solved Write CV in 1000 words, and I’ll give you my

Write CV in 1000 words, and I’ll give you my personal information which will make for you easy when you write it:Name: Asiya Rashid Mohammed Al MamariAge: 21Birth Date: 11/Dec/1999My CGPA: 3.1Level: 3University: National universityMajor: Electronic and instrumentationEmail: ID: 170213Note: you can add what you want, as long it will be consistent with the CV.*** Words count = 1000 words.*** I’ve uploaded file named:-Cover letter example-CV Sample-Cover Letter Formats-CV Guidelines-My CV (Here you’ll write the CV)

solved Can you help me understand this Psychology question? Assignment 2:

Can you help me understand this Psychology question?

Assignment 2: Reflections on Human Population Discussion Post Watch A World in Balance (Links to an external site.) in Week 1 Module and Read Chapter 2 in your textbook on human population. Then use this discussion board to post your thoughts, reflections, and questions on the population issues covered in the film and in the text.Use these questions to prompt your thinking:What did you learn about population?What surprised you?What concerns remain and/or what would you like to learn more about?

solved Read and discuss Meta-Leadership A Framework for Building Leadership Effectiveness

Read and discuss Meta-Leadership A Framework for Building Leadership Effectiveness The importance of meta-leadership in COVID you agree or disagree with the framework previously built upon Meta-Leadership effectiveness and the response to COVID-19 based on cyber technology and distribution of the information from 2020? Why? If not, why not?Provide an original post. This post is to be a minimum of 500 words.

solved I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need

I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Listen to episode 3 and 4Episodes — Bear Brook ( A detailed summary of the assigned episodes in your own wordsStrengths of the episodes / Did these episodes connect to the course content in any way? If so, how? Do theories help make sense of the crime in question?Weaknesses / Are there any unknown questions or concerns the author should address?Overall impressions / What are the key take-aways of the assigned episodes?

solved Analyze the three most important elements from the years between

Analyze the three most important elements from the years between 1945–2000 and how they shape life in the 21st century.

Choose elements from the following list:

Scientific advancements and innovations
Technological advancements and innovations
Medical advancements and innovations
Political policies (Global and/or national)
Political documents/doctrines
Global alliances
Global economy

Outline how you believe these three elements will continue to have an effect (or if the effect might increase or decline) in the next 20 years and why.

solved DB#5/Interpreting public education using the Symbolic Interactionist Perspectivefollowing You

DB#5/Interpreting public education using the Symbolic Interactionist Perspectivefollowing YouTube videos: 1-Conflict Theory & Functionalism applied to Education 2- Interpret public education using the Symbolic Interactionist Perspective.(Starting point: 5.19To view your classmate’s responses to this CTQ/Discussion Broad Topics, you must first respond to the CTQ/DB Topic yourself. Students must create a thread “first” in order to view other threads in this forum. If your first post is not your own response to the CTQ, 8 points will be deducted.

solved I’m trying to learn for my Humanities class and I’m

I’m trying to learn for my Humanities class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Discussion Prompt:
What heroic qualities did Homer emphasize through example (heroic) and contrast (not heroic) in characters such as: Achilles, Agamemnon, Hector, Paris, and Odysseus.  Of those mentioned above, rank each from most heroic to least heroic and why you think so? 
Approx. 500 words
Link (Links to an external site.) Summary of Homer’s Iliad
Link (Links to an external site.)—Summary of Homer’s Odyssey
Link (Links to an external site.)–Background on Homer

solved I’m working on a management question and need guidance to

I’m working on a management question and need guidance to help me study.

Discussion: Change
Compare/contrast the traditional versus the contemporary views of change. Which approach do you prefer and why?
Discussion: Unions
After reading the assigned text chapter and links to articles, do you think that unions accomplish what they set out to do? Explain your answer and give examples.………

solved Activity #6 – What kind of diction is being used

Activity #6 – What kind of diction is being used in this poem? How does the diction help you better understand the poem?Activity #7 – Describe the character (Persona) in Langston Hughes’ “Theme for English B.”Activity #8 – What is the overall meaning of the poem “Grass” by Carl Sandburg? How do the allusions in the poem help us better understand it?Activity #9 – Turn to page 425 (441), and identify the connotative terms in Frost’s “Fire and Ice.” What are the denotative definitions of the words, and what are their connotative meanings?

solved The four principles, especially in the context of bioethics in

The four principles, especially in the context of bioethics in the United States, has often been critiqued for raising the principle of autonomy to the highest place, such that it trumps all other principles or values. How would you rank the importance of each of the four principles? How do you believe they would be ordered in the context of the Christian biblical narrative? Refer to the topic study materials in your response. The content that must be referenced is from the following website:…