solved Written Assignment: Japanese MusicThe shakuhachi has a varied history as

Written Assignment: Japanese MusicThe shakuhachi has a varied history as a solo meditation instrument, a member of the gagaku orchestra, a crucial part of sankyoku, and a participant in jazz and other Western genres. Listen to the guided listening example of Tori Kadotsuke Hachigaeshi and answer the following questions:How does its tone, or timbre, differ from the sound of a Western flute?What qualities of the shakuhachi sound do you think make it desirable and flexible enough to participate in so many different genres?What qualities of Japanese aesthetics, as outlined in the chapter, do you hear in the piece?

solved Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination

Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your evidence-based change proposal. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your change proposal to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group? MY picot is In home health care setting (P) do hand hygiene practices
(I) compared to no hand hygiene practices (C), prevent transmission of
infection (O) reduce the spread of Infections within 30 Days since the Start
of the Project (T)?

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need an

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Discussion: What are the six planning tools and techniques discussed in the textbook (chapter attached). Using an example from your experience (as a student or at work), describe how you could use one of the techniques or tools to improve planning in your future. You may choose to apply your response to a specific goal in answering this question.

book citation: Uhl-Bien, M., Piccolo, R.F., Schermerhorn, J. R. & Bachrach, D.G. (2021). MGT-420 organizational behavior and management with WileyPLUS. Wiley & Sons.

solved Review the Goedhart and Koller (Links to an external site.)

Review the Goedhart and Koller (Links to an external site.) article on value creation. Now, revisit the company you wrote about in your discussion forum. For this paper:

Summarize the key points from the article regarding value creation
Identify how your company should create value, as it is discussed in this article
Describe potential challenges your company may have to overcome
Summarize how your recommendations to create value will positively affect customer segments and demonstrate how this could be part of a larger marketing strategy…  Business Plan

solved Review the supporting documentation provided in Blackboard Youtube Videos Read

Review the supporting documentation provided in Blackboard

Youtube Videos
Read about the Iceberg, Myers Briggs and Kilmann models
Review the topic slides on Individual Differences

Draft a research report that focus on the results of activity 1 and 2, include:

Your completed activity sheets for activity 1 and 2
Describe and analyze your individual strengths and preferences
Identify professional positions [jobs] that you are well suited for
Identify professional positions [jobs] that you are NOT suited for
Describe the options for improvement, that you can develop further as an individual



solved I expect full mark on the writing part and solving

I expect full mark on the writing part and solving the questions.Unit 1 Response Paper Prompt (75pts.)APA format, 12pt font, typed, double spaced, 500 word paper (list word count on paper)(Formatting 5pts.) (Using book as resource 5pts.)Why is it important to know how to design a psychological experiment? What are some possible ways that a researcher can go about measuring something they are interested in? If you were a researcher what psychological phenomena would you be interested in studying and why?——————————————-And for the files they are the questions that needs to be solved.

solved How much information should you tell a new partner and

How much information should you tell a new partner and how would you want to be told about a partner’s: past sexual behavior, sexually transmitted diseases/infections, sexual preferences, fetishes, transgender status. When in a relationship should you have these conversations? How does this affect the happiness and longevity of the relationship? these are some questions my teacher is using too answer. The book we use Lamanna, M., Riedmann, A. and Stewart, S. 2018. Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society. 13th Edition. this websitegives the book for free

solved Compose a three-paragraph essay  in which you reflect on

Compose a three-paragraph essay  in which you reflect on the importance of academic integrity in higher  education. Cite at least two sources you have read or viewed in this  course. Feel free to cite other sources to support your paper, including  scholarly articles on academic integrity. Organize your essay by  writing one paragraph for each of the questions below: 

Why is academic integrity important in higher education?
What are 2-3 examples of academic integrity violations related to course papers or capstone studies?
What can students do to avoid each academic integrity violation you identified?

solved so I have a marketing assignment due.Its basically a case

so I have a marketing assignment due.Its basically a case study and I dont need it in a document I need it on text so that my paper doesnt gets leaked by study pool i have been in trouble for plagirism previously.I also have 3-4 lectures of 1 hour each so that you can watch and write according. I need each para copied from document and i need on chat so that I can make a word doc.only Marketing expert to bid and please submit me work on chat I dont need a word doc because word doc is then used by study pool and it counts in plagirism when professor runs plagirism checkeri need all to be typed its a case study

solved undefinedAssignment Guidelines:undefinedMaximum 150 -200 words (Excluding references) written

undefinedAssignment Guidelines:undefinedMaximum 150 -200 words (Excluding references) written on a word document. The cover sheet should be added at the beginning of your paper and make sure to fill out all the relevant information on it.Use proper references by using APA format and DO NOT use Arabic references.Support your answer with examples. Font should be 12 Times New Roman.Color should be Black.Line spacing should be doubled space.DO NOT Bold, Italic, or Underline the paragraphs.AVOID PLAGIARISM otherwise you might lose most of total grade. Do not include the instruction page in your submitted paper.