I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.
I will send you the course material (three weeks that you will help you answer the question)
assignment 1:
Look back at your first journal entry on this topic. Have your views and/or knowledge changed? Did you have to think outside of your comfort zone/box? If yes to either/both, describe in what way/s and why. Â (approximately 100-word paragraph)
The first image that I sent you is the question for the first journal, the second one is the answer to the first journal. The last one includes the reading for the past week and you will need it to write this journal.Â
Assignment 2:Â
solved Share your Ideas about Evil Under the Sun with your
/in /by adminShare your Ideas about Evil Under the Sun with your Classmates
Use the following questions as a jumping off point, or feel free to write about any other issue or subject from the novel that interests you:
What opinions and/or questions do you have about aspects of the novel so far?
Which characters do you relate to? are alienated by? Why?
Who seemed the most suspicious as the novel progressed? why?
How do you see Agatha Christie exploring psychology and/or social realism?
Does the setting and the situation seem like anything familiar in your life? Draw connections.
How does the setting and situation compare to those from previous mysteries we’ve explored?
How would you describe the tone of the novel?
solved Dig deeper into the data (EDA) you were provided. Complete
/in /by adminDig deeper into the data (EDA) you were provided. Complete work on preparing data for analysis. This might include cleaning data, integrating data, refreshing data, filling gaps in data, leveling variables, and assigning formats.Report on the work you have done to prepare the data. Address the following questions: How are you addressing data preparation? What tasks did you complete? What tasks are left to be done? What is your plan to complete these tasks? What are the preferred methods of communicating the results from your initial EDA? How do you plan to communicate results of tasks yet to be complete? Your report should be at most two pages in length. Be sure to include appropriate screen captures.
solved I’m trying to study for my English course and I
/in /by adminI’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.
I will send you the course material (three weeks that you will help you answer the question)
assignment 1:
Look back at your first journal entry on this topic. Have your views and/or knowledge changed? Did you have to think outside of your comfort zone/box? If yes to either/both, describe in what way/s and why. Â (approximately 100-word paragraph)
The first image that I sent you is the question for the first journal, the second one is the answer to the first journal. The last one includes the reading for the past week and you will need it to write this journal.Â
Assignment 2:Â
solved I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and
/in /by adminI don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance.
This assignment will explore in-depth the Thomas Theorem. Research the Thomas Theorem, look at sources outside of the text book. Once you have a grasp on what the Theorem states answer the following scenarios:Â
Relate the Thomas Theorem to the concept of a teacher believing a student is more intelligent than they really are. Â How will this interaction be different from other students? Is this theory a beneficial theory or a detrimental theory… Why?
Explain how the theory is used in law enforcement; especially in regard to hostile subjects or subjects with mental disability. Is the theory beneficial or detrimental… why?
solved I’m working on a english discussion question and need an
/in /by adminI’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Please write a two-paragraph summary and reflection of Scenes 3 & 4 from “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee William.1.Why is Amanda especially angry at Tom’s drinking?2.What’s the point of their conflict over the kind of books Tom reads (D.H. Lawrence)?3.What is the significance to his story of Malvolio the Magician?4.What different attitudes toward humanity do Tom and Amanda express when they discussthings like instinct and spirit? Does the play as a whole suggest that one of them is right?What are your overall impressions of the play up to Scene Four regarding specific themes, imagery, characters, conflict,etc?
solved In a 2-3 page essay, Explain the state and local
/in /by adminIn a 2-3 page essay, Explain the state and local conflict with attempting to ensure that California will not experience another shutdown and to minimize the number of deaths and sickness.
Finally, you should explain how there are some fallacies in this shared governing structure. Â Where are there points that these shared powers are not working effectively?
AnalyzeThe conflict between local and state governments about COVID-19.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExamplesYou should have at least 3 examples of the conflict state and local governments have with each other.
Discuss the problem in the shared governing structure that has led to the conflict between the local and state government.
solved Compose an 800-word written analysis in which you identify the
/in /by adminCompose an 800-word written analysis in which you identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved. Take a balanced moral position offering a recommendation or a policy resolution. Please draw on the following approaches to ethics: utility, duty, rights.——— Prompt/subject matter is below——-Anticipating the possibility that their soldiers may one day be captured by the enemy, some modern armies include in their basic training exposure to torture techniques. That is, they subject their own troops to mild forms of torture in order that they may learn how to resist it. Is this practice justifiable morally? If you believe it is justifiable only under certain conditions, specify the conditions
solved Answer the two questions. Each must be between 500-700 words
/in /by adminAnswer the two questions. Each must be between 500-700 words with a minimum of 3 sources and in APA format and in-text citations. 1. Discuss in detail the two primary historical schools of thought presented in this week’s lesson pertaining to criminology i.e., the classical and positivist schools of criminology. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response. 2. Discuss in detail subcultural theory as it relates to delinquency and crime. Further briefly without using quotes give an overview of this article i.e., Nwalozie, C. J. (2015). Rethinking subculture and subcultural theory in the study of youth crime – A theoretical discourse. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology, 7(1), 1-16.
solved Using the research hypothesis that you formulated in Module 2(If
/in /by adminUsing the research hypothesis that you formulated in Module 2(If a community has more foot patrols in the area then the likelihood of crime would decrease.) find a few related Academic Journals and read them. Once you have finished, write an annotated bibliography. Â
Use 5 Academic JournalsÂ
Include APA Title Page
APA Formatted ReferencesÂ
The purpose of this assignment will be to provide a small literature review surrounding the 5 journals you have selected. You will select your journals based off of the question formulated for the hypothesis assignment. Please be sure to summarize your findings. Provide a synopsis of the measurements used in your articles as well as the findings.
solved I already picked Positouch- www.positouch.com Research a POS Company that
/in /by adminI already picked Positouch- www.positouch.com
Research a POS Company that you have chosen from the list below. Â Â Choose one that would work for a small bistro type restaurant establishment with 50 seats. Â
In a zoom presentation (aproximately 10 slides), explain its capabilities, its pros and cons and most importantly the cost.
Is it a flat cost or does it have a monthly service cost associated with it?Â
Why did you choose it?
Is it cloud based or not?
How long do you thing it will take you to recoup this investment?
Also any thoughts on what the company’s return will be? Â What will be better or easier if anything?
How would implementing a new POS or your first POS System be a cost saving move?