solved I’m working on a english question and need an explanation

I’m working on a english question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Select a Saudi Arabian company. Describe this company’s experiences with mergers/acquisitions and alliances?

Why did the Saudi Arabian company merge/acquire and/or make alliances with other companies? That is, what competencies and opportunities did the Saudi Arabian company seek from its association with the target company?
Did the merger/acquisition and/or alliance create or destroy value? (Provide evidence to back the assessment of value creation/destruction.)
What recommendations would you make to the Saudi Arabian company concerning this or future mergers/acquisitions and/or alliances?

solved Part 1:Consider the six common elements of a short story,

Part 1:Consider the six common elements of a short story, including character, point of view, plot, setting and context, conflict and tension, and crisis and resolution.Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word short story that uses each of the six elements listed above. Grammar and punctuation variations are acceptable if they serve the needs of the piece.Part 2: Writer Q & AImagine you are being interviewed for a literary magazine.Use a question and answer format where you create and answer questions in 350 words regarding what you learned from writing your short story.Create questions and provide your responses that describe the use of plot, character, setting, and theme in your short story.

solved Hello, the assignment my professor assigned was to write an

Hello, the assignment my professor assigned was to write an essay that is two to three pages and double spaced in response to the question bellow. He also wants us to integrate the course material.The question for the prompt is as follows: Is the Unconscious real? Or just a metaphor, an analogy, a symbol? How is the unconscious an important resource for the development of the whole person? Using Professor Neff’s lecture and powerpoint on the psychology of Carl Jung, write your philosophical and psychological reasons why you agree or disagree with this important concept. I have provided the powerpoint it refers to and a pdf of the text by Rolheiser.Thank you very much for your help.

solved I’m trying to study for my Criminal Justice course and

I’m trying to study for my Criminal Justice course and I need some help to understand this question.

(1)What distinguishes differential association from differential reinforcement theory? How are each applied – give an example of each. (2) Identify someone you know who fits the profile of a person with low self-control. What aspects of low self-control personality do they exhibit? Do YOU think that you exhibit any of these traits? Be specific. (3)According to Lemert, how does an individual get labeled as a “deviant”? Do you agree? Why or why not? (4)How has the restorative justice perspective incorporated the offender, the victim, and the community? Does it work in your opinion?

solved Each of you will write a “quality letter”, either praising

Each of you will write a “quality letter”, either praising the good quality or criticizing the poor quality of a service with which you have had a recent encounter. You should be specific about the quality issues (price or billing arguments are not acceptable as “quality” issues). It is also desirable that you provide some suggestions to resolve the quality problem, if your letter is about poor quality. You may send your letter by snail mail or email. Be sure to submit a copy here. If you receive a response from the service company, please let me know and we will discuss it with the class.I attached an example letter in the pictures below, looks as if it should take no time at all.

solved As discussed so far in this course, the configuration of

As discussed so far in this course, the configuration of a network affects the options available for security and network defense. Using the network survey produced during the first part of this project, together with host vulnerability assessments and access requirements, you need to design an updated network structure. Scenario You have been working as a technology associate the information systems department at Corporation Techs for a while now. You have discovered so far that all of Corporation Techs’ computer systems share the same Class C public IP address range, including workstations along with servers providing authentication, e-mail, and both secure and public Web sites

solved guidelines: summarize your reactions to and understanding of “A Mind

guidelines: summarize your reactions to and understanding of “A Mind at a Time.” You will be responsible for reading chapters 1-9 and providing 6 reflective analyses related to the chapters. Below are guiding questions. Look at the guiding questions and prepare written responses that answerthe questions. Your responses should NOT be in a question-answer format but a well-developed response that is reflective. Responses should be approximately one-two pages(double spaced)in length.Full credit is based on (a) evidence that you have read the chapter; and (b) personal reaction/reflection/connection to the content of the chapter.note: chapters 1 & 2 are attached for your reference.

solved Assignment Question(s): (Marks 5)Question 2:An Electronic Company estimates the annual

Assignment Question(s): (Marks 5)Question 2:An Electronic Company estimates the annual demand for a certain product as follows:Week123456Demand649524561738515598Forecast the demand for week 7 using a five-period moving average? (Marks 1.5) (word count maximum:100)Forecast the demand for week 7 using a three-period weighted moving average. Use the following weights: W1 = .4, W2 = .4, W3 = .2 (Marks 1.5) (word count maximum:100)Forecast the demand for week 7 using exponential smoothing. Use α value of .1 and assume the forecast for week 6 was 602 units? (Marks 1.5) (word count maximum:100)What assumptions are made in each of the above forecasts? (Marks 0.5) (word count maximum:150)

solved I’m working on a history discussion question and need support

I’m working on a history discussion question and need support to help me learn.

American supremacy did not stand unopposed. Numerous challenges to American power rose around the globe
Please provide a minimum 250-word response that answers the following questions. Your response should use evidence from the text. Cite when appropriate. You may also use the attached document (it is not required) titled Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington, a controversial essay drafted in 1993 outlining some of the challenges facing our nation. 

Who challenged America’s global leadership?
Why and how did they challenge it?
To what degree, if any, were they successful?

solved I don’t understand this Social Science question and need help

I don’t understand this Social Science question and need help to study.

Link to Community Based Research Module:…1. With your field placement/internship as context, create a plan for engaging in community- based research. Provide a rationale for why this particular community-based research plan is needed. Who are you engaging? How are you engaging them? What do you hope to accomplish with this community-based research? You may have had the experience (or not) of having engaged in a community-based research task as a generalist practice intern. So you may choose a task that you have done or create one that you could have done.