solved Read through the Case Study entitled “Highline Financial Services, Ltd.”

Read through the Case Study entitled “Highline Financial Services, Ltd.” (attached) in Chapter 3 of your textbook. Examine the historical trends this company has experienced for the three products (A, B, C) discussed over the 2 years shown.
Address the following requirements:

Prepare demand forecasts for the next four quarters for all three products, describe the forecasting method you chose and explain why that forecasting method is best suited to the scenario.
Explain why you did, or did not, choose the same forecasting method for each product.
What are the benefits of using a formalized approach to forecasting these products?

solved Overview: Risk assessment does not just include infrastructure. Risks can

Overview: Risk assessment does not just include infrastructure. Risks can also include technological challenges, such as network and data vulnerabilities, which was evident when the Federal Government’s OPM personnel data was stolen.
Create an 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation addressing the following:

Describe and provide an example of the terms information, cyber, and computer security. Explain the differences between the terms.
Identify and provide an example of the steps to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization’s mobile security plan. 
Contrast and provide an example of cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism

solved In this space, please complete an “informal response” to this

In this space, please complete an “informal response” to this week’s reading. This response should be 300-400 words in length.
Essentially the Informal Responses are graded as complete or incomplete. If your response meets the requirements (word length and addresses the correct assignments from that week) you will receive 25 points. If your response meets the requirements. but does not include a word length, you will receive 20 points.   If your response does not meet the length requirement and/or focuses on the wrong topic, you will receive 0 points. These points are part of your quiz grade. 
Gomez, Reversing Sail: Chapters 7 and 8

solved What were Musk’s and Eberhard’s goals in founding Tesla?How would

What were Musk’s and Eberhard’s goals in founding Tesla?How would you characterize competition in the auto industry?What do you think are Tesla’s core competencies? Does it have any sources of sustainable competitive advantage?What is your assessment of Tesla’s moves into (a) mass-market cars, (b) batteries (car batteries and Powerwall), (c) solar panels? Please consider both the motivation for the moves, and the opportunities and challenges for Tesla to compete in these businesses.Do you think Tesla will be profitable in all of these businesses? Why or why not?What do you think Tesla’s (or Elon Musk’s) strategic intent is?

solved I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

As the corporate HIM Director at the University of Maryland University College Medical Center (umgc-MC) you have identified an opportunity to improve percentage of complete and accurate health records that meet organizational and national compliance. You intend to design an in-service training for the HIM and clinical staff on the importance of completeness and accuracy of the health records and its role in effective healthcare delivery. What aspects would you like to highlight in the training that would help accomplish your goal?

solved  1.        Â

 1.         Identify the most important elements of the supply chain.
2.         Identify the key issue or issues one must consider when collecting operational data for evaluating and establishing the supply chain.
3.         Identify 2 issues with a real world supply chain of your choice.  Make recommendations to improve the supply chain including logistical and operational problems.  
4.         Create and insert the before and after diagram of the supply chain identified above.   To demonstrate effective analytical skills, explain how you would communicate the improvement to senior leadership.  

solved Based o Based on the link
Listen/ Watch Martin Luther King’s speeches. Assess the progress made since his speeches and where we need improvements. Suggest how those improvements can be achieved in concrete programs.…
Read the Washington Post series on Reimagining Safety. Suggest approachs to Community Policing, in the aftermath of the trial and verdict of George Floyd.  

Video of Martin Luther King… 

solved To install, go to SimaPro 9.1.1

To install, go to SimaPro 9.1.1 -> New SimaPro installation, choose “Single user installation file”.In the next page, enter your whatever email, whatever name, and “University of New Hampshire” as your company. You will then be prompted to download the installation file to your computer. SimaPro registration name: Faculty UNH 006SimaPro license code: 1BQCAN2HScwamwAIAAAA#csgqheg0JZ/HSDAAso4ZO46K3P1KHXp1KJ2+y9Al45ZBNtNdRCUkSRQq23s6RXNGHVgoDE8qWEAcn7SQ0XZW3YrtTg0J6lIyF05gzbJ8CmfO0D4F7nWwrJdddmbHXLawVrFGOsnGwObOqMMA8jVEnqiu+3qSSyRf+mhdyywv71AOur part is to finish step 4,5 and 6

solved Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you compare

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you compare the budgets for the City of Mesa, AZ; the City of Seattle, WA; and the City of Coolidge, AZ.Analyze the differences in the type of information presented to the public with each of the three cities’ budgets.Explain which budget provides the most useful information and which provides the least useful information for the public.Provide your perspective on why the public should have access to thorough budget information and how a public sector budget expresses the policies and choices of both elected and appointed government officials.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

solved Please watch the Ted Talk and the 7 elements of

Please watch the Ted Talk and the 7 elements of digital storytelling videos and read the link below to answer the questions…(1) In your own words, discuss the importance of using digital storytelling as an assignment tool for course projects. Use this week’s readings and videos to support your analysis. (2) In learning about the 7 elements of digital storytelling, what element or elements do you feel you could use successfully in creating your own digital story (for example, powerful use of music orsound effects.) Please make sure you reference the videos to support your analysis.