or current project?

solved Prompt: The CEO of your firm comes to you and

The CEO of your firm comes to you and says:   
“I need information quickly and I need you to provide it since you just completed the course on this topic.  I have been invited to give a speech to an incoming group of mid-level managers and I want to discuss what it means to become a strategic leader.  In gross terms, without the minutia, tell me everything that they need to know, how they obtain it, and why that is the right way to become a strategic leader.   
I need your report on my desk in 2 hours so get the big things covered first and don’t worry about the pretty words.  Just get me what I need, why I need it, how to get it, why I should get it that way, and prioritize it.” 
Write the report to your CEO.

solved I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Nontraditional treatment for this presentation.
Group A: Hypnotherapy
Answer the following:
a. The spiritual, cultural, or familial origins of the health beliefs (nontraditional treatment)
b.   The potential health implications of the health beliefs and culture, specifically any that may potentially cause harm
c.   How to integrate the health beliefs into nursing care
d. The long-term benefits of exploring and assessing health beliefs   
e. Each group will discuss how their pros and cons of use of nontraditional treatments will affect transcultural nursing.
f.   Discussion of the insurance payments for nontraditional treatments

solved I’m working on an English question and need support to

I’m working on an English question and need support to help me understand better.I would like to apply for university and they required me to do writing and I do not have time to do it I just would like someone to My major is International Business UniversityI would apply at UF Universitydo it First Q: What are the core skills and knowledge you hope to acquire by completing a degree in this major and how do you plan to apply these when you graduate?second Q: Please provide any other information about yourself that you feel will help this college make an admission decision. This may include work, research, volunteer activities, or other experiences pertaining to the degree program. please do at less than 200 or more words for each Q

solved During this course you have learned that the business environment

During this course you have learned that the business environment is in a state of constant change and new circumstances will require new strategies and new approaches to implementing those strategies. Apply what you have learned as you discuss the following questions.Describe the global business environment that is likely to develop in the next ten years.Based on your scenario, how can companies in Saudi Arabia prepare to engage opportunities and avoid threats?What strategies will firms need to adopt to prosper in the environment you foresee? Are there companies today whose strategies, structures, and approaches to management you think will provide leading examples for other companies in the future Reference is needed in APA style

solved I’m working on a nursing presentation and need an explanation

I’m working on a nursing presentation and need an explanation to help me study.

Create a 4 slide PowerPoint presentation on the study’s findings and how they can be used by nurses as an intervention. Include speaker notes for each slide and additional slides for the title page and references.
Include the following:

Summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. The research presented must include clinical findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and nursing practice.

You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

solved I don’t understand this Business question and need help to

I don’t understand this Business question and need help to study.

Creativity is important in marketing. Oftentimes complex information needs to be shared in a clear, precise, and compelling manner. Infographics are a useful form to present data and information to consumers. You will create an infographic on a topic of your choice for a healthcare organization. Organizational branding should be included within your infographic. You will use the free software Canva to create your infographic. Infographic examples will be provided to the class. Be sure to save your infographic as a pdf and then upload the pdf file. Tell me what software you used to create it and a statement that you created the infographic for this class assignment.

solved I’m working on a policy project and need guidance to

I’m working on a policy project and need guidance to help me learn.

Must read one of the three policy chapters in the book. Then choose one of the chapters either foreign, domestic or economic. Then you will select a news story on a current event that corresponds to the policy chapter you choose. You will make a powerpoint talking about the current event , how it corresponds to the chapter you chose, what did you find interesting, do you agree with the articles stance, conclusion, why does it matter?, why should other people care about whats happening?, a summary of the issue, and including a policy recomendation. Selecting your current event: must be within the last 6 months , something that interest you, reputable news source. Â