solved Prepare a 15-page double-spaced essay (not including references)Topic – critical

Prepare a 15-page double-spaced essay (not including references)Topic – critical issue in correctional systems (Offenders with Mental Illness)Requirements – Present the issue, programs/policies dealing with the issue, and evaluations of the programs/policies.1) The nature and the background of the issue. And the seriousness of the issue. (20%)2) The programs/approaches dealing with the issue(20%).3) The effectiveness of the programs or approaches, strengths and weaknesses of the programs(35%).4) Future directions(10%).5) Reference and summarize at least six research studies (10%).6) At least 15pages, double-spaced, font size 12, citations and references. (5%)

solved Critical Thinking Week 61. What are the differences between dilated,

Critical Thinking Week 61. What are the differences between dilated, hypertrophic, and restrictive cardiomyopathy and what type of patient it might affect?2. How would you as a nurse change your plan of treatment, tests, lab, medication, etc.? 3. What changes might you see in their EKG tracing? 4. What is EF or ejection fraction? How is this affected with their disease process? 5. What is BNP (B-type natriuretic peptide) what is the significance and the level?Resources you can utilize (must still cite!)………

solved Discussion 2: Lumber Liquidators, Post by Friday, reply by Sunday

Discussion 2: Lumber Liquidators, Post by Friday, reply by Sunday
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Note: Discussion assignments will not be re-opened after the Sunday night assignment deadline. Points will be deducted if the initial post is past the Friday night deadline.
Watch this video from CBS’s 60 minutes.
Link (Links to an external site.)

Watch the video. Next, post a 200 word minimum discussion post. Tie the story into some of the concepts you have learned from this week’s textbook reading. Support your posting with some solid research, this is not an opinion piece. Cite your text at least twice and cite one outside research source within the initial post. 

solved 250 words. APA format. 2 references needed and cited.Define resilience.

250 words. APA format. 2 references needed and cited.Define resilience. How is this a protective factor in a child’s development? Provide an example of building resiliency in a child. What recommendations would you provide to new parents to promote resiliency in their children?Read “Mother-child Interaction and Resilience in Children with Early Developmental Risk,” by Fenning and Baker, from Journal of Family Psychology: JFP: Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (2012).URL:

solved Taylor v. Wake Forest University Please review Case Study 5.3

Taylor v. Wake Forest University
Please review Case Study 5.3 (Taylor v. Wake Forest University).  Then, answer the following prompts:  
Can liquidated damages be used as a penalty?  How are the damages determined as either liquidated or penalty?
What impact does a coach leaving have on his/her athletic program?  What are the damages in this type of situation that might be deemed compensable?
What steps might be taken to reduce the possibility of this situation occurring in the future?

Introduction to Sport Law With Case Studies in Sport Law-2nd Edition – Spengler, John O., Anderson, Paul M., Connaughton, Daniel P. , Baker III, Thomas A. – Google Books

solved Please use the attached document “Relationship Chart” for the detailed

Please use the attached document “Relationship Chart” for the detailed information on assignment completion.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

solved I’m working on a health & medical question and need

I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Choose an environmental health issue that you are most concerned about and care to address.

This can be any problem or health concern involving the environment

Locate 1-2 articles related to the topic you are interested in 

Articles should be published within the past 12 months
You can select a news article as well

Write a 2 paragraph summary  about the article(s) that you researched.

Each paragraph should be a minimum of 5 sentences each

What can be done to resolve or counter the environmental issue that was presented?

What solutions exist or are recommended?

solved I’m working on a law discussion question and need support

I’m working on a law discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Chapter. Management of Employee Conduct: Agency Law.
Chapter Governance and Structure: Forms of Doing Business.
Chapter Governance and Regulation: Securities Law.
   1. Discuss potential liability a principle may have to third parties based on the actions of an agent.  What factors may limit this liability?
   2. What general rights do shareholders hold in a corporation?  How do these rights vary, if at all, based on different classes of stock?
   3. Explain the difference in a corporate merger and a corporate consolidation, and include in your analysis supporting examples.

solved Part One:What are your thoughts on sugar substitutes? Do you

Part One:What are your thoughts on sugar substitutes? Do you think they are ok to consume or do you think they could be harmful? Using 2 research articles from Pubmed back up and clarify your view on the use of substitute sugars. (yay or nay)Be sure to use AMA reference style for the articles at the end of your paper. ( this is not to be counted as part of one page written paper)Double space, 11 FontPost your paper on the discussion board. Please post your paper two days before the due date so that you classmates can make a comment on your paper. Part TwoCreate your paper – response and read and respond to 2 classmates papers with a well thought out response.

solved The Declaration of Independence offers a case for overthrowing an

The Declaration of Independence offers a case for overthrowing an oppressive regime. Nine years later, the successful revolutionaries outlined in a constitution their ideal form of government to redress the problems brought by England’s tyrannical king. 76 years later, American slave Frederick Douglass fought his master and escaped slavery which was a serious crime. 100 years after that, Martin Luther King, Jr. violated local laws in his peaceful protests against continued racial injustices. Are these days over? If not, what kind of unjust law in existence today is worthy of civil disobedience? Offer to the group one such law and what should be done about it.