solved Please review the case study document to assist you with

Please review the case study document to assist you with this assignment. For this assignment, you will be required to evaluate the initial classification that the correctional staff made for inmate Joe Schmoe. Specifically, please explain whether or not you believe that the classification for inmate Joe Schmoe was the appropriate placement for him in the jail. Remember to support your position with detailed information from this weeks readings and the case study.Your paper should have a minimum of 3 pages. The cover page and bibliography are not included in the 3 page minimum.

solved Write your  “leadership autobiography” in which you reflect on

Write your  “leadership autobiography” in which you reflect on your past and present leadership experiences. Do not submit your life story, this only pertains to your leadership experiences.
Refer to Chapter 1, Introduction, page 11, Table 1.2 Six Bases of Power (French & Raven, 1962). Use each of the powers in your narrative by applying them to your leadership experiences.  

Answer the following questions in your narrative:

What people have had a significant impact on you?
What leadership traits do they possess?

Did these traits impact your leadership style and how?

solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Questions:1. Tell us why you are going to College and include a few benefits you expect from this experience.2. What does success mean to you? You can refer to your reading about success in this lesson.3. Based on the results of the learning styles assessment that you completed and the video you watched, how would you best describe your own learning style(s) and study preferences? Which of the study strategies recommended for your learning style will you be using? Provide 3 detailed examples.

solved List the sources you will use in your Formal Report.

List the sources you will use in your Formal Report. Provide proper MLA or APA citations and place them in alphabetical order, If you need help determining how to cite your sources, use a Handbook. Appendix B in the text, and or the Library’s Citation Guides
You should list at least 4 sources
After each source, write a few sentences explaining what information you will use from that source in your report
This same thing is attached in the pic for clearing seeing.
All other material and feedback on my last work is in the link:…

solved Respond to the following:Can any firm beat Amazon in the

Respond to the following:Can any firm beat Amazon in the marketplace? If not, why not? If so, how can they best do so? How formidable a competitor is Google for Amazon? Please explain. Consider:What are Amazon’s major strengths?Does it have any weaknesses? Please explain.Is a potential concern for Amazon? Why or why not?Given the importance of understanding the external environment, why do some firms fail to do so? Provide examples of firms that did not understand their external environment.What were the implications of the firm’s failure to understand that environment?

solved Throughout this course, you will examine various topics related to

Throughout this course, you will examine various topics related to developmental psychopathology, including emotional and behavioral disorders of children and adolescents. For your Course Project, you are required to prepare an annotated bibliography on a topic approved by your instructor. My topic is Autism in children. The annotated bibliography should contain a minimum of 10 references. The annotated bibliography should focus on a major childhood disorder (Autism). At least 5 of the references should relate to treatment or treatment issues of your selected disorder (Autism).

solved Okay here are a few TED talks about Intelligence! 1)

Okay here are a few TED talks about Intelligence! 1) Is Intelligence Real? (Links to an external site.)2) Animal Intelligence (Links to an external site.)3) What does it mean to be Smart? (Links to an external site.)4) How to measure IQ (Links to an external site.)5) Finally – the Flynn Hypothesis! (Links to an external site.) Is there a common theme that goes through these 5 videos?Can you FIND SOMETHING in each video that relates to the chapter – I don’t need a long paragraph or a long description of the video… BUT just a bulleted list of how EACH relates to the chapter.

solved Compare and contrast Beethoven’s Violin Romance No. 2 and Scott

Compare and contrast Beethoven’s
Violin Romance No. 2 and Scott Joplin’s Maple Leaf RagGrading rubric: Provides a detailed explanation of the topic using terminology common to the subject. Provides a detailed evaluation of the topic, explaining why it is still relevant today. Explains in detail why topic/piece as an important example of the subject. Pieces thoroughly discussed, and insightful details provided.Here are the links for each music piece. Beethoven:…Joplin:…

solved Please use the information below to calculate on Excel. Don’t

Please use the information below to calculate on Excel. Don’t just simply enter the amount, he wants to see the calculation on Excel. Make an Excel that’s formatted the same way as the “Sample Project” (attachment below), but instead of inputting numbers and stuff, you’re creating formulas within the Excel that will help calculate for the Amortization Schedule (it has to work and do the correct calculations if the numbers change). I will need to submit the Excel file not a pdf. Lease term (years): 10Discount rate: 10%Annual lease payment: 90,000Bargain Purchase Options: 20,000

solved I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need support

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need support to help me study.

Discussion 7.1: Sociological TheoriesSearch the nursing literature and identify at least two articles (5 years or less) or studies describing how sociological theories are used in nursing. In your post, summarize the articles and explain how they can be applied to your nursing practice.Reply to at least one classmate’s post. (responses to post attached in word document)BOOK TO USE: McEwen, M. & Wills, E. M. (2017) Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins