I’m working on a marketing project and need support to help me learn.Hi Im working in social project as own business .. my business is Adventure Agency it is call Bravue , I just need you to continue working on part 2 starting from question 7 until 12 NOTE ( in question number 8 I choose the audience tones in unformal way like friendly , funny , informative to talk with audience and we should talk in details for each platform what is the goals , what I have to post , type of content About cleander plan we can use somtinh form the internet for 3 months for each facebook, instgram,twittr .. I will mention the file for project one to understand the points
solved I’m working on a marketing project and need support to
/in /by adminI’m working on a marketing project and need support to help me learn.Hi Im working in social project as own business .. my business is Adventure Agency it is call Bravue , I just need you to continue working on part 2 starting from question 7 until 12 NOTE ( in question number 8 I choose the audience tones in unformal way like friendly , funny , informative to talk with audience and we should talk in details for each platform what is the goals , what I have to post , type of content About cleander plan we can use somtinh form the internet for 3 months for each facebook, instgram,twittr .. I will mention the file for project one to understand the points
solved Present both sides of the issue fairly; then justify your
/in /by adminPresent both sides of the issue fairly; then justify your viewpoint. End with at least three ethical discussion questions about the topic. Include a slide that lists your references in APA format (see the presentation outline section). Make sure your presentation features an appropriate number of slides and presents the information as clearly as possible. Avoid including slides with too many words, lack of clarity, and poor grammar. Use illustrations where appropriate. Utilize the notes section of the slide for large chunks of text or supporting information. 10-15 SLIDES. iNCLUDE PICTURESI have attached my Outline regarding Sexual Morality/Pornography
solved There was a rise and fall of lighter-than-air aviation, and
/in /by adminThere was a rise and fall of lighter-than-air aviation, and during this era, there was great promise for the success of this mode of transportation. Today, this type of aviation has virtually disappeared; except for the occasional use at sports or special events.Research the Internet for information about lighter-than-air aviation. In your initial post, address this question: Why do you think there was a rise and eventual fall of this particular mode of transportation?The ideal original, primary posting should be approximately 150 words. Reply to at least two of your fellow classmates’ posts with substantive replies by the final day of the module week.
solved I’m working on a writing question and need a sample
/in /by adminI’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Create a clear thesis in your introduction. You are supposed to state whether the author’s argument is strong or weak. Does she use good claims, evidence, or reasons? Include them in your thesis. You wrote about the author’s argument in your conclusion but you need to prove your points. Improve your topic sentences in the response by answering this question and proving your point by paraphrasing and quoting your source. Don’t discuss the issue. Your conclusion should go back to the evaluation of her argument (your thesis). Don’t use any additional sources except your article.
solved In the role of a defense lawyer, prepare an interview
/in /by adminIn the role of a defense lawyer, prepare an interview outline of a physician who referred samples from Ameritox. Assume that the physician was a speaker for Ameritox, had specimen processors at his/her office, and sales representatives hosted lunch-and-learn events.At the beginning of the outline, identify the facts you want to try to develop to help defend the company. Also, list the facts that the government might try to develop to prove that the company violated the AKS or FCA. Then draft questions that focus on developing the evidence necessary to assess whether the physician and/or Ameritox violated the Anti-Kickback Statute and False Claims Act.
solved assignemt is basically about struggling immigration business that provides visa’s
/in /by adminassignemt is basically about struggling immigration business that provides visa’s to students and other reasons… (business name is jenox Australia). i have changed the target market for the business to increase its sales and the new target market is south east Asia… i have attcahed all the relavent information down below. ……you ……… need to talk about new target market which is south east Asia ….2….competitor and gaps analsis of the market… 3…. advertisment aspects like look into what social media plat from is used most by public write the percentage of it and talk about jenox should use for example instgram for adverment purpose..
solved I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support
/in /by adminI’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
Discuss the significance of using Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory of development when looking at prevention opportunities in mental health. How do cultural belief systems fit into this model? Provide an example of a cultural belief system. How might this belief system impact approaches to prevention
solved Answer the following questions. 6-21.    What would
/in /by adminAnswer the following questions.Â
6-21.    What would be the advantages and disadvantages to Jennifer’s company of routinely administering honesty tests to all its employees?Â
6-22. Â Â Â Specifically, what other screening techniques could the company use to screen out theft-prone employees, and how exactly could these be used?Â
6-23. Â Â Â How should her company terminate employees caught stealing, and what kind of procedure should be set up for handling reference calls about these employees when they go to other companies looking for jobs?Â
solved Chapter 1 Discussion Consider the following popular beliefs:Â Crime rates
/in /by adminChapter 1 Discussion
Consider the following popular beliefs:Â
Crime rates increase when the moon is full.
Venting anger is healthy.
Abused children become abusive adults.
If you’re depressed, think happy thoughts and you’ll feel better.
Visualize success, and you’ll achieve it.
Positive thoughts can cure disease.
Consider the scientific method in determining the credibility of these claims. Does evidence support these claims? Is the claim reasonable? Could bias contaminate the results? Use the guidelines considered in this chapter and apply critical thinking as you reason on these claims.
Follow directions and answer all parts of the discussion topic
solved I’m working on a social science question and need support
/in /by adminI’m working on a social science question and need support to help me learn.
Congress is the lawmaking branch of government. Â However, the process of making laws is not well understood. Â For this assignment you’re going to learn more about that process by learning how a bill doesn’t become a law. Â
Start by watching this very basic explanation of how laws are made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFroMQlKiag
During the video our friend, Bill, an anthropomorphized piece of legislation almost dies. Â Truth is, most bills “die” all the time. Â Â If you watch this next video you’ll learn even more about it.Â