solved I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Project managers are given all sorts of projects.1. How do project managers prepare time and cost estimates for their projects, especially when they are not familiar with the project scope?2. How would you prepare time and cost estimates for your project?Understanding the critical path of a project is key. 3.How would you explain the concept of critical path to someone who may not be aware of it?4.How will understanding your project’s critical path affect your projects overall timeline?Required resource: Schwalbe, K. (2017). An introduction to project management (6th ed.). Retrieved from

solved I’m working on a psychology question and need a sample

I’m working on a psychology question and need a sample draft to help me study.Title – Bio-psychology in Social Work Practice.Hello, I need some help.The useful information are in the uploaded file(s).Please help me with QUESTION TWO ONLY. (around 300 – 500 words).The suggested textbook is:Introduction to Biopsychology. By John P. J. Pinel (Author).You can access some of the textbook materials from this internet link. the needed information are in this message and uploaded files.If there is anything with regards to the answers required/expected, you all can make the decisions, I trust that you all will try your best when answering the question.Thank you.

solved these questions and bettwen 250 and 300 words I added

these questions and bettwen 250 and 300 words I added the link and the files for the learning materials…1. Why did Gandhi use a non-violent approach? Was his goal political or a spiritual/religious one?2. Discuss possible non-violent approaches to other modern day conflicts. Do non-violent peaceful protests work? Provide examples. 3. For the first time since India gained independence from Britain in 1947, both the newly elected president, Ram Nath Koving, and his opponent, were from the dalit community, also knowns as “untouchables”. What does it say about social changes in India? Are there any equivalent to the “untouchables” in Western culture?

solved Assignment Directions Begin by selecting a topic in nursing that

Assignment Directions
Begin by selecting a topic in nursing that is of interest to you. You may chose from the topics : Addiction, Adherence, Alarm Safety, Comfort, Delirium, Depression., Diabetes Management, Discharge Teaching, Falls. Health and wellbeing of nurses, Infection control, Pain, Prenatal teaching, Prevention of post-operative complications, Sleep disturbances, Stress
Next, use PICOT to format possible research questions about that topic. Provide 3 possible PICOT research questions.
Include the following:

Title page
Provide a brief description of the topic and background information.
Explain the significance of the topic to nursing practice.
Provide 3 clearly stated PICOT questions.

solved In this assessment, you will be researching and writing about

In this assessment, you will be researching and writing about either a MNC or an SME. We appreciate that this may be the first time that you will be conducting this type (and length) of assignment!In the future, whether working in an organisation or continuing onto postgraduate level research, you will find that you will be asked to write reports that involve searching, critiquing, and offering solutions to organisational problems. This assignment is constructed to encourage you to think about how the theories you learn in class can be applied to real-world organisations that conduct (or could) business across country borders. ·Word limit: 3,000 words (+/-10%) – excluding references and appendices

solved Critical Review give you experience in reading, evaluating, and incorporating

Critical Review 
give you experience in reading, evaluating, and incorporating technical literature into your knowledge base. Although you must prepare a summary of the material read, emphasis must be placed on your evaluation of the literature:
How the information aligns with what you already know.
How the new information impacts your outlook.

The significance of the information to your knowledge base.
Include in your Critical Review why you selected the particular article and identify the article reviewed using a consistent citation format.Your Critical Review should be 2 pages of 12-pt double-spaced text with 1″-margins. Plagiarism will not be tolerated under no circumstances and in any form.

solved Changing the Law (DB 5) Answer the discussion topics or

Changing the Law (DB 5)
Answer the discussion topics or questions below to create an original posting.
Remember, this module has a significant foundation in current societal situations. As one can see from simply reading two articles on the same topic, there is more than one opinion on any given subject.
Why do you think that forces or organizations other than the Nursing Profession tend to steer or dictate policy related to Healthcare in the United States?
The Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2021.Describe the legislation and how YOU believe it will impact your practice. Take a stand for or against the proposed Bill and why you have chosen that position.

solved Prompt: In this essay, you will explore ethos, pathos, logos,

Prompt: In this essay, you will explore ethos, pathos, logos, audience, and underlying message(s) in an ad.
You can choose to focus on a specific ad, commercial, influencer or company.
You can also focus on the following topics: Gender constructs as a result of marketing and beauty standards as a result of advertising.
You can Pick a specific company and discuss that company’s advertising strategies or pick a company’s ad changes to analyze (for example how companies such as Old Spice, Barbie, Covergirl, Dove have changed their ad strategies to better suit our society). *Note, you cannot write on Old Spice*
You can also focus on how advertising and marketing has changed in/for your generation.

solved Life span development is something that everyone can relate to

Life span development is something that everyone can relate to because we all grow, develop, and change over time. While we know that we change, we may not know typical changes or how to explain these changes. Consider the field of life span development and the theories of development.Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What are some of the processes that contribute to life span development? How do these processes work together? What is an example of these processes working together?When reviewing the theories of development, which two theories did you find most interesting? Why? What is an example of a situation from your life that illustrates a component of one of these theories?

solved I’m working on a Accounting exercise and need support. Assignment

I’m working on a Accounting exercise and need support.

Assignment Question(s):                                                                        
Q1. Distinguish between Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return.  Give one pro and one con for each method.                                                                                                                
Q2. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage for the following pricing methods:  market-based  and cost- based              Â