solved I’m working on a english question and need guidance to

I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me learn.

Objective:Develop clear and effective transitioning between ideas and paragraphs. Directions:Step 1: View the Following Videos about TransitionsStep 2: Complete the Following ActivityCopy and paste two body paragraphs from your Essay 3 rough draft in a document. Add a seamless transition from the first paragraph to the second using an idea or phrase hook. Highlight the transitional sentences in yellow.Then, add a seamless transition from one IE to the other IE (from one of the examples to the next one). Highlight the transition in pink.

solved ContentPeople lead busy lives. Many individuals find it easy to

ContentPeople lead busy lives. Many individuals find it easy to lose track of just how much food and drink they have consumed throughout the day. This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to track and reflect on your nutritional intake. The results may surprise you!For this assignment, use the Nutritional Intake Worksheet (below) to:Familiarize yourself with the 2015-2020 USDA Dietary Guidelines for an adult.Track all of the food and beverages you consume for a 3-day period.Analyze your nutritional intake compared to the USDA Dietary Guidelines.Answer a series of self-evaluation questions.File:

solved I’m working on a law multi-part question and need guidance

I’m working on a law multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

1. In what way do INGOs and NGOs (Global Civil Society) participate within the International Human Rights Regime? Are they effective and what are some of the challenges they face2. According to the Council on Foreign Relations, what mechanisms within the United Nations help enforce human rights? Are they effective? 3. According to the CFR, what is one of the greatest challenges of utilizing these mechanisms?(300 Words)——-INFORMATION…

solved Can you help me understand this English question? Now that

Can you help me understand this English question?

Now that you’ve read about what Information Structures in Technical Writing, it’s time to review those concepts!
For this worksheet, you’ll offer 1-2 paragraphs each on the below information structures. In your paragraphs, define what the structure is, and note an example of when it may be useful. Don’t forget to include “Persuasion,” which is section 8 of this reading and was already reviewed in Week 6.
Information Structures to define and discuss:


solved Write a paper on an administrative change you would propose

Write a paper on an administrative change you would propose to make in a criminal justice agency in an effort to combat terrorism more effectively. 
Describe the prior situation, the reasons for the proposed change, and the anticipated positive results or potential negative consequences of the change.
Identify the resources the change would require or make available–financial resources, human resources, and training dollars–and the management support the change would need.
Source- Peak, K. J. (2015). Justice administration: Police, courts, and corrections management, 8/e (8th ed.). Pearson Education. 

solved Choose a journal article related to project scope, monitoring, or

Choose a journal article related to project scope, monitoring, or control (do not re-use a journal from a prior course).   Write a 2-3 page review of your chosen journal article.  Please choose a peer reviewed journal, and an article that has been published in the past five (5) years.
The review should contain the journal article title, author’s name and year of publication. 
Your paper should contain the following headings:

    Summary of the article
    Relevant points made by the author
    Critique of the article
    Application of the concepts in the article

solved I’m working on a religion discussion question and need an

I’m working on a religion discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Since Buddhism doesn’t really worship a god, is it a “religion? 
Then In another file, Pretend you are a travel agent and have to help a traveler choose the most important Buddhist site in the world to visit for his/her bucket list.
What one site (not country or region) would you name? In 250 words, describe that place for the traveler – highlighting its historic, cultural and religious significance.  Add some pictures for extra effect!

Holy sites of buddhism – Along with Buddha – part 1 (Links to an external site.)

solved Instructions: Review pp 514, 515. Women in Science and Math

Instructions: Review pp 514, 515. Women in Science and Math – STEM Field Review the article ” p517 “Policy and Adolescent Well-Being: Women in STEM. Answer the questions in a two to three-page paper response using Obamas’ article from the link below on women and girls in STEM as your example.See URL below on Obama While House article on STEM. Copy and paste the URL in Google to view. 234 Child and Adolescent DevelopmentDate: 6/17/21Professor BrooksTitle: Women in Science and Math

solved This is a part of a project and it is

This is a part of a project and it is to evaluate (Payment and Security) in this websites based on what you learn from this course and your perspective.
The Answer should be around 300 words in total (give or take). 
Use references if you can.
The questions are as follow:
What are the technologies used on the website to secure the online transactions? 
What other technologies can be added? Explain why? 
What is the current privacy policy of the online store? Outline how the information is collected and used?
What can be added to the privacy policy? Explain why? 

solved Read the Management Focus on, “NAFTA’s Tomato Wars,” available in

Read the Management Focus on, “NAFTA’s Tomato Wars,” available in your e-book (page no. 620), and answer the following questions: 

Do you think that Mexican producers were dumping tomatoes in the United States? Discuss. (mark:1)

Was the Commerce Department right to establish a new minimum floor price rather than scrap the agreement and file an antidumping suit? Who would have benefited from an antidumping suit against Mexican tomato producers? Who would have suffered? (marks:3)
What do you think is the optimal government policy response here? Explain your answer. (mark:1) 