solved Vulnerable PopulationsAs you discovered in this week’s lectures and textbook

Vulnerable PopulationsAs you discovered in this week’s lectures and textbook readings, numerous vulnerable populations exist in the community.Identify three local organizations in your community that deliver healthcare services to vulnerable populations.Based on your research findings, answer the following:Which population does each organization serve?What services does it provide?Where does it get its funding (local, state, or federal sources)?Evaluate the relative value of each organization’s services to individuals and families in the vulnerable population it serves.Add references You may choose any community

solved Today you are going to find the claims of fact,

Today you are going to find the claims of fact, value, and policy in both articles and evaluate which article you think presents the strongest claim.After reading the articles and taking active reading notes, please open a google doc and complete the following. Write in complete sentences. Please format your google doc to look like this:PRO ARTICLE:1. Claims of Fact2. Claims of Value3. Claims of policyCON Article:1. Claims of Fact2. Claims of Value3. Claims of PolicyEvaluate:Which article had the stronger claims overall? Why do you think this? Use evidence from at least one of the articles to support your answer.

solved In this week’s reading Chase Hensel discusses how the activities

In this week’s reading Chase Hensel discusses how the activities which Yupik people spend so much time doing are the most important things for them in determining their identity. Think about your own identity in terms of your own activities, as a Californian, San Diegan, or some other part of your identity (ethnic or otherwise.) Are there any specific things that you spend time doing regularly that are important to your identity? Is it something you learned from your family? Is it something you would/do teach your children? Discuss one activity AND please relate Hensel’s article to your discussion for full credit.

solved This assignment is designed to illustrate the importance of nurse-sensitive

This assignment is designed to illustrate the importance of nurse-sensitive indicators in relationship to patient outcomes. USE THE NURSING PROCESS
Select a condition or disease.
Identify the nurse-sensitive indicators that relate to your selection, and indicate if they are structural, process, or outcome in nature.
Create a plan of care showing how you would employ the indicators to improve the outcome.
Format your plan of care and summary of the disease and nurse-sensitive indicator outcomes as one of the following:

18- to 20-slide presentation no need for photos, can be short slides and short notes underneath

solved Answer the following question in a 300-500 word essay ,

Answer the following question in a 300-500 word essay , using Linda Gordon, “The Women’s Liberation Movement” as the basis for your answer. Use the quotes or paraphrased points from Linda Gordon, “The Women’s Liberation Movement” : In what ways was the women’s liberation movement distinct from the law and policy orientation of the civil rights and labor movements? Provide 3 examples, drawn from the reading, to prove your argument.Note: any quote or paraphrased point should have a citation at the end with author’s name and page number (Wyman, XX). No need for a works cited since you are only use one reading.

solved I need someone to have full knowledge of Binfire WBS

I need someone to have full knowledge of Binfire WBS Once your WBS is entered into Binfire (all steps are listed and they are in the correct chronological order) your team will need to add in estimated times for each WBS item. To “ballpark” your materials for this project, use the following estimates: Labor $50/hr, Computer/Monitor $5000/ea., Tables $500/ea., Chairs $500/ea., Server $5000/ea., Security system $5000, LCD Projector/screen $7500. You will have to work on the costings, the estimated times have been assigned, you will need to work on the costings. The access to the project will be given once selected.

solved I’m working on a case studies discussion question and need

I’m working on a case studies discussion question and need support to help me learn.

1. To what extent has BMW repositioned the Mini?2. Discuss the differences between product innovation and service innovation.3. Discuss how some new services have created new business models.4. Explain why consumer market testing might not always be beneficial.5. Discuss the dilemma faced by all firms of trying to listen to customers’ needs and wants and, yet, also trying to develop new products for those customers that they do not yet serve.6. Discuss the many reasons why so many new products fail. Are there additional reasons?

solved This week, please discuss the following questions: Think about the

This week, please discuss the following questions:

Think about the last group project you worked on. Describe that project and identify three performance criteria you think would be appropriate for evaluating team members. Should each team member rate each other member on all these dimensions? Should the member ratings be used for feedback only or for feedback as well as part of the overall grade (assuming the instructor agrees)? Should the instructor rate each team member on performance (all three criteria) in the group assignment?
How are these questions relevant to setting up a 360-degree performance review?

solved In this course, you are full of knowledgeable of Scrum

In this course, you are full of knowledgeable of Scrum and the power that it holds to transform how work is done. Please a 5 page paper on the follow topic:1) In chapter 9 Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time , Jeff talks about going out and changing the world. Please complete a paper with the following sections- What makes scrum so revolutionary ?- Where can Scrum be implemented?- Please explian how culture is the biggest impediment in transforming a company-What role does leadership play in the transformation?- How will you personally advocate for scrum in any future jobs?- Write a conclusion

solved Toyota Supplier Relations: Fixing the Suprima Chassis I need a

Toyota Supplier Relations: Fixing the Suprima Chassis
I need a solution (answer) for the case study:
In this assignment, you will read a case study and answer the following questions:
1. What are the main contributors (causes) of the crisis at ChassisCo’s Athens plant in late 2004 (14 months after SOP)?

ChassisCo’s responsibility?
Toyota’s responsibility?

2. Considering these causes:

What are ChassisCo’s options for resolving the crisis?
What would you do if you were in charge?

3. Considering these causes:

What are Toyota’s options for resolving the crisis?
What would you do if you were in charge?